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2018 Sankofa Arts and Education Festival Series Sponsors Package

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1 2018 Sankofa Arts and Education Festival Series Sponsors Package

2 Sponsors Package ~ Marquee Sponsor ~ $100,00-$75,000
The Marquee Sponsor will achieve unparalleled company exposure at an unsurpassed value through title sponsorship of the series by:  Grabbing the attention of a desirable target with millions of favorable impressions.  Demonstrating the company’s commitment to community service and preservation of America’s unique musical heritage.  Receiving top, across-the-board, billing in all media mentions. Benefits afforded the sole Marquee Sponsor of the concert series will include: The company’s name will become the lead part of the series’ name, i.e. “the corporate identity or product brand.”  Full inclusion and primary position of all paid and trade radio and print advertising and promotional pieces, press releases, indoor event signage, and public service announcements.  Continuous listings and press coverage in print, radio, and during said event.  Top billing mentions during emcee breaks and intros at series events.  License to use event name and trademarks in your company’s promotional activities, subject to producer’s review.  First choice vendor booth placement with product exclusivity at event with right to sell, use, or display products (within producer’s guidelines).  Marquee sponsor title appearing on all T-shirts.  Largest size sponsor advertisement in the official concert program guide, published by and distributed at the event.  Lead appearances in all event programs, brochures, posters, flyers, and event website for one year, with linking.  Custom entertainment package to reward employees, customers, and others, Consists of eight VIP passes which feature a “Meet and greet” session with headlining artists (subject to artist contractual riders).

3 Sponsors Package ~ Corporate Sponsor ~ $74,999-50,000
Corporate Sponsor contribution will be tailored to a slightly more modest level than the Marquee Sponsorship, but will still receive incredible exposure. For example:  Each opportunity to announce and credit the event will be followed immediately by a phrase such as “Presented by (the company’s name or product brand).”  The company’s strong commitment to new American music and community service will be readily apparent to the target audience. Benefits afforded to the Corporate Sponsor of the concert series will include:  Full inclusion and secondary position of all paid and trade radio/print advertising, as well as promotional pieces, press releases, indoor event signage and public service announcements.  Prominent mentions during emcee breaks and intros throughout the concert.  License to use the event name and trademarks in the company’s promotional activities (subject to producer’s review).  Preferred stage wings banner placement at all indoor and outdoor events (subject to venue rules).  Second largest size sponsor advertisement in the official concert program guide which will be published by Small Business Designs and Graphics and distributed at the event.  Second largest appearances, for one year, in all event programs, brochures, posters, flyers, and on the event website, with linking.  Additional signage at concession and souvenir areas.  Custom entertainment package to reward employees, customers, and others that consists of six VIP passes, featuring a “Meet and Greet” session with headline artists (subject to artist contractual riders).

4 Sponsors Package ~ Principal Sponsor ~ $49,999-25,000
Benefits afforded to Principal Sponsors of the concert will include:  Full inclusion in third position of all paid and trade radio/print advertising and promotional pieces, press releases, indoor event signage, and public service announcements.  Continuous listings and press coverage in print, radio advertising and during said concert.  Mentions during emcee breaks and intros at concert  Third largest size sponsor advertisement in the official concert program guide, brochures, posters and flyers and on the event website (for one year), with linking.  Custom entertainment package to reward employees, customers, and others that consists of six VIP passes, featuring a "Meet and Greet" session with headline artists (subject to artist contractual riders). ~ Patron Sponsor ~ $24,999-15,000 Patron Sponsors gain thousands of favorable impressions at an incredible value. This is the minimum level of sponsorship necessary to receive advertising benefits. Patron Sponsors help one of the first and best Sankofa Music Series to grow and touch people with the uplifting power of Jazz music. Benefits afforded to Patron Sponsors of the concert will include:  Inclusion in all paid and trade radio/print advertising and promotional pieces, press releases and public service announcements.  Mentions during emcee breaks and intros at the concert.  Appearances in all event programs, brochures, posters, flyers, and on the event website (for one year), with linking.  Custom entertainment package to reward employees, customers, and others that consists of six VIP passes, featuring a "Meet and Greet" session with headlining artists (subject to artist contractual riders).

5 Sponsors Package ~ Associate Sponsor ~ $14,999-10,000
Associate Sponsors will be able to promote their company to thousands of potential local customers who are proven spenders! This is the minimum level of sponsorship. Benefits afforded to Associate Sponsors of the concert series will include:  Inclusions in all paid and trade radio/print advertising and promotional pieces, press releases, and indoor event signage and public service announcements.  Mentions during emcee breaks and intros at the concert  One-fourth size black and white sponsor advertisement in the official concert program guide  Appearances in all event posters and flyers and on the event website for one year.  Custom entertainment package to reward employees, customers, and others that consists of two VIP passes, featuring a "Meet and Greet” session with Headlining artists (subject to artist contractual riders). ~ Supporter ~ $9,  Custom entertainment package to reward employees, customers, and others that consists of two VIP passes, featuring a "Meet and Greet” session with  Headlining artists (subject to artist contractual riders).

6 Sponsors Package ~ Marquee Sponsor ~ $100,00-$75,000
~ Corporate Sponsor ~ $74,999-50,000 ~ Principal Sponsor ~ $49,999-25,000 ~ Patron Sponsor ~ $24,999-15,000 ~ Associate Sponsor ~ $14,999-10,000 ~ Supporter ~ $9,

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