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Dynamics Dynamics Rotational K.E. Tides g as a function of latitude

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1 Dynamics Dynamics Rotational K.E. Tides g as a function of latitude Part IV – “If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention, than to any other talent.” Revision: READ the Textbook! Do the past papers – ideally under exam like conditions Chris Parkes October

2 Gravitational Force Myth of Newton & apple. He realised gravity is universal same for planets and apples Any two masses m1,m2 attract each other with a gravitational force: F F m1 m2 r Newton’s law of Gravity Inverse square law 1/r2, r distance between masses The gravitational constant G = 6.67 x Nm2/kg2 Explains motion of planets, moons and tides mE=5.97x1024kg, RE=6378km Mass, radius of earth Gravity on earth’s surface Or Hence,

3 Satellites Centripetal Force provided by Gravity m R M
N.B. general solution is an ellipse not a circle - planets travel in ellipses around sun Satellites Centripetal Force provided by Gravity m R M Distance in one revolution s = 2R, in time period T, v=s/T T2R3 , Kepler’s 3rd Law Special case of satellites – Geostationary orbit Stay above same point on earth T=24 hours

4 Comparable masses in orbit
Masses m1,m2; Radii r1,r2 Example Pluto (dwarf planet) and Charon (a moon) mPluto = 1.31 x 1022 kg orbit 6.39 days r (mean) =19,600 km Find mCharon/mPluto (11%) Photo Hubble Space Telescope

5 In middle of ocean variation in water level approx. 50 cm
Tides Tides caused by difference in force exerted by moon on mass at near side and far side of Earth Tides on both sides of Earth – given point two tides per day [Zooniverse] In middle of ocean variation in water level approx. 50 cm

6 Neap tide / Spring tide Sun attraction also has tidal effect
See Q4 week 12 question sheet When moon and sun align – stronger – spring tide When out of phase – weaker – neap tide Occur twice per lunar month

7 Apparent weight with latitude
Earth rotates on its axis – not an inertial frame At Equator require net force on body to keep in circular motion – hence apparent weight changes Where ϕ is angle from equator plane

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