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DESY CMS Group DESY has officially established a CMS (and ATLAS) group

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1 DESY CMS Group DESY has officially established a CMS (and ATLAS) group
membership: > 50% work on CMS i.e. JM, Wolfram, Matthias, Hanna, students all others remain member of H1, ZEUS, FLC, … until further notice JM has been appointed group leader Account at DESY HH: for travels, e.g. to CERN and CMS specific investments Team Account at CERN T158100 for items from CERN Store you need an EDH account signature JM or Wolfram (or M. Fleischer) J. Mnich

2 DESY CMS Group Zeuthen: now CMS members based at Zeuthen
W. Lohmann, H. Nowak, + W. Lange + R. Schmidt (student) NOTE: there is only ONE DESY CMS group with people based at Hamburg, Zeuthen (and CERN) Registration at CERN need a CERN access card even for short stay at Meyrin site now strictly checked at gates JM is CERN team leader Wolfram is deputy (can sign documents) Offices at CERN: bldg. 32 4B-20 and 3C-09 Wolfram & Matthias 5th floor bldg. 40 we should get office space in new CMS Centre (PS area) J. Mnich

3 People registered at CERN
as of today 21 DESY people registered with CMS Note: physicists have to pay M&O contributions ≈ 10 kCHF/year engineers, technicians, students are for free J. Mnich

4 Activities in CMS See May PRC talk for more details
We are supposed to write a little Strategy Document for our directors (ATLAS did it already…) MoA for the Maintenance and Operation of the CMS Draft 3.1: J. Mnich

5 DESY Contributions to CMS
DESY CMS group Four main activities: I. Physics Top physics Underlying event & multiple interactions II. HLT & DAQ HLT supervisor Data Quality Montoring III. Technical Coordination Management Technical help Commissioning Beam Radiation Monitor IV. Computing & Software Software instal. & MC production Tracker Alignm. (with Uni HH) 63th Meeting DESY PRC, May 2007 BRM: synergy with FCALof ILC detector Other activities: Contribution to CASTOR forward calorimeter - design & construction for testbeam (summer 2007) - connection to HERA physics (proton structure) 5 J. Mnich

6 Outlook and Plans 63th Meeting DESY PRC, May 2007
Future Plans of the DESY ATLAS & CMS groups: ATLAS Current activities will be continued Largely intensify physics analysis work Probably start some hardware contribution to the ATLAS luminosity monitor (ALFA) with new manpower Contributions to ATLAS upgrade are under discussion 63th Meeting DESY PRC, May 2007 CMS Develop current activities Plan contribution to CMS remote operation room at Meyrin Investigate feasibility of remote operation room at DESY, in particular for Data Quality Monitoring Participation in detector upgrades (sLHC, …) will be discussed in due time 6 J. Mnich

7 People A probably incomplete list of DESY people working on CMS
please let me know of any corrections Physics: JM, A. Flossdorf, B. Hegner, C. Rosemann. H. Jung, M. Marienfeld HLT & DQM: C. Youngman, U. Behrens, D. Hatton, A. Meyer, J. Hauk Technical Coordination: W. Zeuner, W. Lohmann, W. Lange, R. Schmidt, Computing & Software: M. Kasemann, R. Mankel, C. Kleinwort, H. Nowak, B. Levendel CASTOR: K. Borras, A. Campbell, P. Göttlicher People interested in CMS (to join sooner or later): G. Eckerlin (remote CR), A. Geiser, D. Pitzl J. Mnich

8 DESY CMS Group Purpose of today’s meeting: short status reports plans
problems people resources needed discussions on the above items J. Mnich

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