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FPB Strategy 2016 – 2020 March 2016 Department of Communications

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1 FPB Strategy 2016 – 2020 March 2016 Department of Communications

2 Vision, Mission and Values FPB Challenges FPB Priorities
Presentation Outline Vision, Mission and Values FPB Challenges FPB Priorities Strategic Outcomes per priority theme Key Indicators Proposed changes and focus for 2016 DoC Strategy Alignment Budget Recommendations

3 Vision 2011/12 A credible and visible content regulator that protects consumers 2012/13 A credible and visible content regulator that protects consumers 2013/14 A leading credible visible content classification authority in SA 2014/15 A leading, credible and visible content classification authority 2015/16 A leading, credible and visible content classification authority

4 Vision, Mission, Values Vision Mission Values
Leading and Credible Content Regulator Vision “Ensure effective child protection, empowerment of consumers and contribution to economic growth of the industry through regulation of media content” Mission Accountability, Human Dignity, Social Justice, Integrity, Transparency, and Professionalism Values

5 Priorities Technology driven content classification.
Consumer education (empower adults and protect children). Legislative review (platform neutral legislative regime). Local and International partnerships (to ensure better regulation of the web). Research, Compliance Monitoring and Monitoring & Evaluation to inform future priorities. Funding and Resource Mobilization. Integrate informal business into formal business.

6 Challenges Proliferation of content to various platforms
Increased emphasis on governance and compliance – skills gap Inadequate Empirical data Limited M&E mechanisms Limited funding options

7 5 year Strategy

8 Strategic Outcomes per priority theme
Research, Compliance , Monitoring & Evaluation Purpose Inform future priorities , current decision making and opportunities Strategic Outcome SO 1 - Effective and visible monitoring of industry throughout the entire value chain (content creators, producers and distributors of FPGs) for the protection of consumers and primarily children and adults through information.

9 Strategic Outcomes per priority theme
High Impact, High Visibility Communications Purpose Consumer education, outreach to build active citizenry, empower adults and protect children Strategic Outcome SO2 - Informed consumers, general members of the public and industry about the mandate, programmes and operations of the FPB.

10 Strategic Outcomes per priority theme
Resourcing and Financing Plans Purpose Tariff structure reform and new revenue streams Strategic Outcome SO 3 - Effective and efficient and Sustainable management of FPB operations.

11 Strategic Outcomes per priority theme
Policy and Legislative Review and Alignment Purpose Set global best practice and national priorities , technologically adaptable legislative regime Strategic Outcome SO 4 - Effective and innovative regulation of the content distributed on online, mobile and related platforms for the protection of children, youth and adults through information.

12 Strategic Outcomes per priority theme
Technology Driven Content classification Purpose Building an innovative and capacitated organisation Strategic Outcome SO 4 -Effective and innovative regulation of the content distributed on online, mobile and related platforms for the protection of children, youth and adults through information.

13 Strategic Outcomes per priority theme
Regional, Continental and International Partnerships Purpose Optimise outcomes and integrated regulation of the web, International Partnerships and National Cooperation Strategic Outcome SO 5 - Expansion FPB foot print and qualitative impact through effective partnerships and stakeholder relationships in pursuance of our mandate.

14 Measurements of success – FPB Key Indicators
Level of distributor compliance Levels of consumer awareness and behavioural changes Levels of organisational efficiency and effectiveness

15 Proposed changes and focus for 2016
Exco presented the following key aspects for review of the strategy; All strategic outcomes remain The following initiatives be amended/added ; Anti Piracy Program (added) Cyber Security interventions Community Media Plan Provincial stakeholder engagement forums Ongoing and questions and implications for FPB Strategy Impact of Digital Migration on operations of the organization Organisation’s position and influence on SADC Digital Migration Forum Organizational capacity vs mandate Online Regulation readiness and funding Revenue Streams Tariff structure

16 NDP 2030 Outcome FPB Strategic Outcome
FPB alignment to the NDP focuses on Outcome 12 and Outcome 14 Outcome FPB Strategic Outcome Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development oriented public service Ensure effective and innovative regulation of content distributed online, mobile and related platforms to protect children and inform the general public/ responsible use of technology by all. Outcome 14: Nation building and social cohesion creating equal opportunities righting the wrong of the past Non-sexism Non-racialism Fostering constitutional values (using schools and school curriculum) Protection of children against harmful content Moving from Censorship to Classification Authority Making connections to child pornography and child exploitation to other crimes: human trafficking; drug trade – and seek and consolidate inter sectoral as well as regional efforts in combating these. Contributing towards schools curriculum on cyber safety /

17 Medium-term expenditure
Budget 2016/17 Summary of Strategic Outcome budget Table 3.2 Film and Publication Board expenditure trends and estimates by programme/objective/activity Audited outcome Revised estimate Medium-term expenditure R thousand 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Administration 53 037 54 274 53 938 57 597 71 727 75 160 79 771 Public awareness and education (SO 2) 7 851 9 507 10 541 10 891 9 611 10 822 11 393 Organisational capacity and capability (SO 3) 23 135 4 674 5 196 5 540 Online and mobile content regulation (SO 4) 926 1 838 7 906 8 168 7 686 7 467 7 793 Administration and compliance (SO 5) 2 540 1 581 6 149 6 353 1 243 1 359 1 443 Total 87 489 76 707 89 075 93 900 94 941

18 Budget 2016/17 Approved MTEF Budget Statement of financial performance
Audited Outcome Revised estimate Medium-term estimate R thousand 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Revenue Non-tax revenue 5 896 4 439 7 940 6 133 8 469 8 320 8 938 Transfers received 69 835 82 675 78 901 82 359 86 472 91 684 97 002 Total revenue 75 731 87 114 86 841 88 492 94 941 Expenses Current expenses 87 489 81 680 81 235 Compensation of employees 31 299 36 116 41 799 40 153 49 198 51 610 54 947 Goods and services 53 522 42 381 36 256 45 156 45 743 48 394 50 993 Depreciation 2 668 3 183 3 077 4 Interest, dividends and rent on land 103 Total expenses Surplus/(Deficit) (11 758) 5 434 5 606 -


SO: 1 Effective and Visible monitoring of films, games and certain publications throughout the entire value chain (content creators, producers and distributors of fpgs) to protect children and inform the general public ANNUAL TARGET 2016/17 QUARTERLY TARGET Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Implement Automated Process Ensure a fully functional FPB ONLINE, and ERMS System Develop a compliance monitoring reporting system Ensure a fully functional FPB ONLINE and ERMS System Conduct Tests and Pilot the compliance monitoring reporting system Ensure a fully functional FPB ONLINE and ERMS System Implement the compliance monitoring reporting system Ensure a fully functional FPB ONLINE and ERMS System Review the effectiveness of the compliance monitoring reporting system All QAs, Chief Classifier and classifier reports captured electronically on ERMS Conduct a Review of the FPB ONLINE Audit Process Conduct consultations with gaming industry on post 2014/15 Audits Review and finalise the game audit model Implement the reviewed games audit model Classify 100% of legible submissions Classify 100% of all submitted legible submissions Implement Classification Governance Framework Implement and Monitor the Classification Governance Framework Roll out the classification training manual to all classifiers and contracted online distributors Conduct an impact assessment study on the effectiveness of the training workshops Unavailability of distributors for training

SO: 1 Effective and Visible monitoring of films, games and certain publications throughout the entire value chain (content creators, producers and distributors of fpgs) to protect children and inform the general public ANNUAL TARGET 2016/17 QUARTERLY TARGET Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Review and approval of the labelling system Review the labelling system and incorporation of final industry inputs Ensure approval of the labelling plan by Council Implement the approved labelling plan Approval and Implementation of the online policy Online Policy approved by Council Public dialogues and marketing of the Online Regulation Policy Review and monitoring of steps taken by online distributors in contemplation of full implementation of the Policy on 31 March 2016 Review and Implement online and classification tools for online games and apps classification by industry. Attend the International Apps Rating Coalition conference, workshops and AGM, and pursue FPB membership Maintain relationship with IARC and participate in all programmes for online games and apps classification. Maintain relationships IARC and elicit their inputs on FPB Draft revised fees structure and tariff. All recommendations implemented in terms of the approved implementation plan Development and approval by Council of FPB IARC membership position paper. Implementation of Internationally reviewed guidelines (To be rephrased as: Implementation of reviewed guidelines) Develop Classification Guidelines review plan Implement review plan - Conduct convergence surveys respondents No activity - Design Convergence survey project plan Project roll out as per plan - Analysis and report of survey findings Conduct 4 focus groups to assess implementation of guidelines - Develop focus group project plan - Convene 1 Focus Group - Compile focus group report with key findings

SO: 1 Effective and Visible monitoring of films, games and certain publications throughout the entire value chain (content creators, producers and distributors of fpgs) to protect children and inform the general public ANNUAL TARGET 2016/17 QUARTERLY TARGET Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Develop and Implement revised fees structure & tariff for physical and online content regulation and classification Commission a study on the appropriate fees structure and tariff for physical and online content regulation and develop a draft Fees structure & Tariff Draft fees structure and Tariff approved by Council. Consultation with industry on the approved Draft & fees tariff for inputs and comments Consolidate industry inputs and comments Final fees structure & Tariff approved by Council & submitted to Minister for approval Implement regulation and ensure compliance to FP Act Quarterly meetings with the Department of Communications to engage on the progress of the Bill. Identification of unregistered distributors on physical platforms:2000 Identification of unregistered distributors on physical platforms:500 Conversion of distributors on physical platforms:25% of unregistered Identification of new distributors:160 Identification of new distributors:`160 Online compliance monitoring to ensure compliance of online distributors Online Inspections: 160 ISP Inspections: 160 iTunes Inspections: 160 Social Networks: 160 Online Inspections:160 ISP Inspections:160 iTunes Inpsections:160 Social Networks: 160 Online Inspections: 160 ISP Inspections: 160 iTunes Inspections: Social Networks: 160

SO: 1 Effective and Visible monitoring of films, games and certain publications throughout the entire value chain (content creators, producers and distributors of fpgs) to protect children and inform the general public ANNUAL TARGET 2016/17 QUARTERLY TARGET Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Conduct 24 Raids with Law enforcement to enforce compliance with the Act Conduct 6 Raids (2 in each region) with the approved cooperation of LEA's Inspection of existing distributors (Targeted) to physical platforms:6000 Inspections to existing distributors :1400 Inspections to existing distributors:1600 Inspections to existing distributors:1400 Inspections to existing distributors :1600 Implement a training program for KM Champions and staff Develop KM Training program and manual for staff and KM champions Implement training program Implement an off-site storage and document destruction project Develop project plan for offsite storage and document destruction of organisational documents Implement Project Plan Finalise project plan Monitor compliance to Records management policy Compile and Annual Research Agenda - Develop and distribute questionnaire to Council; Exco and Management - Collate and Analyse feedback from Council; Exco and Management Design a Research plan; based on the feedback received Rollout of Research plan - Partner with at least 2 universities to leverage research capacity and assist with FPB knowledge creation - Develop Terms of Reference for proposed partnerships - Make a call for proposals from Universities in South Africa - Draft MoU and sign off with identified universities - Implement MoU Implement MoU Info Hub marketing and maintenance Implement Info Hub Marketing Plan

24 SO2: Consumers, general members of the public and industry informed about the mandate of the FPB
ANNUAL TARGET 2016/17 QUARTERLY TARGET Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 *Issue 4 quarterly external newsletter copies (The Scene) *Develop and implement marketing plans for approval *Issue external newsletter *Implement approved marketing, media, digital and outreach plans *Issue external newsletter *Implement approved marketing, media, digital and outreach plans *Issue external newsletter Develop media relations plan for FPB programmes and Units *Develop media relations strategy for approval Implement approved media relations strategy 1 opinion piece written Implement approved media relations strategy 4 media dialogues hosted 1 Media dialogue hosted *10 television interviews conducted *15 Radio interviews conducted *20 print/online articles *3 television interview secured *5 radio interviews *7 print /online article *2 television interview secured *3 radio interviews *3 print /online article *3 television interview secured *4 radio interviews *7 print /online article *2 television interview secured *Develop and implement outreach and public education campaigns *Support Minister and CEO's engagements *Participate in National Days Exhibitions *Develop and implement outreach and public education plan for approval *Compile outreach and public education M&E report *Implement approved outreach and public education plan *Compile outreach and public education M&E report *Implement approved outreach and public education plan *Compile outreach and public education M&E report *Develop digital media plan for approval *Increase social media numbers by 5% *Compile quarterly digital Media M&E report *Implement approved digital media plan *Increase social media numbers by 5% *Compile quarterly digital Media M&E report *Implement approved digital media plan *Increase social media numbers by 5% *Compile quarterly digital Media M&E report *Increase social media numbers by 5% *Compile quarterly digital Media M&E report *Implement approved Internal Communications Plan *Issue 6 bi-monthly internal newsletter copies of (The Script) *Issue 1 internal newsletter *Convene quarterly staff workshop *Issue 2 internal newsletter *Convene quarterly staff workshop *Issue 1 internal newsletter *Convene quarterly staff workshop * Issue 2 internal newsletter *Convene quarterly staff workshop

25 SO 3: Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations
ANNUAL TARGET 2016/17 QUARTERLY TARGET Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Review and implement approved FPB Structure changes Conduct analysis on FPB Structure. Analysis and Review. Ongoing recruitment in response to general turnover trends. Approval for proposed FPB Structure. Ongoing recruitment in response to general turnover trends. Implement approved FPB Structure. Ongoing recruitment in response to general turnover trends. Preparation of Annual Review structure. Ongoing recruitment in response to general turnover trends. Implement Remuneration Strategy - Implement Multiyear Agreement. Pay Progression. Job Profile Reviews. Remuneration Adjustments negotiated and implemented. 2016/17 Pay scales implemented. Job Grading - all posts. (total FPB review) Remuneration review Analysis. Employee Benefits Review. Annual Salary Negotiations with Union (2017/18). Preparations for 2017/18 pay scales. Revise, implement and evaluate change management programme. Follow Up Employee Satisfaction Survey. Continue team based coaching. Workshop on values, diversity and social co-hesion. Develop Organisational Culture program. Continue team based coaching. (values and diversity) Implement Organisational Culture program. Continue team based coaching. (values and diversity) Review of Organizational Culture Program. E-valuate efficiency of team based coaching. Implement organisational skills plan Implement Workplace Skills Plan 2016/17 Review of Workplace Skills Plan. Compile Annual training Report. Signed PDP's for 2017/18 WSP Call for 2017/18 Educational Assistance Applications. Submission of Workplace Skills Plan to SETA.

26 SO 3: Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations
ANNUAL TARGET 2016/17 QUARTERLY TARGET Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Implement and revise approved Succession plan Implement Succession plan Review effectiveness of implemented succession plan Approved FPB HR Strategy implementation Review the HR Strategy Approval of revised HR Strategy Implementation of revised HR Strategy Implement revised tariffs as approved by minister Implement Approved Tariff Implement Approved Tariff. Review Tariffs and implement findings from research on Regulation Tariffs Implement Approved Tariffs. Submit new tariffs for approval and Gazetting Implement 50% of the cost saving initiatives as per the plan N/A Implement 25% of the plan by Mid-Term Implement 25% of the plan by Year End Initiate the approved office expansion strategy Develop an office expansion strategy Submit the approved expansion strategy to Department of Public Works for implementation Enter into 2 contracts for sourcing identified key goods and services Develop a key goods and services needs analysis Award contract to service provider for 1 key goods and service 50% of all transactions over R100,000 must be awarded to companies with a BBBEE contribution level of 3 and lower Produce SCM report on BBBEE spending Conduct quarterly trends analysis Compile quarterly trends analysis reports

27 SO 3: Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations
ANNUAL TARGET 2016/17 QUARTERLY TARGET Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Implementation of call centre system to ensure efficient service delivery. Review of customer care standards to assess service delivery efficiency. Monitor implementation of Customer Care Standards Implementation of Customer Care Standards - Review findings/recommendations Ensure resolution of all queries wthin the set turnaround times. Decentralise administration of distributor license applications to regional offices Conduct a study on decentralisation and infrastructure readiness in the regional office Conduct a study on decentralisation and infrastructure readiness regional offices develop implementation plan from the recommendations in the study Implement Study recommendation Accurate and timely distributor licenses issued within the set turnaround time. Assess the level of adherence to the set turnaround times in the processing distributor licenses for both registrations/ renewals and classification. Conduct quarterly surveys to assess quality of service rendered targeting 150 respondents Send the online survey tool to 50 reposndents and generate quarterly analysis reports. Send the online survey tool to 50 respondents and generate quarterly analysis reports. Develop a comprehensive analysis report of the 150 respondents Marketing and Publicity of the contact centre in line with the communication strategy Develop content for publishing on various communication platforms in line with the communication strategy Develop 3 pieces of content for publishing Compliance management reporting Consolidate and report on organisational Compliance

28 SO 3: Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations
ANNUAL TARGET 2016/17 QUARTERLY TARGET Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Increased organisational risk maturity levels Conduct Strategic Risk Assessment workshop Update Operational Risk Registers Implement risk management plan activities Update Strategic and Operational Risk Registers Implement risk management plan activities Automate risk management processes Update Strategic and Operational Risk Registers Implement risk management plan activities Review and update ERM Policies, Frameworks and Plans Update Strategic and Operational Risk Registers Implement risk management plan activities Submit for approval all ERM Policies, Frameworks and Plans Implementation of fraud prevention strategy and plan Conduct awareness workshop on Fraud Prevention including Promotion of ethical behaviour in the workplace Establish a whistle blowing hotline Conduct fraud risk assessment Conduct awareness workshop on Fraud Prevention including Promotion of ethical behaviour in the workplace Review & update the Fraud Prevention Policy, Strategy and Plan Conduct awareness workshop on Fraud Prevention including Promotion of ethical behaviour in the workplace Conduct fraud risk assessment Submit for approval the Fraud Prevention Policy, Strategy and Plan Annual update and implementation of Business Continuity Management plan and disaster recovery plans Implementation and quarterly reporting of BCP and DRP Disaster Recovery site testing Review of BCM and DRP Implementation and quarterly reporting of BCP and DRP Submit for approval the BCM and DRP documents Implementation and annual reporting of BCP and DRP Implement the organizational Performance Planning Management. Compile and submit quarterly reports to the accounting authority

29 SO 3: Effective and efficient management of FPB Operations
ANNUAL TARGET 2016/17 QUARTERLY TARGET Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Conduct annual strategic planning process Implement Strategy as per 2015/16 APP - Develop Strategic review plan and APP development process - Implement Planning Process. - Submit draft 1 of Strategic plan and 5 year Plan - Finalise APP and obtain approval of Strategy and APP 100% compliance with SCM policy. Implement Contract Management directive Accountability of all assets and quarterly physical verification. Consult National Treasury for updates on SCM legislation and implement SCM checklist. Review status of current contracts and report Consult National Treasury for updates on SCM legislation and implement SCM checklist. Review status of current contracts and report Physical assets verification on quarterly basis. Consult National Treasury for updates on SCM legislation and implement SCM checklist. Review status of current contracts and report 100% compliance with the Corporate Governance Framework Review the Corporate Governance Framework Full implementation of and compliance with the Governance Framework Ensure all members of Governance structures have submitted the members' declarations Members' declarations of Interests properly filed and kept up to date 100% implementation of the Annual Programme Approval of the Annual Programme All Council and Committee meetings held in accordance with the Annual Programme All Council and Committee meetings held in accordance with the Annual Programme

30 SO 4: Ensure effective and innovative regulation of content distributed online, mobile and related platforms to protect children and inform the general public ANNUAL TARGET 2016/17 QUARTERLY TARGET Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 - Implement Online Content Regulation system and compliance monitoring tools Set up and configuration of client computers (Phase 1) User testing and sign-offs (Phase 2) Final end - to - end testing and Go-Live (Phase 3) Post implementation Review (Phase 4) Complete Implementation of systems integration Post Implementation Review. Transfer of skills to internal resources. System stabilisation (Phase 2) Support and Maintenance (Phase 3) Support and Maintenance (Phase 4) Complete all process automation Automation for the HR, SCM and Governance Going live with Finance, IT, Legal and HR (Phase 2) Going live with client support, Operations and Governance (Phase 3) Implement recommendations of the Health check and AG (Auditor General) Implement exchange and SQL backup tool. Terms of reference and RFQ for configuration management tool (Phase 2) Acquisition and installation (Phase 3) Complete test and go live of the configuration management tool (Phase 4) Upgrade of the Data Centre Assessment of the Data Centre environment and development of the project plan (Level 1) Acquisition of hardware (Level 2) Installation and configuration (Level 3) Testing and commissioning of the data centre (Level 4) Achieve 98% system availability quarterly Systems maintenance (monitoring and reporting on systems availability)(98% systems availability)

31 SO 4: Ensure effective and innovative regulation of content distributed online, mobile and related platforms to protect children and inform the general public ANNUAL TARGET 2016/17 QUARTERLY TARGET Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Review and Implement online and telephonic tools for addressing cyber safety of children Ensure a fully functional Hotline and Prochild Website; Maintain relationships with child welfare organisations, SAPS and INHOPE Implementation plan for INHOPE recommendations developed and approved by EXCO Ensure a fully functional Hotline and Prochild Website; Maintain relationships with child welfare organisations, SAPS and INHOPE All recommendations implemented in terms of the approved implementation plan Ensure a fully functional Hotline and Prochild Website; Maintain relationships with child welfare organisations, SAPS and INHOPE All recommendations implemented in terms of the approved implementation plan Roll out cyber safety and child protection initiatives in 6 provinces Approval and implementation of the cyber safety and child protection plan by EXCO Rolling out of cyber safety and child protection initiatives in one province targeting 100 parents and 100 learners Rolling out of cyber safety and child protection initiatives in two provinces targeting 200 parents and 200 learners Rolling out of cyber safety and child protection initiatives in one province targeting 100 parents and 100 learners Annual evaluation report developed and approved by EXCO Inhope online training and certification of CPU, New Media Specialist and online monitors Implementation of the INHOPE ONLINE training system Training need for CPU Officer, New Media Specialist and Online Monitors identified and training plan developed & approved. CPU Officer, New Media Specialist and Online Monitors trained and certified. Monitoring and evaluation of the training received by the CPU Officer, New Media Specialist and Online Monitors Train 300 Educators on cyber safety Approval of the Educators Training plan by Council Pilot the training to 26 schools in one province targeting 200 educators Pilot the training to 6 schools in one province targeting 100 educators Monitoring and evaluation of the training provided and feedback from teachers and learners received.

32 SO5: '- Expand our footprint as the FPB through partnership and stakeholder relationships in pursuance of our mandate ANNUAL TARGET 2016/17 QUARTERLY TARGET Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Implement the stakeholder relations plan Develop the stakeholder relations plan for approval Review the strategic partnerships Implement the stakeholder relations plan Implementation of the stakeholder relations strategy Conduct stakeholder satisfaction survey Establish and engage stakeholders in the continent Develop the African engagemt concept document and plan Establish and engage one stakeholder in the continent Host 4 quarterly stakeholder engagement sessions (including one CEO's engagements per quarter) Host 1 quarterly engagement session Develop 4 partnership assessment reports Develop quarterly partnership report Undertake an International engagement and benchmarking Develop the international engagement concept document and plan for approval Attend the INHOPE AGM Undertake a benchmarking/ study tour Attend the INHOPE General Assembly Undertake a benchmarking/study tour Attend 4 film and gaming festivals Participate at 1 International Film/gaming Festival

33 FPB OUTCOME 14 contribution
Actions Indicator 2016/17 Target Promote the Bill of Responsibility and the Bill of Rights Constitutional values and national symbols amongst children in school Number of outreach activities and people reached *Develop and implement outreach and public education campaigns *Support Minister and CEO's engagements *Participate in National Days Exhibitions Policy interventions to make families better able to foster values such as tolerance, diversity, non-racialism, non-sexism and equity   Number of people in attendance at public dialogues Approval and Implementation of the online policy Promote heritage and culture: Ensure government invests in the cultural and creative industries, Honour and celebrate our collective heritage by promoting our diverse cultural identities; Promote our new museums Number of quarterly engagement sessions hosted Host 4 quarterly stakeholder engagement sessions (including one CEO's engagements per quarter) Use international events to promote South Africa as a diverse socially cohesive nation The number of international film and gaming festivals attended Attend 4 film and gaming festivals

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