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Inspiring Behavior Change

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Presentation on theme: "Inspiring Behavior Change"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inspiring Behavior Change
Lessons from Successful Campaigns

2 A Brief Exercise Nine Swap Cell Ring Lust Plugs Lamp Apple Table Sway
Army Bank Fire Hold Worm Clock Horse Color Baby Sword Desk Find Bird Rock

3 How Many Can You Remember?

4 Some Facts about Memory
“I suffer from short term remembery loss.” - Dory Less than a goldfish! “...People will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou Source: Synap

5 Methodology Nonprofit Looked for commonalities in popular campaigns aimed at inspiring consumers to take action. Idea / Concept Health / Food

6 Keep Your Message Simple
Energize Your Constituents Tap into Emotions Make It Interactive and Shareable

7 Lesson 1: Keep Your Message Simple
Humans can only remember 5 to 9 pieces of information at any given time. Source: Synap

8 Lesson 1: Keep Your Message Simple
Concentrate the message on actionable items that will have the biggest impact.

9 Lesson 2: Energize Your Constituents
Those Held Responsible are Not Trusted Responsible for Ensuring Safe Food Federal Regulatory Agencies Food Companies Farmers State Regulatory Agencies Family Grocery Store Family Doctor Restaurants Nutrition Advocacy Groups University Scientists Dietitians Trusted to Ensure Safe Food Family Family Doctor Farmers Dietitians Nutrition Advocacy Groups University Scientists Grocery Store Federal Regulatory Agencies State Regulatory Agencies Restaurants Food Companies Source: Center for Food Integrity

10 Lesson 2: Energize Your Constituents
Provide the resources and support needed, then get out of the way.

11 Lesson 3: Tap into Different Emotions
“Emotionally charged events are better remembered – for longer, and with more accuracy – than neutral events” – Dr. John Medina Source: Brain Rules

12 Lesson 3: Tap into Different Emotions
Human to Human Marketing: Stir up emotions to drive results.

13 Lesson 4: Make It Interactive and Shareable
“Connection is why we’re here. It’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.” - Brene Brown Source: TED Talk

14 Lesson 4: Make It Interactive and Shareable
Make them feel like part of something larger than themselves.

15 Keep Your Message Simple
Energize Your Constituents Tap into Emotions Make It Interactive and Shareable

16 Thank You!

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