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By: Pujiati Presented By: Fadjar Shadiq

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Presentation on theme: "By: Pujiati Presented By: Fadjar Shadiq"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Pujiati Presented By: Fadjar Shadiq
Mathematics and Art By: Pujiati Presented By: Fadjar Shadiq

2 Power Point Presented on the Course on Developing Joyful Learning Mathematics for Primary School Teachers Waingapu, 1 – 5 Agustus 2016 2016 WGP Current Trends

3 Identitas Diri Pujiati
PPPPTK (Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan) Matematika QITEP (Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel) in Mathematics Telepon: (0274) &

4 Personal Identity Name: Fadjar Shadiq, M.App.Sc
Deputy Director for Administration SEMEO QITEP in Mathematics Place and Date of Birth: Sumenep - Indonesia, Education: IKIP Surabaya or Unesa (Indonesia) and Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA Teaching Experience: SHS Mathematics Teacher and Instructor in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara ( )880762; & 2016 WGP Current Trends


6 Children in elementary schools are in the phase of investigating their world  bring the world closer to the classroom Mathematics in elementary school should be meaningful for children and joyful as well. Meaningful mathematics means that children can make sense of the mathematics they learn, while joyful means that children can have fun and happy moments during the mathematics lesson Children in elementary schools like fun activity. Combining mathematics with art can help children create their belief about mathematics as a fun and joyful subject

7 The Course We will discuss some essential mathematical concepts in elementary school and examples of mathematics classroom activity that are joyful and meaningful Butterfly Kingdom Tessellations Comic Strips

8 Thematic Learning of Butterfly

9 KUPU-KUPU Kupu-kupu yang lucu Kemana engkau terbang
Hilir mudik mencari Bunga-bunga yang kembang Berayun-ayun pada tangkai yang lemah Tidakkah sayapmu merasa lelah

10 Tepuk kupu-kupu Prok 3x ulatnya Prok 3x makan daun Prok 3x kekenyangan
Prok 3x puasa Prok 3x jadilah Prok 3x kepompong Prok 3x kepompongnya Prok 3x terbuka Prok 3x kupu-kupu (4x)

11 Observing Butterflies

12 Observing Butterflies

13 Task Participants (work in each group of 5) are asked to make dots or any shapes in the butterfly wings using pencil/marker color.

14 Tessellation Teaching geometry should focus on geometric thinking, such as how to manipulate of shapes and object cause new and different object, or the contrary, how one object is decomposed into some different objects. This idea challenges teacher and researchers to design instructional activities that promote children’s geometric thinking. Researches have shown results that suggested the teaching of geometry should be interactive, use hands-on activity where children have experience to manipulate objects and develop their visualization (Van de Walle & Folk, 2005; Yee, 2007; Lian, …).

15 Teselasi adalah penyusunan bangun datar yang menutup seluruh bagian tanpa ada yang ditutupi dobel atau ada yang tidak ditutupi. (A tessellation is an arrangement of shapes that completely cover a surface without overlapping and without leaving any gaps.) Regular tessellation


17 2. Semi-regular Tessellation

18 The Differences Regular-Tesselation Semi Regular-Tesselation
All the tiles must be the same and regular polygon The tiles meet at one point, called vertex The vertex in regular tessellation forms a complete angle that is 360 Made by using two or more different regular polygons. each vertex of semi- regular tessellation has the same configuration and leave no gaps.

19 Creating Tessellations
The cut was started at the vertex on the top left corner and ended at the vertex on the top right corner. Slide the piece out that you have cut. Do not flip it over or rotate it.

20 Creating Tessellations
Move the piece to the OPPOSITE side of the original shape. This is your tile. Trace it repeatedly without flipping or rotating or leaving gaps and making overlaps. Repeat this until you fill up the page. Do not worry about shapes that are cut off by your paper's edge, remember a tessellation can go on forever on a continuous plane.

21 Creating Tessellations
Decorate your paper after you have traced.

22 Task To make your own tessellation, both regular and semi-regular tessellation.

23 Working on Tessellation
can be easier by using technology such as interactive games available in the internet:

24 Comic strips Can comic be used to teach mathematics?
A comic can be used to build a context of learning mathematics Context is a real situation that closely related to mathematics concepts A good context should be familiar for children and is able to raise a problem that stimulus children’s thinking

25 The Jelly Bean Dilemma

26 PARTICIPANTS’ TASK Participants are asked:
to make dots in the butterfly wings using pencil color. to make your own tessellation, both regular and semi-regular tessellation. to put your daily activity into a comic by drawing their activity stories from morning until night  indicate the time in each segment of their comic.

27 Coloring Butterfly wings
will help children to construct the concept of doubling children can relate the visual representation (the dots configuration) and its numerical value.

28 Tesselation activity This activity can support children understanding on plane figures. While putting one tile next to another, they learn the characteristic of the plane figure, for example the number of the side and the number of the angle in the plane figures.

29 Comics’ mathematics activities
This activity can help children to develop the skill of reading time in a manual clock or digital clock. The lesson can be expanded to time measurement  children learn to measure the time either by using stopwatch or operating (adding and/or subtracting) time.

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