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The Pursuit of Happiness

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1 The Pursuit of Happiness
This presentation will encompass 3 distinct recommendations to gain happiness. They are: don’t mix up well-being with being comfortable, forming sensible comparisons, and attaining your flow. These recommendations appear extremely effective in my personal belief, but that does not imply that they would work for everybody.

2 Don’t confuse well-being with being well-off
Money cannot buy happiness Being well-off only generates temporary happiness Being rich in love is better than being rich in dollars Spending time vs. spending money This suggestion is certainly beneficial in the quest for happiness. Individuals usually think that money is going to make them happy, when in reality happiness is among the few things that money simply cannot buy. I mistakenly considered that extra money would make me a happier person, but I at the moment understand that money only generates short-term happiness. Regardless of how rich someone becomes the short term feeling of happiness will pass as they grow to be used to being rich. As this short-term emotion of happiness ends they will just as before look for true happiness. Now that I am starting to mature and become a grown-up I think that my family members are much more important to me compared to money. Usually people think that you are able to “buy” someone's love or happiness. A number of parents would rather shower their children with presents while the other parents prefer to shower their children with affection. In the long run spending time with the ones you love will run longer than any material things that cash can purchase. This suggestion may help someone lead a more happy life, and I can surely admit that it has aided me realize the actual definition of wellness and happiness.

3 Discover Your Flow Comparing the good with the bad (highs and lows)
Focusing on what makes you happy Turn the negative points in your life into positive points Be true to you I have not had the chance experiment this specific suggestion, but I do think that it would help me to be a happier person. By writing down the low and high factors through the day it can help us understand what things enhance positive thinking and opinions in comparison to the points that expose negative emotions. This would probably help me take away a few of the reasons for negativity in my life. This suggestion would probably help me concentrate on the good stuff as well. Having the ability to actually put all the good stuff on paper and then equate the good with the bad will aid someone concentrate on the stuff that lead them to happiness. If I were to place extra strength towards performing the things which make me joyful I would be better off. One more beneficial part of this suggestion is that you can recognize the detrimental points through the day and then work on cutting them out . Even if you are not in a position to take away all the negative stuff you can still work on accepting what you simply cannot change and seeking to respond in a more constructive way. The most vital thing to remember when using this suggestion is to be true to your account. You must be sincere about the positive and negative things in your life or the suggestion wouldn’t succeed.

4 Making Wise Comparisons
Be grateful for what you have Things could always be worse Don’t compare yourself to others Emphasize on the good, overlook the bad This specific guidance for happiness has developed a great effect in my life. As a child and adolescent I was never grateful for the stuff that I had, and as I grown I developed a better appreciation for the positive factors in my life. I understood that if I couldn’t admire the little matters in my life I would most likely never manage to admire anything at all. I always attempted to remind myself that regardless of how bad things appeared to be they could always be more serious. Though life is probably not perfect there are always other individuals who are worse off compared to you. In my quest for happiness I understood that taking things with no consideration made me greedy and cold. I have the tendency to resent individuals who have more than me. I am steadily giving up this envy and exchanging it with appreciation for what I do have in life. Envy is similar to a endless chain, I may be resentful and jealous of one person, and then again someone may be resentful and jealous of me. As an alternative to continually evaluating yourself to people who have more than you try contrasting yourself to those who have much less and you may be ready to admire more. When I find myself comparing my life to someone else’s life I attempt to imagine the things that I have that other people miss and it aids me be more appreciative. By concentrating on the great things that you truly have in your life you will steadily start to overlook or disregard all the bad.

5 Summary Effective methods to increase personal happiness
Recognizing all the negative things leads to a more positive outlook Developing other recommendations Find what works for you In general I feel that these 3 suggestions (making ideal side by side somparisons, finding out your flow, and don’t mistake well-being with being well-off) are fantastic ways to assist a person upgrade their happiness. All of us have negativity in life, and by figuring out that negativity we can become more optimistic and happy. The initial step is to keep in mind that life is not always ideal, but there are particular factors that can help us build a more optimistic surroundings for ourselves. Sooner or later I feel that I will in fact attempt to discover my flow and see how it works for me personally. I also plan on nurturing my family bonds. Through my life I've never been very close to my family, but I think that if I am ready to build a solid connection between my family and I it will boost my general happiness. During this presentation I actually have talked about the ideas that I think have (or would) perform best for me. When chasing happiness it is essential for people to look for what suggestions perform best for them in person. Just because one thing is good for someone else does not imply that it would be just right for you. The true secret is that you know what makes you happy.

6 References Bolt, M. (2004). Pursuing human strengths: A positive psychology guide. NY: Worth Publishing. “Jealous Snowman” Image retrieved fromhttp:// “Jealous Children” Image retrieved from “Love vs. Money” Image retrieved from Reference page

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