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IHEP Status and Future Plan
Yifang Wang Institute of High Energy Physics ALCW2015, April 23, 2015
Particle Physics in China: Unusual Support
Matter may be break up infinitely ---- Mao Zedong met Sakata Shyoichi in 1964 IHEP established at an unusual moment: Feb. 1, 1973 7 failed attempts to build a HEP accelerator in China since 50’s Since the success of BEPC in 80’s, HEP in China started to be on a right track New era since the completion of the upgrade of BEPC (BEPCII) in 2008.
Particle & Astro-Particle Physics at IHEP
Current Future Accelerator-based Precision frontier BESIII International: ILC CEPC SppC International projects: Belle II、PANDA、COMET Energy frontier CMS、ATLAS Non-accelerator-based Underground Daya Bay JUNO nEXO EXO Surface ARGO/ASg LHASSO Space AMS HERD XTP HXMT
BESIII Experiment Modern detectors with excellent performance
1T SC magnet Crystal calorimeter Drift chamber, RPC muon chamber, TOF counters, … Large international collaboration ~400 members from 52 institutions and 11 countries Many interesting results Zc(3900), Zc(4020), X(1835),… > 70 papers > 150 talks
BESIII Data Taking Status & Plan
Previous Data set BESIII now Goal J/psi BESII: 58M 1.2 B 10B Psi’ CLEO:28 M 0.5 B 3B Psi” CLEO:0.8 /fb 3.0/fb 20 /fb y(4040)/y(4160)/X(4260) etc. CLEO:0.6/fb @ y(4160) 0.5/fb y(4040); ~4360; ~ 10 /fb R scan & Tau 105 GeV 100K/pnts BESIII will continue for the next 8-10 years: Unique in the world
The Future: CEPC+SppC For about 8 years, we have been talking about “What can be done after BEPCII in China” Thanks to the discovery of the low mass Higgs boson, and stimulated by ideas of Circular Higgs Factories in the world, CEPC+SppC configuration was proposed in Sep. 2012 LTB : Linac to Booster BTC : Booster to Collider Ring BTC IP1 IP2 e+ e- e+ e- Linac (240m) LTB CEPC Collider Ring(50Km) Booster(50Km) Medium Energy Booster(4.5Km) Low Energy Booster(0.4Km) IP4 IP3 SppC Collider Ring(50Km) Proton Linac (100m) High Energy Booster(7.2Km) A km tunnel is relatively easier NOW in China
Scientific Goals CEPC ( e+e-: 90-250 GeV) SppC (pp: 50-100 TeV)
Higgs Factory: Precision study of Higgs(mH, JPC, couplings) Z & W factory: precision test of SM Flavor factory: b, c, t and QCD studies SppC (pp: TeV) Directly search for new physics beyond SM Precision test of SM e.g., h3 & h4 couplings Three pillars: EW phase transition, naturalness, dark matter CEPC-SppC complementary with each other
Timeline (dream) CPEC SppC Pre-study, R&D and preparation work
Pre-CDR for R&D funding request R&D: Engineering Design: Construction: Data taking: SppC Pre-study: R&D: Engineering Design: Construction: Data taking:
CEPC Accelerator Linac Booster 6~10 GeV Collision ring 45/120 GeV
Energy Ramp 10 ->120GeV 6~10 GeV Electron Linac Booster Positron 3 machines in one tunnel CEPC & booster SppC Injectors Compatibility issues CEPC vs SppC Detectors & beampipes SR beamlines Collision ring 45/120 GeV
Priliminary CEPC parameter list
Unit Value Beam energy [E] GeV 120 Circumference [C] m 54752 Number of IP[NIP] 2 SR loss/turn [U0] 3.11 Bunch number/beam[nB] 50 Bunch population [Ne] 3.79E+11 SR power/beam [P] MW 51.7 Beam current [I] mA 16.6 Bending radius [r] 6094 momentum compaction factor [ap] 3.36E-05 Revolution period [T0] s 1.83E-04 Revolution frequency [f0] Hz emittance (x/y) nm 6.12/0.018 bIP(x/y) mm 800/1.2 Transverse size (x/y) 69.97/0.15 xx,y/IP 0.118/0.083 Beam length SR [ss.SR] 2.14 Beam length total [ss.tot] 2.65 Lifetime due to Beamstrahlung (simulation) min 47 lifetime due to radiative Bhabha scattering [tL] 52 RF voltage [Vrf] GV 6.87 RF frequency [frf] MHz 650 Harmonic number [h] 118800 Synchrotron oscillation tune [ns] 0.18 Energy acceptance RF [h] % 5.99 Damping partition number [Je] Energy spread SR [sd.SR] 0.132 Energy spread BS [sd.BS] 0.119 Energy spread total [sd.tot] 0.163 ng 0.23 Transverse damping time [nx] turns 78 Longitudinal damping time [ne] 39 Hourglass factor Fh 0.658 Luminosity /IP[L] cm-2s-1 2.04E+34
CEPC Detector Similar performance requirements to ILC detectors
Momentum: ← recoiled Higgs mass Impact parameter: ← flavor tagging, BR Jet energy: ← W/Z di-jet mass separation Beneficial from 20 years of ILC study ILD-like detector but (incomplete): Shorter L* (1.5m) → constraints on space for the Si/TPC tracker No power-pulsing → cooling issues Limited CoM (up to 250 GeV) → calorimeters of reduced size Lower radiation background → vertex detector closer to IP …
Civil Construction A floor map for surface and underground facilities
Geological survey and site selection Try to get a credible design with cost estimate Try to keep the cost low Utilities with power consumption estimate
Revisions after international reviews Can be downloaded from
March 30, 2015
Physics Cases Higgs studies at CEPC Precision EW tests at CEPC
Flavor physics at CEPC Searches at SppC Heavy ion and electron-ion collision physics March 30, 2015
Current Status Pre-CDR completed R&D issues identified:
Machine design & optimization SRF cavity fabrication & processing Cryo. module & system design and fabrication Beam diagnosis Vacuum pipes & heat dissipation SC dipole magnet for SPPC … Seed money for R&D from IHEP Proposal for R&D submitted No show-stoppers for CEPC Important for Tech. Dev. anyway Important for CEPC P.S. IP1 IP4 IP3 IP2 D = 17.3 km ½ RF RF (4 IPs, m each) C = km
Complementary with ILC
Energy: CEPC for Z and Higgs(250 GeV) ILC can go to 500 GeV for all couplings(Htt etc) Detector: One detector each for ILC and CEPC . ILC can give up Push-Pull. ILC & CEPC: cross check Technology: ILC can go to higher energy FEL CEPC can go to higher Luminosity Synchrotron Timeline: ILC starts from 2020 ? CEPC starts from 2022 ? Why two ? One is enough ? Two very different technology. Very different possibility for future. Cross check:2 accelerator + 2 detector is better than 1 (ILC) + 2 detector
International Collaboration
Right now the pre-CDR is mainly Chinese efforts with international help An excise for us Build confidence for the Chinese HEP community A new scheme of international collaboration to be explored: Not the same as ITER, ILC, CERN, … A new institution, a consortium, or just a new project ? An international advisory board will be formed soon to discuss this issue and many others Welcome suggestions
Particle & Astro-Particle Physics at IHEP
Current Future Accelerator-based Precision frontier BESIII International: ILC CEPC SppC International projects: Belle II、PANDA、COMET Energy frontier CMS、ATLAS Non-accelerator-based Underground Daya Bay JUNO nEXO EXO Surface ARGO/ASg LHASSO Space AMS HERD XTP HXMT
Space Projects g-ray-burst detector Moon exploration HXMT
ME LE HE Gamma-ray burst polarization (POLAR):
High Energy cosmic Radiation Detection (HERD) onboard the China’s Space Station
Science Dark matter search: γ from 0.1 – 10,000 GeV Spectral and composition measurements of CRs between 300 GeV to PeV Complementary to LHAASO: directly measured composition & spectrum in space Status Mission concept selected Design concept reviewed Technical review for mission selection soon Groups from China,Italy,Switzerland,Sweden,… Launch in ~2023 (?) PWO or BGO X0(λ) ∆E/E for e e/p sep e GF 200GeV p GF HERD (2020) 55(3) 1% 10-6 3.1 2.3 Fermi (2008) 10 12% 10-3 0.9 -- AMS02 (2011) 17 2% 0.12 DAMPE (2015) 31 10-4 0.3 CREAM (2015) 20(1.5) 0.2 20
Cosmic-rays physics and g-ray astronomy Altitude ~ 4400 Sichuan International collaboration: China, France, Italy, … Start construction: 2016 ? 2018/9/16
Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment Probability of non-zero q13 5.3 s
In March 2012, Daya Bay reported the measurement: Sin22q13 = 0.016(stat) 0.005(syst) Probability of non-zero q s F.P. An et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, (2012) citations ~1200
Next Step: Mass Hierarchy
Daya Bay Huizhou Lufeng Yangjiang Taishan Status running planned approved Construction construction power/GW 17.4 18.4 Daya Bay 60 km JUNO Previous site Lufeng Huizhou Daya Bay Current site Hong Kong Talk by YFW at ICFA seminar 2008, Neutel 2011; by J. Cao at NuTurn 2012 ; Paper by L. Zhan, YFW, J. Cao, L.J. Wen, PRD78:111103,2008; PRD79:073007,2009 Taishan Yangjiang
Schedule & Current Status
Civil preparation: Civil construction: Detector component production: PMT production: Detector assembly & installation: Filling & data taking:2020 Grounding breaking on Jan. 10, 2015
Particle & Astro-Particle Physics at IHEP
Current Future Accelerator-based Precision frontier BESIII International: ILC CEPC SppC International projects: Belle II、PANDA、COMET Energy frontier CMS、ATLAS Non-accelerator-based Underground Daya Bay JUNO nEXO EXO Surface ARGO/ASg LHASSO Space AMS HERD XTP HXMT
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