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Unit 2 Grammar Week 2 Coyote School News.

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1 Unit 2 Grammar Week 2 Coyote School News

2 Regular Plural Nouns

3 Regular Plural Nouns Singular Nouns name one person, place, or thing.
Plural Nouns name more than one person, place, or thing.

4 Regular Plural Nouns Add –s to form the plural of most nouns.
School/schools dog/dogs cow/cows Add –es to form plurals of nouns that end in ch, sh, s, ss, or x. ranch/ranches bush/bushes gas/gases Cross/crosses fox/foxes

5 Regular Plural Nouns To form the plural of nouns that end in a consonant followed by a y, change the y to I and add –es. Family/families party/parties pony/ponies

6 Find the Plural Nouns The students at my mom’s school all dressed the same. They wore blue and white uniforms. They ate their lunches outside when the weather was nice. Once Mom threw her food into the bushes!

7 Change the word in () to the plural form.
Last summer our family visited my uncles’ (ranch). Some (day) the men would cut down trees. My (brother) and I wanted to cut trees too. We found a tall pine far from the (house).

8 Choose a word from the word bank to complete the sentences.
Box dish bench carton lady sandwich At school we eat lunch sitting on _____ in the cafeteria. Mom packs my _____ in a brown paper bag. Some kids bring colorful plastic _________.

9 Dependent or Independent Clause?
Since I last wrote, we’ve made big plans. After school gets out, Ted can take us camping. We’ll go to Baxter State Park because it’s really wild.

10 Dependent or Independent Clause?
If the weather is good, we can climb Mt. Katahdin. We don’t plan our route until we’ve studied the map. Before we go, we need to decide about food.

11 Test Prep Grandpa told stories at night ___ we stayed up to listen.
A , and C , or B and, D and In one story he had scared a ghost ____ in another he had tamed a tornado. A and C or B , and D or,

12 Test Prep—Independent Clause
unless you want to freeze when you pack if you like hot food carry matches with you because we started late although we’re very tired we have a long way to go Since we got lost

13 Test Prep—Dependent clauses
___ we can’t light a fire, we’ll eat sandwiches. Or Since Before But The dog growls ___ she hears the coyotes howling. although when or but

14 Dependent or Independent?
When school is out, we will visit my uncle Bill. Before he retired, he worked in New York City. He moved to Vermont after he bought an old farm. Although he is not a farmer, he loves life in Vermont.

15 Combine the sentences using the word in ( ).
Lou sat in the front. He had never been in a canoe. (since) We paddled upstream. We were tired. (until) We stopped. We came to a good place for lunch. (when) The swimming was great. The water was cold. (although)

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