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Nǐ qù nǎr? Where are you going?.

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Presentation on theme: "Nǐ qù nǎr? Where are you going?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nǐ qù nǎr? Where are you going?

2 I CAN Know about some tourist attractions in China and communicate where I am going. Aks about some pople’s job. Can take a taxi to the place I want to go.

3 Hángzhōu Xīhú 杭州西湖

4 Tàishān 泰 山

5 Changjiang xiá 长江 三峡

6 Guìlín shānshuǐ 桂林 山水

7 xīzàng 西藏 The Potala Palace Bùdálāgōng

8 Beijing Rénmín dàhuìtáng The Great Hall of the People

9 Rénmín dàhuìtáng

10 Yíhé Yuán 颐和园

11 sh shShang ang 632 meters high 2,073 feet,  Shanghai Tower

12 Sb + qù + some place -- Nǐmen qù nǎ? -- Wǒmen qù Běijīng。

13 Chángchéng Shànɡhǎi Xī’ān

14 liúxuéshēnɡ 留学生

15 duì /shì 对 / 是 búduì / búshì。 不对 / 不是

16 What’s the relationship between A and B?
A: Nǐmen hǎo! B: Nǐ hǎo!Wǒmen qù Yíhéyuán。 A: Nǐmen shì liúxuéshēnɡ mɑ? B: Duì。

17 -Zài jiàn. 再见 --Zài jiàn.

18 A: Nǐmen hǎo! B: Nín hǎo! A: Nǐmen qù nǎr? B: Wǒmen qù Yíhéyuán 。 A: Nǐmen shì liúxuéshenɡ mɑ? B: Duì。 (after a while) A: Yíhéyuán dào le. B: Xièxie.Duōshǎo qián? A: èrshí kuài . B: Gěi nín qián. A: Xièxie. Zàijiàn. B: Zàijiàn.

19 Dialogue Suppose you are in China for the first day. First You should go to Bank to change Dollars to RMB. Then, you want to go to Yiheyuan and you should tell the taxi driver where you will go to. So we need three people, you, banker, taxi driver to finish the dialogue.

20 长城chángchéng https://www. youtube. com/watch
长城chángchéng 故宫gùgōng 天坛 tiāntán

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