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Student Expectations: Please be seated in SILENCE.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Expectations: Please be seated in SILENCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Expectations: Please be seated in SILENCE.
PE Department Student Expectations: Before we begin learning, please ensure that you: Are standing behind your desk in silence; Have your learning diary and pencil case on your desk; Have a smart uniform. Please be seated in SILENCE. Copy and underline today’s date and title. Sunday, 16 September 2018 LO3: Responding to acute injuries

2 On the Bell PE and Sport Faculty Standards: Equipment out
Planners on desk PE and Sport Faculty On the Bell 3 mins You are the first aider for a local sports team. A injury occurs on the pitch but you didn’t see it happen, how would you approach and deal with this injury?

3 Big Picture PE and Sport Faculty
We have now covered all of the LO1 and LO2 content for the exam; extrinsic and intrinsic factors that can influence the risk of injury and also how warm ups and cool downs can help to prevent injuries. We are now starting LO3 – knowing how to respond to injuries in a sporting context. This will develop your knowledge of the different types, causes and treatments of injuries.

4 PE and Sport Faculty Title: Responding to injuries Lesson Outcomes:
Sunday, 16 September 2018 Title: Responding to injuries Lesson Outcomes: Identify and define SALTAPS, a method of responding to injuries Describe the stages of SALTAPs and be able to describe the different methods of treating acute injuries Explain and demonstrate how you would respond to a range of acute injuries in a practical setting

5 Watch the two videos on SALTAPs
PE and Sport Faculty SALTAPs Watch the two videos on SALTAPs Summarise the SALTAPs information sheet so that you have notes on the different stages of SALTAPs in your exercise books. SALTAPS is a method of assessing the type and severity of injuries. It is a gradual process which involves a number of different stages. Not all of the stages have to be carried out and the process can be stopped at any time depending on the type of injury. (from 2 minutes onwards) (from 2 minutes onwards) Start both videos at 2 minutes mark

6 I = Ice – to reduce swelling
PE and Sport Faculty RICE Copy: RICE is a method of treatment which is used for treating soft tissue injuries such as sprains and strains: R = Rest I = Ice – to reduce swelling C= Compression – Wrapping the injured area with a bandage will also help to reduce swelling (make sure it is not too tight) E = Elevation - Elevate (lift) the injured area above the level of the heart to reduce swelling and blood pooling in the injured area.

7 Slings PE and Sport Faculty
(stop at 1:40) Copy: A sling is a device used to support and keep still (immobilize) an injured part of the body. Slings can be used for many different injuries. They are most often used when you have a fractured or dislocated arm or shoulder. Use the triangular bandages to practice putting a sling onto your partner. Then swap over

8 Bandaging PE and Sport Faculty
Copy: A bandage is a piece of material used to support a dressing or a splint, or on its own to provide support or to restrict the movement of a part of the body. It is used for cuts, fractures, sprains and strains (a different type of bandage is used depending on the type of injury) e.g. triangular bandage (sling) for fractures, roller bandages for holding dressings in place over cuts. Your partner has a cut. Clean it, apply a dressing and then bandage it using the technique in the video.

9 Splint PE and Sport Faculty
Copy: A splint is a strip of rigid material used for supporting and immobilizing a fractured bone. It allows the injury to rest and prevents any further damage occurring to the injury.

10 The Recovery Position PE and Sport Faculty
How would you treat somebody who is unconscious? You could go unconscious from having a head injury (concussion) or from losing too much blood from an injury such as a cut. Your partner is unconscious. You must put them into the recovery position. Swap over when you have done it successfully The Recovery Position

11 PE and Sport Faculty In pairs number yourselves 1 and 2
Number 1 you are going to be the patient Number 2 you are going to be the first aider Number 2 should now face the other way. You are not allowed to read the scenario that is coming up on the next slide. The patient should read this only. You will swap roles after the first scenario. The first aider will be treating the patient shortly.

12 Scenario Number 1: You were playing football and went up for a header
Scenario Number 1: You were playing football and went up for a header. You clashed heads with another player and now have really bad headache. Sit on the floor and hold your head. Do not tell the first aider what is wrong with you until they ask (tell them you have headache after banging heads with another player). After about 10 seconds you must lye on the ground and act like you are unconscious (do not tell the first aider, you should not be able to speak if you are unconscious).

13 Scenario Number 2: You were involved in a rugby tackle and have cut and fractured the same arm. Lots of blood is coming out of the arm but it is also fractured. Hold your arm and act like you are in a lot of pain! Tell the first aider that your arm is bleeding a lot and that you cannot move it, tell them you also heard a snap during the tackle. Do not tell them you have fractured your arm – they need to work this out. If they take more than 2 minutes to stop the bleeding and have not yet applied a dressing and bandage, lye on the floor and go unconscious (remember unconscious people cannot speak!!) Swap roles

14 PE and Sport Faculty What methods of treatment should have been used in scenario 1? Why? What methods of treatment should have been used in scenario 2? Why?

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