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Made possible in part by a family literacy grant from the New York State Library, New York State Education Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Made possible in part by a family literacy grant from the New York State Library, New York State Education Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Made possible in part by a family literacy grant from the New York State Library, New York State Education Department

2 What? Why? How?

3 Question Why do adults not want you to read graphic novels. Take 30 sec to talk to your group and write down one answer?

4 Graphic Novel- Definition
Books written and illustrated in the style of a comic book. Sequential (in order) Art- a series of illustrations which, when viewed in order, tell a story. Any book in a comic format that resembles a novel in length and narrative (story) format.

5 Elements of a Graphic Novel
Same format as comic books Text & illustrations present information Book-length, usually contain one story Not really considered a genre, just another cool/interesting way/format to write a book

6 Caption Panel Gutter Thought Balloon Sound Effect Dialog Balloon

7 Major Types Superhero

8 Humor

9 Non-Fiction

10 Fantasies

11 Adaptations or Spin-offs

12 Realistic Fiction

13 A little history Comic Strip=grandfather of Graphic Novel
Around since end of 1800s Originally used to draw people to Sunday paper

14 First comic strip Appeared in New York World: 1895 R. F. Outcault
Increased sales Eventually endorsed soap-whiskey

15 Katzenjammer Kids 1897 Used word balloons
Used multiple panels to tell story


17 Popular comics Superman First superhero On newsstands: 1938
Superheroes big during World War II After WWII: crime, science fiction and horror comics

18 1950’s: comics in crisis! Frederic Wertham-Dr. who said that juvenile delinquents read comics/lead to bad behavior Comics examined by US Senate Comics banned and burned in the late 40s

19 A New Beginning Late 1950’s: Justice League of America born
1961: Fantastic Four, Incredible Hulk, & Spiderman 1960’s: Self-published underground comics

20 Conan the Barbarian comics
President Obama collects both Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics

21 Manga

22 What is this, Manga? MANGA
a Japanese genre of cartoons, comic books, and animated films, typically having a science-fiction or fantasy theme; it means humorous story. MANGA

23 Manga history Manga=comic books
Period before WWII=beginning of modern manga Mid 1990s=came to US

24 How to read a Manga Page Unlike traditional books, Manga is read “backwards” from back-to-front Often, if you start at what looks like the front of the Manga, you will see a message like this

25 Panel Order & Dialog Balloons
2 3 1 4 Panel Order & Dialog Balloons 6 5 7 Panels and dialog balloons are read “reversed” 10 11 8 9

26 New Formats

27 Convince Me!!!!! Your group has 30 sec to write down a detailed reason that will convince Mrs. Grant to purchase more graphic novels for the LVMS library.

28 Why Graphic Novels, Comics, and Mangas?
●They attract and motivate kids to read. ●They are popular with kid who don’t like to read or have a hard time reading. ●They have complex plots and narrative structures for advanced readers ●Can help students become lifelong readers

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