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Guided Reading.

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1 Guided Reading

2 What is Guided Reading? "Reading instruction in which the teacher provides the structure and purpose for reading and for responding to the material read" (Harris and Hodges, 1995).

3 Then and Now... Prominent Scholars
Cunningham & Routman Betts Bond & Wagner Mooney Booth 1946 1966 2000 1990 1998 1957 1986 1996 2000 2001 Gray & Reese Spache Fountas & Pinnell Ford Calkins

4 Causes for Changes in Guided Reading
Homogeneous -ability groups Nature of instruction Social stigma

5 Homogeneous-ability Groups
* Groupings based on achievement rather than ability * Static groups

6 Nature of Instruction * Inequitable access to quality instruction
* Teacher directed * Round-robin oral reading * Literal level questioning * Little differentiation * Basals primary source for instruction

7 Social Stigma * More concerned with levels of books than ability
* "Bluebirds were always bluebirds and considered the low group."

8 Prevent Problems of the Past
Influenced by the work of Irene Fountas & Gay Su Pinnell ~ suggested guided reading that would provide "good first teaching for all students." Basal readers now include other literature and leveled readers. Nature of instruction is different ~ Shift from transmission model of learning to transactional model. Instruction moves from skill-based instruction (behaviorism) to strategy-based instruction (constructivism). Reading groups are much more fluid and flexible, avoiding the static, fixed ability groups. Teachers coach students during reading. Learning is scaffolded. Some claim that we've reached a time to move beyond guided reading.

9 Perspectives on Guided Reading
All CHILDREN: Have ability to become literate Need to be taught be a skilled teacher Goal of GR is to become independent readers GR is only 1 component of balanced literacy Reading for meaning is goal of GR Learn to read by reading Need to become metacognitive Need to develop a self-extending system of strategies Need to be exposed to higher level thinking activities Need to experience joy and delight while reading GR has 3 focused elements- B, D, A reading

10 Future of Guided Reading
Teachers still struggle with how to effectively implement GR so learners gain the most from it. Use questions from Mary Jo Fresch to help design in-depth staff development to support teachers and improving GR practices.

11 Resources for YOU Published 1946 1957 1986 Mooney 1990 1996 1998 2000
Book Title Emmett Betts 1946 Foundations of Reading Instructuon Gray & Reese 1957 Teaching Children to Read Bond & Wagner 1986 Reading in the Elementary School Mooney 1990 Reading To, With, and By Students Fountas & Pinnell 1996 GR: Good First Reaching for All Children Booth 1998 Guiding the Reading Process Calkins 2000 The Art of Teaching Reading

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