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Maniks Desuperheater for Energy conservation

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1 - Maniks

2  Introduction:  Design of Maniks Desuperheater  Basic Introduction of Maniks Desuperheater  Need of Desuperheater  Working Principle  Types of Desuperheater  Maniks Desuperheater  Design of desuperheater

3  Design of Maniks Desuperheater:

4  Basic Introduction of Desuperheater:  Maniks makes high productivity and predominant quality desuperheater.  The fundamental limit of a desuperheater is to cut down the temperature of superheated steam or different vapors.desuperheater  For the viable temperature diminishment we utilize a shower of water into the steam pipe this will frame an organize contact of steam with water or another liquid.  For instance, water as a result of which we acquire temperature diminishment. It will scatter the implanted water.

5  Need of Desuperheater:  Desuperheater assumes a critical part in boilers and warmth age frameworks. They lessen the temperature of the superheated steam and reuse the warmth vitality to some different applications. There are two favorable circumstances of diminishment of this steam temperature. 1.The downstream process gear intended to work at a low temperature. To acquire this foundation we require desuperheater. 2.Maintain a steady temperature for facilitate processor applications

6  Working Principle:  Desuperheater takes a shot at an extremely straightforward guideline it diminishes the steam temperature with the assistance of water.  The shower of water diminishes the temperature of the superheated steam.  At the point when this water comes in coordinate contact with the superheated steam, dissipation process happens and steam temperature lessens at the outlet.  When we infuse water to the superheated steam some water beads amassed on the inward surface of the divider.

7  Types of Desuperheater: There are four sorts of desuperheaters accessible  Indirect contact compose the medium used to cool the superheated steam does not come into organize contact with it.  The cooling medium is a fluid or gas as opposed to encompassing air.  These sorts of desuperheaters are shell and tube warm exchangers.  Integral compose Desuperheater is in-worked with actuator so that there is no compelling reason to isolate splash water valve  Non Integral write Desuperheater spout and water valve are separate units

8  Maniks Desuperheater:  Maniks are having thorough scope of desuperheater supply since most recent three decades. Maniks  They presented assortment of desuperheaters with exact temperature control for different applications in compound or oil and gas process plants where the accessible refrigerant is at superheated conditions.  The desuperheater created my Maniks utilizes smelling salts water as a super warmer fluid and its primary reason to configuration to utilize as a part of refrigeration frameworks to keep up the temperature inside it.

9  Design of Desuperheater:  Twofold Walled "Tube in Tube ", vented, counter stream warm exchanger.  Vent tube having serrations on internal and external surfaces to keep away from cross sullying of refrigerant and water/liquid.  Each tube has a tube inside that permits water/liquid to movement in a contrary bearing.  The Desuperheater Water Heater presented before the condenser and the oil separator. 


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