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Lecture 13 – the weak force

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1 Lecture 13 – the weak force
When is it weak and when is it strong ? Weak interactions of quarks Cabibbo angle CKM matrix Handedness in charged current interactions. FK7003

2 When is a force weak or strong ?

3 gX X,|Q| gX FK7003

4 When the weak force is weak

5 When the weak force become stronger
ne e- e- g,Z0 W- p p FK7003

6 Electromagnetic and weak force strength

7 The weak force in detail
Charged currents Basic processes for quarks and leptons Lepton-quark symmetry Cabibbo angle CKM matrix V-A theory FK7003

8 Basic charged current processes involving leptons
Weak coupling at a vertex: gW FK7003

9 Quark interactions via the weak force.

10 Cabibbo mixing FK7003

11 Lepton quark symmetry c s’ c s c d gcd FK7003

12 Determination of the Cabibbo angle
s K- u gud gus FK7003

13 Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa Matrix
gab FK7003

14 More on the CKM Matrix The CKM matrix is generalisation of Cabibbo’s mixing for the light quarks by Kobayashi and Maskawa When generalising CP violation was introduced/discovered as a property of weak decays. Kobayashi and Maskawa won the 2008 Nobel prize for this work. Many particle physicists (probably Cabibbo included) were surprised at Cabibbo’s exclusion. FK7003

15 Decay of W FK7003

16 Spin dependence of charged current interactions

17 V-A interactions s s s s s FK7003

18 Top quark non-discovery
1984 CERN UA1 experiment pp (630 GeV cm energy) Something they would rather forget FK7003

19 Top quark discovery quark pdf q(x) Anti-quark pdf q(x) FK7003

20 Top quark lifetime FK7003

21 Selected top quark decays at the Tevatron

22 A top quark pair production ”event”
Event observed at the D0 experiment. FK7003

23 Top quark discovery top background FK7003

24 Summary The weak force was studied
The weak force is of comparable strength with the electromagnetic force for interactions with |Q|>MW Charged current interactions take place in quark doublets of mixed physical states. Cabibbo theory and the CKM matrix formalise mixing. At relativistic energies, the W couples preferentially to left- handed fermions and right-handed antifermions (V-A theory). Next lecture – neutral currents, electroweak unification and the Higgs. FK7003

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