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Presentation on theme: "THE PENTATEUCH THE EXODUS."— Presentation transcript:


2 EXODUS The Egyptian Bondage 70 Souls came to Egypt Joseph Dies
Israelite peoples multiplying New king over Egypt Israelites afflicted and in bondage

3 EXODUS Birth of Moses All male Jewish babies to be killed
Moses hid, rescued, raised Kills an Egyptian male Moses fled from face of Pharaoh Moses now in Midian

4 EXODUS The call of Moses The burning bush
God heard the cry of Israelites Tells Moses to go to Pharaoh Moses makes excuses Aaron now joins Moses

5 EXODUS The 10 Plagues Water into blood Frog invasion Lice Flies
Cattle disease

6 EXODUS The 10 Plagues Boils Hail mingled with fire Locusts Darkness
Death of first born

7 EXODUS 4 compromises offered 1. Don’t leave, worship here
2. Leave but don’t go too far 3. Leave but don’t take children 4. Leave but without your cattle

8 EXODUS At midnight, death angel visits
Early morning Israel leaves Egypt The trip to Mt. Sinai The parting of Red Sea Egyptian army perishes The Lord’s people praise

9 EXODUS The Trip to Sinai Marah’s bitter waters Manna given
Sabbath instituted Rock at Rephidim Victory over Amalekites

10 EXODUS ISRAEL AT SINAI Spend 11 months here Commandments given
Worship of the Golden calf Construction of the Tabernacle

11 EXODUS Israel at Sinai God promises to meet in 3 days
Israel must prepare themslves God’s presence on Sinai Moses receives commandments + Israel agrees to all that God spoke

12 EXODUS Moses again on the Mount Joshua goes part way with him
Spends 40 days Receives Tablets Receives instruction for Tabernacle Told to deal with golden calf issue

13 EXODUS Moses Rebukes Aaron and Israel Prays for Israel
Again ascends the Mount God permits him to see a part of His glory

14 EXODUS THE 10 COMMANDMENTS First 4 deal with man and God
No other Gods before me Shall make no graven image Not take God’s name in vain Remember the Sabbath

15 EXODUS Last 6 commandments Relationship with men
Honor thy father and mother Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steal Thou shall not bear false witness Thou shalt not covet

16 EXODUS The Tabernacle 10 Chapters in Exodus
Pattern of things in heaven Tabernacle is a type of Christ Place where God meets man

17 EXODUS The Tabernacle The center of Israel’s camp
The place of sacrifice Had but one door Place where priest’s were fed

18 EXODUS The Tabernacle 7 pieces of furniture The ark
Dimensions 2.5 X 1.5 X 1.5 cubits Wood = humanity of Christ Gold = divine nature of Christ

19 EXODUS Tabernacle furniture The ark It’s contents
Golden pot with manna Aaron’s rod that budded Tables of the covenant

20 EXODUS The Tabernacle Furniture The Mercy Seat Made of pure gold
Propitiation for sin Sprinkled with blood 2 Cherubs on either end

21 EXODUS The Tabernacle furniture The table of shewbread
Indicates communion 12 loaves of bread Made of wood and gold Crowned with gold

22 EXODUS The Tabernacle Furniture The Lampstand Made of pure gold
Light for service Branches, bowls, knobs

23 EXODUS The Tabernacle Furniture The Altar of Incense Place of worship
Place of supplication (prayer) Place of fellowship

24 EXODUS The Tabernacle Furniture The Laver Cleansing before entering
Cleansing before communion Cleansing before service

25 EXODUS The Tabernacle Furniture The Brazen Altar
Largest piece of furniture Place of burnt offerings Type of cross Sacrifice of Christ

26 THE PRIESTHOOD The Ordination of Priest First washed with water
Then anointed with oil Then identified with sacrifice Placed hand on it’s head Blood applied to right ear, right thumb and to right big toe

27 THE PRIESTHOOD The Priestly Garments The Ephod The Breastplate
The Urim and Thummin The Robe of the ephod The Mitre

28 THE PRIESTHOOD The Priest’s Duties Temple Service Personal Service
Incense, lamps, bread, sacrifice Personal Service Inspect unclean persons (lepers) Instruct in the law Oversee spiritual welfare of Israelites

29 THE PRIESTHOOD Personal Obligations Not consume strong drink
Not clip bald spots on head, beard, etc. Not marry divorcee, widow. Must be virgin of the tribe of Levy Not have bodily defects (lame or blind)

30 THE OFFERINGS The Burnt Offering The Meal Offering The Peace Offering
The Sin Offering The Trespass Offering

The Passover – (Calvary) The Feasts of 1st Fruits (Resurrection) The Feast of Unleavened Bread (Holiness)

The Feast of Pentecost (Holy Spirit)

The Feast of Trumpets (Rapture) The Day of Atonement (Tribulation) The Feast of Tabernacles (Millenium)


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