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“What are those smiley faces?”

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1 “What are those smiley faces?”
Meter and Feet in Poetry

2 Feet: the units which denotes a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables
Comes in the forms of: Iamb Anapest Trochee Dactyl Spondee Pyrrhic

3 FEET!!!!!!!!!!! Stressed syllables are marked with a: /
Unstressed syllables are marked with a: U Therefore… Iamb = U/ (unstressed, stressed) Anapest = UU/ (unstressed, unstressed, stressed) Trochee = /U (stressed, unstressed) Dactyl = /UU (stressed, unstressed, unstressed) Spondee = // (stressed, stressed) Pyrrhic = UU (unstressed, unstressed)

4 Some words… Iamb = da DUM like desSTROY, creATE
Anapest = da da DUM like se-ven-TEEN Trochee = DUM da like TUMmy, TICKle Dactyl = DUM da da like STRAW-ber-ry, BUF-fa-lo Spondee = DUM DUM like FOOT-BALL, BATH- ROBE, BREAK-DOWN Pyrrhic = da da like in the” or “on a” (can you think of a better one?)

5 There are also different types of meters
They come in the form of: Monometer: mono = one (monocle) Dimeter: di = two (dialogue) Trimeter: tri = three (tricycle) Tetrameter: tetra = four (tetrapods) Pentameter: penta = five (pentagram) Hexameter: hexa = six (hexagon) Heptameter: hepta = seven (heptagon) Octometer: octo = eight (octopus)

6 So, just about any combination of these two things is possible…
For example Iambic pentameter (five feet of U/) U/ | U/ | U/ | U/ | U/ Anapestic tetrameter (four feet of UU/) UU/ | UU/ | UU/ | UU/ Trochaic octometer (eight feet of /U) /U | /U | /U | /U | /U | /U | /U | /U Trochaic tetrameter (four feet of /U) /U | /U | /U | /U Spondaic dimieter (two feet of //) // | // Dactylic hexameter (six feet of /UU) /UU | /UU | /UU | /UU | /UU | /UU Etc. NOTE: Feet are separated with a vertical line.

7 Some Examples! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
U / | U / | U / | U / | U / Iambic Pentameter, yes? Because I could not stop for death U / | U / | U / | U / Iambic tetrameter

8 Some Examples Twas the night before Christmas and all though the house
U U / | U U / | U U / | U U / Anapestic tetrameter Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary / U | / U | / U | / U | / U | / U | / U | / U Trochaic octometer

9 Can you figure out these ones?
So I walk by the edge of a lake in my dream And the sound of a voice that is still Do not go gentle into that good night Half a league, half a league Tyger, tyger burning bright Eeny meeny miny moe Amazing grace! How sweet the sound Wild nights! Wild nights!

10 Answers to previous slide
Dream: Anapestic tetrameter Voice: Anapestic trimeter Night: Iambic pentameter League: Dactylic dimeter Tyger: Trochaic tetrameter (with a silent unstressed syllable at the end) Eeny: Iambic tetrameter/spondaic dimeter Grace: Iambic tetrameter Wild: Spondaic dimeter

11 Trick question: what’s the meter of these?
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness I lean and loaf at my ease, observing a spear of summer grass Some people never go crazy what truly horrible lives they must lead

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