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Safety Induction Transport Contractor
Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor
Safety at Stramit At Stramit, safety is our number one priority. Nothing is more important than the safety of the people that work for us. No work is so important or urgent that it cannot be done safely. We have a fundamental belief that every incident is preventable and this is expressed in our safety vision: Zero Harm. For us, Zero Harm means leaving work in the same condition in which you arrived, so you can enjoy your life outside work. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor
WHS Policy Stramit’s WHS Policy recognises that the health and safety of all workers within Stramit is the responsibility of everyone including contractors. In fulfilling this responsibility, we have a duty to provide and maintain, so far as reasonably practicable, a working environment that is safe and without risks to health and includes; Providing and maintaining safe plant and systems of work; Making and monitoring arrangements for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of product, plant and substances; Maintaining the workplace in a safe and healthy condition; Providing adequate facilities to protect the welfare of all workers; and Providing information, training and supervision for all workers enabling them to work in a safe and healthy manner. Note: If you require a copy of any Act, Regulation, Code of Practice, Safety Guideline or Stramit Policy you may request this information via the Site or Production Manager at any Stramit site. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor
Stop – Think – Act Stop – Think – Act encourages us to keep our minds on the job and to avoid distractions. STOP – Before starting a task, take five and STOP before jumping in. THINK – Identify any risks and plan out the safe way to do this task. ACT – Complete the task safely. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Every person working for Stramit is responsible for their health and safety, and for the safety of the people they work with. As a worker, (Office based or Driver) you need to: Take reasonable care for your own health and safety while performing your daily duties and ensure your acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other workers whilst on the road at Stramit or a customer site. Exercise duty of care in relation to what is reasonably expected, taking into account the degree of control you have over work activities and the work environment. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Your responsibilities include the need to: Complete an annual Stramit Induction Comply with any reasonable instruction that is given by Stramit or a customer Only operate mobile plant if you are licenced and authorised to do so Notify your manager or Stramit manager immediately of any accidents, injuries or serious near misses that occur whilst performing work for Stramit Notify your manager or Stramit manager the same day if you identify any site related hazards or near misses that occur whilst performing work for Stramit Cease work and immediately contact your manager or Stramit manager for instruction / advice if there is a reasonable concern that a task would expose you to a serious risk to health or safety Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor
Drugs and Alcohol Being under the influence of a drug or alcohol on the job poses serious health and safety risks to the user and to all those who work with the user. The use, sale, purchase, transfer, or possession of an illegal drug in the workplace, and the use, possession, or being under the influence of alcohol also poses unacceptable risks for safe, healthy, and efficient operations. Stramit requires the performance of our contractors and others to be unimpaired by drugs or alcohol whilst on our sites or performing work for us. The illegal or unauthorised possession, consumption, sale or being under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs whilst on our sites is prohibited. We view drug or alcohol dependency as a medical condition and encourage any contractor with a problem to seek confidential support and treatment. Any contractor found to be in breach of this policy shall be subject to discipline in accordance with any agreement of employment. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Chain of Responsibility
Stramit recognises its CoR responsibilities in regards to speed, fatigue, mass/load and restraint. We accept that responsibility and expect the same of any driver. If anyone is instructed to beach any condition this must be reported to your manager or Stramit manager immediately. Any breaches of these core expectations may result in disciplinary action. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
The security of your load,
Load Restraint Product and packaging must be secure at all time. Loads must be secured in accordance with the Roads and Traffic Authority Load Restraint Guideline All loads must be appropriately restrained There is no size load too small to be restrained The security of your load, your life and the life of others relies on proper load restraint Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor
Reporting - Incidents What is an INCIDENT? An event or chain of events which has, caused a workplace injury or occupational disease and/or damage (loss) to people, assets or reputation All incidents that have resulted in injury or illness, or property damage (regardless of actual outcome) must be reported to your manager or Stramit manager. If you are involved in a workplace incident and you’re not feeling well enough to continue work, you must inform your manager or Stramit manager. Incidents requiring medical treatment will be investigated based on associated risk level. ALL Incidents MUST be REPORTED to Stramit Site Management Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Reporting – Near Misses
What is a NEAR MISS? An incident that occurred at the place of work, which, although it did not result in personal injury/disease or damage to people, property or the environment, had the potential to do so. All incidents that had the potential to cause injury, illness or property damage (regardless of actual outcome) must be reported to your manager or Stramit manager For example, Unloading product at a customer premises and hitting power lines without resulting in any injury or damage. (This is a serious near miss & must be reported immediately) An incident investigation will be carried out by a Safety Manager for all serious near misses. ALL near misses MUST be REPORTED to Stramit Site Management Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Reporting - Hazards Hazard Reporting is a pro- active measure focused on identifying all hazards that present themselves in the workplace or customer site and implementing corrective control measures. The reporting, recording and investigation of hazards is an important component in injury prevention. What are some examples of workplace HAZARDS? Physical Hazards Sharp edges Power lines Mobile Plant Site Access Psychological Hazards Violence in the workplace Fatigue Working alone What is a HAZARD? Anything that has the potential to cause harm to people or damage to property Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Incident (ICAM) Investigation
An investigation by a Safety Manager into the causes and contributing factors of an event will occur if the incident caused or had the potential to cause serious or life threatening injuries. The purpose of any such investigation will be to identify and implement any control measures to ensure a repeat incident of similar nature does not re-occur. You will be required to participate in the investigation process should you be involved in any such an occurrence. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor
Top 10 Hazards At Stramit we have identified the 10 most common hazards effecting our transport contractors. To ensure you stay safe at work, pay particular attention to: Road / Environment conditions Site access / Operating within shared traffic areas Loading and unloading trucks Power lines Loads falling from trucks Forklifts Working at heights / back of truck Cranes Handling Products Manual Handling Let’s see some of them in more detail Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Loading and Unloading Trucks
At a Stramit site an EXCLUSION ZONE is a “no go” area, marked in red or by temporary bollards. No one can be in the exclusion zone when a forklift or crane is loading or unloading a truck. All drivers must remain in marked green designated area when truck is being loaded or unloaded. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor
Customer Premises Take 5 assess your work area - Every visit as conditions change STOP – Stop, step back and observe THINK – Think through the task, ask for 2nd opinion IDENTIFY – Identify hazards and risks and plan out the safe way to do the task CONTROL – Control the hazard or cease work and communicate plan ACT – Complete the task safely If any safety hazards identified - Stop what you are doing discuss concern with the customer and make contact immediately with your manager to discuss your concerns and gain direction. If you experience any acts of violence or harassment– And you feel in danger leave site and make contact immediately with your manager. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Actions of drivers during loading
DO NOT leave tools, dunnage, strapping and products around trailer. DO NOT put yourself in a position where you can get trapped. DO NOT stand on the trailer when pack is being brought to the trailer. DO NOT take shortcuts to complete job. Seek assistance. DO NOT rush in the rain. Load indoors if possible. Wear weatherproof gear. Wait for rain to stop if a short shower. DO NOT jump from a trailer or vehicle top step. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Actions of drivers during loading
DO NOT stand between the trailer and the pack moving toward the trailer on crane or forklift. DO NOT stand behind forklift. DO NOT stand on opposite side of trailer to that of forklift. DO NOT use the tynes of a forklift to access or dismount from a vehicle. DO NOT stand in the entrance of a loading doorway. Coming from sunny yards to a dark factory makes it difficult for driver to adjust Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Moving vehicles on Stramit sites
DO NOT move a vehicle unless packs are restrained. DO check for pedestrians at all times. DO stop at pedestrian crossings. DO check fixed mirrors on blind corners for oncoming traffic. DO keep to the site speed limit. DO use a guide to assist for long loads. Make sure the guide is in clear line of sight with the driver, the load and rear of trailer. DO stop at loading door entrances, and sound horn before leaving. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Working on back of truck
As a Contractor working for Stramit it is mandatory to wear a hard hat WITH A CHIN STRAP whenever you are working at height – i.e. when on back of trucks / vehicles and when on loading platforms. Note - A hard hat with NO chin strap is NOT suitable PPE for this task. Visual checks are to be conducted prior to each use. Do not use a hard hat that has cracks or signs of impact - replace the helmet immediately Replace hard hats every 2 years This is to reduce the risk of head injury should you fall from height Your head will be protected against serious injury. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Loads Falling from Trucks
Always stand in driver designated GREEN area when loading / unloading is in operation. You must keep clear of the other side of the truck, as the load could accidentally fall on you. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Cranes – Loading / Unloading
Always stand in driver designated GREEN area when loading / unloading is in operation. Always be aware of cranes operating near you. Keep clear of loads carried by cranes Never walk underneath a suspended load Understand the operator must observe the 1 Up x 1 Away rule If a load is 1m above the ground, keep 1m away. If a load is 2m above the ground, keep 2m away, and so on. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is designed to keep you safe at work. Stramit has developed a PPE Standard that must be followed whilst on all Stramit sites. You must wear long-sleeved shirts, long trousers, safety vests, cut resistant gloves, safety glasses, and steel cap safety shoes. And a hard hat with chin strap (when working on back of truck). REMEMBER All PPE must be inspected regularly to check for damage If your PPE is damaged or worn out, you must replace it for new PPE Hard hats must be replaced every 2 years Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor
Media Players The use of media players requiring headphones on Stramit sites (e.g. iPods) is strictly forbidden. The use of media players requiring headphones are not to be used when operating heavy vehicles at anytime. The use of media players while working on customer sites also presents an extremely unprofessional image and has the same inherent dangers as on a Stramit site. Such devices impair one’s ability to hear hazards (such as forklifts) approaching, and also increase the risk of slips, trips and falls. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor
Emergency Evacuation Every Stramit site has an emergency evacuation plan and emergency procedures. Make sure you know the procedures of each site you visit. If in doubt ask your local Stramit Site or Production Manager. There are also some general rules that you need to know: If there is an emergency, remain calm and raise the alarm. If you have to evacuate a site: - Stop what you are doing - Turn engine off and leave truck secure - If safe to do so - Move in an orderly manner to the designated assembly point - Report to the site warden at the assembly point - Stay at the assembly point and await further instructions - Don’t leave the assembly point until you have been told to do so. Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
Next Steps Remember: safety is our number one priority.
Thank you for you time You have now completed the first part of the Stramit safety induction. Your next step is to: Complete the learning check with your manager to check your understanding of Stramit safety practices Complete a site specific induction for all applicable Stramit sites (On site) Complete site specific Traffic Management training for all applicable Stramit sites (On site) Remember: safety is our number one priority. To achieve our goal of Zero Harm, always practice STOP – THINK – ACT and enjoy working safely for Stramit! Stramit Safety Induction – Transport Contractor March -2015
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