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Food and Nutrition Mrs. Murphy C-103.

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Presentation on theme: "Food and Nutrition Mrs. Murphy C-103."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food and Nutrition Mrs. Murphy C-103

2 Personal hygiene Hazards in the kitchen Cross contamination
Safety and Sanitation Personal hygiene Hazards in the kitchen Cross contamination Temperature zone

3 Equipment/ tools/ measurement/ terminology
Identification of equipment and use Care and storage of food Liquid and dry measurements Abbreviations and equivalents Cooking terms

4 Labs… Lemon Bars Vegetables and dip

5 Nutrition Nutrients: requirements, functions and food sources
“My plate”: RDAs, customizing the pyramid to fit individual needs

6 Labs… Vegetable stir fry Baked Potato Soup

7 Human Digestion Functions of organs Steps in digestion

8 Psychology of Eating Why we eat the food we do Disordered eating
Media and body image

9 Fruits and Vegetables Nutritional benefits Seasonal availability
Storage Preparation

10 Labs… Apple pie Pumpkin Bars

11 Breads and Grains Quick and Yeast Breads: functions of ingredients, batter and dough, preparation and baking techniques Pasta and rice: nutritional value, selection and storage, methods of preparation

12 Labs… Flavored popcorn Fried rice Cinnamon swirl Quick bread
Cinnamon rolls Nutri-grain Bars

13 Cakes and Pies Fruit pies Types of cakes and flours used

14 Labs… Cupcakes Frosting practice Midterm Exam-
Make a layered cake with filling

15 Dairy Products Eggs: grading, sizing, storage, use Milk: forms, selection, storage, use Cheese: types, selection, storage, use

16 Labs… Cream puffs Cheese cake bars Omelets Fried, poached, boiled eggs
Macaroni and cheese lab

17 Meat and Poultry Wholesale/retail cuts
Nutritional value, selection, storage and preparation Meat alternatives

18 Labs… Hamburger lab of your choice Chicken fingers

19 Safety and Sanitation Expectations
Wash hands thoroughly Hair below shoulder length must be pinned up Wear provided aprons on lab days No hats or jackets No electronic devices can be used in class Fooling around with equipment= missing lab for the block!

20 Classroom Expectations
Participate in labs and class discussions Be willing to taste the food Bring writing utensil and notebook Be respectful of classmates, teacher, equipment and safety rules

21 Expectations… You are expected to complete all assigned work in this class. There are Required Assessments for this class that make up 80% of your grade. If you are missing a required assessment, it must be completed by the next class or you will receive an incomplete grade.

22 Suggestions: Bring your own drinks during lab days. We will provide water. Also, we are not providing containers! If you want to bring food home or to lunch you must bring your own containers or aluminum foil.

23 Required Course Assessments:
2 Diet and fitness article reviews Units 3-11 food labs Cooking demo video Midterm Exam (1/2 written, ½ cooking) Final Exam (1/2 written, ½ cooking)

24 Grading 80% Required assessments 20% Formative assessments
Grades are on-line for you to access

25 E-mail: Phone: 359-5194 Office: C-103
Contact Information Phone: Office: C-103 Go to my web page to see what is coming…

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