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Presentation on theme: "Ecosystem."— Presentation transcript:

1 ecosystem

2 environment All the living and non-living things surrounding organisms.

3 ecosystem A community and its physical environment together.

4 population All the individuals of the some kind living in the same ecosystem.

5 community All the populations of organisms living together in an environment.

6 Lizard Most lizards live in trees or on the ground. Only a few live in the water. Lizards are small cold-blooded animals that have long tails,eyelids,and usually have four legs and five toes on each foot. Most lizards also have ear openings. The wall lizard or gecko, found in most homes, is not poisonous at all. It only check insect population. The only poisonous lizard in the world is the ncloderma,also called the gila monster and beaded lizard. It’s found in large numbers near the gilariver in south. Western united states.

7 Hawks Females are larger than the males. Large species of hawks reach the length of 22 inches with wingspan of 55 inches. Hawks are characters by sharp talons, large cured bill and muscular legs. Sharp bill is used for biting and tearing the prey.

8 A desert ecosystem A desert is a barren area of land where little precipitation occurs and consequently living condition are hostile for plant and animal life. The lack of vegetation exposes the unprotected surface of the ground to the processes to denudation. Desert animals have evolved to handle the deserts heat and the lack of water. They have adapted their bodies and behaviors to the desert climate. Most can survive on small amounts of water and many get all their water from their food. Desert flora have adapted to the extremes of heat and aridity by using both physical and behavioral mechanisms. Our opinion of the desert is that a important ecosystem in the world because it have many species of flora and fauna.

9 The desert food chain Insects Lizards eat insect
Rodents eat lizards and insects Snakes eat rodents lizards and insects Lizards eat snakes rodents lizards and insects Scorpion eat tarantulas and insects Hawk eat lizards snakes rodents and insects

10 Lets play a game Are you ready?

11 What is the term of this definition
All of the living and non-living thing surrounding an organisms

12 answer enivronment

13 What is the term of this definition
All the population organisms living together in an environment.

14 answer Community

15 What is the term of this definition
All the individuals of the same kind living in the same ecosystem

16 answer population

17 What is the term of this definition
A community and its physical environment.

18 answer ecosystem

19 Does a hawk eat foxes A. yes B. no c. non of the above

20 answer B. no

21 Do the fox eat all the animals that I listed
A. yes B. no C. non of the above

22 Answer A. yes

23 How do you spell this animal?
Hawk khwa awkh

24 answer a. hawk

25 How spell this animal? A. lizard B. ilardz C. zizard

26 What is this animal

27 answer fox

28 What is this animal

29 answer snake

30 What animal is this

31 answer Scorpion

32 True or false This was awesome

33 answer True

34 here are some is some ecosystems

35 thank you for watching the presentation

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