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Department of Oncology, Semmelweis University, Budapest National Institute of Oncology (NIO), 1122 Ráth Gy. u. 7-9. Head: Prof. Csaba Polgár Phone: +36-1-224-8690.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Oncology, Semmelweis University, Budapest National Institute of Oncology (NIO), 1122 Ráth Gy. u. 7-9. Head: Prof. Csaba Polgár Phone: +36-1-224-8690."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Oncology, Semmelweis University, Budapest National Institute of Oncology (NIO), 1122 Ráth Gy. u. 7-9. Head: Prof. Csaba Polgár Phone: (personal) Web-site: English language instructor: Dr. Péter Ágoston Secretary: Mónika Ábel National Institute of Oncology, 1122 Budapest, Ráth Gy. u. 7-9., 2nd. Floor of Building #1A Phone:

2 *Onco-team + Clin. Onc. Practice:
SE Oncology Education for 5th. Year English Language Students 08:50-12:00 5th year Practice Block Onco-team (1x60 m) 1 group – III. Int. Med. Dept.* 1 group – NIO* 08:50-12:50 5th year Practice Block Diagnostic Radiology Practice (2x45 m) 2 groups - NIO 08:50-12:00 5th year Practice Block Gastroenterology practice (2x45 m) A *Onco-team + Clin. Onc. Practice: III. Int. Med. Dept.: Group 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11 NIO: Group 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10 15 min pause 15 min pause 25 min pause Clin. Onc. Pract. (115 m) 1 group – III. Int.* Med. Dept. 1 group – NIO* Gastroenterology Practice (2x45 m) Radiation Oncology Practice (3x45 m) 2 groups - NIO A 12:00-16:10 5th year Practice Block Surgical Oncology Practice (3x45 m) 2 groups – NIO 13:00-13:45: Int. Med. Lectures: 1st. Int. Med. Dept. Oncology Lectures: NIO, Grnd. Floor Building. 3 14 hour „Oncology Practice” in the first week of each block for 2 Groups (12th. Week only 1 Group) First educational week: 11-15/Sept. 13:40-16:10 5th year Practice Block Gastroenterology Practice (3x45 m) 25 min pause Pathology Practice (2x45 m) 2 groups – NIO Five 45 min. English Language Oncology Lectures on: Week 2, 3, 7, 12 & 13

3 Onco-team + Clin. Onc. Practice: Onco-team + Clin. Onc. Practice:
Oncology Practices for 5th. Year English Language Students Week/ Group Angol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Int Med IV. (gastroent & oncology) Int Med IV. (gastroent ) Int Med IV. (gastroent) Int Med IV. (gastroent oncology) 12 13 Onco-team + Clin. Onc. Practice: NIO: Group 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10 Onco-team + Clin. Onc. Practice: III. Int. Med. Dept.: Group 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11

4 Venues for Oncology Practices & Lectures
Venue for ”Onco-team + Clinical Oncology” practices: III. Internal Medicine Department (KUT) Group 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 (Week 1, 3, 5, 8, 10 & 12) National Institute of Oncology: Group 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 (Week 1, 3, 5, 8, & 10) Venue for ”Diagnostic Radiology”, ”Radiation Oncology”, ”Surgical Oncology” & ”Pathology” practices for each group: National Institute of Oncology, 1122 Budapest, Ráth Gy. u. 7-9., ”Conference Room” of Radiotherapy Center (2nd. Floor of Building #1A) - Venue for Oncology Lectures: ”Hall of Surgical Building” (Ground Floor of Building #3)

5 ”Oncology” English language lectures
September/2017:  20. Etiology, and epidemiology of malignant tumours. Cancer prevention and screening. Principles of complex oncotherapy. (Dr Péter Ágoston) 27. Diagnostic imaging of malignant tumours (Prof Mária Gődény) October/2017: 25. Principles of surgical oncology. Methods of surgical reconstruction and oncological rehabilitation (Dr Zoltán Mátrai) November/2017:   29. Principles of oncological systemic treatments (chemo-, hormonal, immuno- and biological therapies) (Prof Magdolna Dank) December/2017: 06.  Principles of radiotherapy and radiochemotherapy of malignant tumours (Prof Csaba Polgár)

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