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The Three Pillars of Writers Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "The Three Pillars of Writers Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Three Pillars of Writers Workshop
NESA Spring Educators Conference Bangkok, Thailand April 4, 2011 Janine A. King

2 The Three Pillars of Writers Workshop
The Mini-lesson Individual Student Conferences Writers Notebooks Janine A. King

3 Structure of a Workshop
Janine A. King

4 The Mini-Lesson Short Direct One teaching point (posted) Explanation
Modeling/demonstration/examples Janine A. King

5 The Architecture of a Mini-lesson
Teaching Point Connection Teach Active Engagement Link Share Janine A. King

6 Janine A. King

7 Mini-lesson Demonstration
What’s in a name? Writers write about what they know well. Janine A. King

8 Conferring With Writers
Janine A. King

9 The Architecture of a Conference
Research Compliment Teach Link Janine A. King

10 “What are you working on
Research Instead of, “How’s it going?” ask “What are you working on in your writing today?” Janine A. King

11 Compliment Authentic Specific
Keep in mind where you want to take this student as a writer. (Remember… you want to teach the writer not “fix” his or her writing). Janine A. King

12 Teach Connect to the compliment
Small steps – take the writer from where s/he is to the next step Demonstrate or show an example in your own notebook or draft Give the student something specific to try then wait for evidence of understanding or check back in a few minutes Janine A. King

13 Link Apply your teaching point to writing in general Janine A. King

14 Record Keeping Provides assessment information
Builds a profile of the student Guides future conferences Helps intentionally develop the student as a writer and a reader Janine A. King

15 Janine A. King

16 Janine A. King

17 Janine A. King

18 Types of Conferences Content Compliment Expectation Goal Inquiry
“Keep doing what you’re doing because it’s working!” Expectation when a student isn’t doing what they need to be doing Goal Example: stamina Inquiry “ Together let’s figure out some things you are working on and where you might go with them.” Janine A. King

19 Conferring Around Notebooks
RESEARCH Look for: Habits Effort Generating Developing ideas/meaning Volume Stamina Growth Janine A. King

20 Conferring Around Drafts
RESEARCH Look for: Meaning Why is this important? Is it focused in on a small moment? Organization Beginning, middle, end Leads/conclusions Craft Action Dialogue Inner thinking Detail Janine A. King

21 “Cheat Sheets” What are the goals of the unit?
What are some common challenges of the genre? Janine A. King

22 Conferring Practice “Student” “Teacher”
Read the piece of writing and make it your own. “Teacher” Confer with the student and record the parts of the conference. Remember… Hands off the writing Look for what is good. Teach the writer instead of fixing the writing. Janine A. King

23 The Heart and Soul of Writers Workshop
Writers Notebooks The Heart and Soul of Writers Workshop Janine A. King

24 Writers notebooks… give you a place to write every day to
explore your writing take risks record your thinking note your observations of the world around you practice living like a writer Janine A. King

25 Getting Started Janine A. King

26 What’s in a name? Where does your name come from?
What do you like/dislike about your name? What about nicknames? Janine A. King

27 This story makes me think of…
Think about a time something like this happened to you. What feelings did you have when you listened to this story? Janine A. King

28 Laundry Lists Best Life Events Worst Life Events Notable Quotes
Interesting Words Unusual Facts Scary Stories Janine A. King

29 Observations – Using Your Senses
“Your writers notebook can work as an alarm clock to remind you to wake up and pay attention to the world” Ralph Fletcher Janine A. King

30 Music to My Pen “What is living if I can’t live free? What is freedom if I can’t be me?” Bonnie Raitt Janine A. King

31 Tips Keep your own writers notebook Write regularly
Share your writing spontaneously Praise effort – especially in the beginning Be patient Janine A. King

32 Caution Prompts Journaling or diary entries Teacher handouts
Note taking Lack of growth/change over time Janine A. King

33 Resources Mini-lessons
The Writing Workshop: Working Through the Hard Parts (and They’re All Hard Parts) by Katie Wood Ray and Lester L. Laminack Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grades 3-5 by Lucy Calkins Thinking Through Genre: Units of Study in Reading and Writing Workshops Grades 4-12 by Heather Lattimer Janine A. King

34 Resources (continued)
Conferring Assessing Writers by Carl Anderson Notebooks Notebook Know-How: Strategies for the Writer’s Notebook by Aimee Buckner A Writer’s Notebook: Unlocking the Writer Within You by Ralph Fletcher Janine A. King

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