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Welcome to The Third Workshop of the

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1 Welcome to The Third Workshop of the
International Precipitation Working Group Joe Turk, Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, CA, US Peter Bauer, ECMWF, Reading, UK IPWG Co-Chairpersons Beth Ebert, BMRC, Australia IPWG-2006 Organizer Bureau of Meteorology Research Center Melbourne, Australia 23-27 October 2006

2 Third Workshop of the IPWG
Brief IPWG History Endorsed during the 52nd session of the WMO Executive Council in 2000 WMO encouraged the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) to participate in the formation of the IPWG with active participation by WMO and the Global Precipitation Climatology Program (GPCP) Endorsed by the CGMS 29th session (July 2001) Precipitation “equivalent” of the longstanding ITWG (soundings) and IWWW (winds) Formation Meeting: June 2001, Fort Collins, US IPWG-1: September 2002, INM, Madrid, Spain IPWG-2: October 2004, NRL, Monterey, US IPWG-3: October 2006, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia Third Workshop of the IPWG 23-27 October 2006 Melbourne, Australia

3 Third Workshop of the IPWG
IPWG Objectives 1) To promote standard operational procedures and common software for deriving precipitation measurements from satellites; 2) To establish standards for validation and independent verification of precipitation measurements derived from satellite data; including: reference standards for the validation of precipitation for weather, hydrometeorological and climate applications; standard analysis techniques that quantify the uncertainty of ground-based measurements over relevant time and space scales needed by satellite products; 3) To devise and implement regular procedures for the exchange of data on inter-comparisons of operational precipitation measurements from satellites; Third Workshop of the IPWG 23-27 October 2006 Melbourne, Australia

4 Third Workshop of the IPWG
IPWG Objectives 4) to stimulate increased international scientific research and development in this field and to establish routine means of exchanging scientific results and verification results; 5) to make recommendations to national and international agencies regarding the utilization of current and future satellite instruments on both polar and geostationary platforms; and 6) to encourage regular education and training activities with the goal of improving global utilization of remote sensing data for precipitation measurements. Third Workshop of the IPWG 23-27 October 2006 Melbourne, Australia

5 Accomplishments Since 2004 With IPWG Involvement
Addition of High Frequency channels to the Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) Microwave Imager Snowfall Workshop at Univ. of Wisconsin (October 2005) Two major National Academy of Sciences (NAS) reports on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and GPM Realtime validation of satellite and NWP precipitation datasets – continues to expand with new sites and participants Third Workshop of the IPWG 23-27 October 2006 Melbourne, Australia

6 Accomplishments Since 2004 With IPWG Involvement
Initiated the Pilot Evaluation of High Resolution Precipitation Products (PEHRPP)- first results to be presented here JCSDA Workshop on Assimilation of Satellite-Observed Cloud and Precipitation – and their implementation at several major NWP forecast centers TRMM lifetime was extended until 2009 CloudSat was successfully launched (28 April 2006) and first light precipitation datasets will be presented here Third Workshop of the IPWG 23-27 October 2006 Melbourne, Australia

7 IPWG Structure - Working Groups Third Workshop of the IPWG
Three Working Groups: Operational Applications, Research, and Validation Recommendations and action items from previous workshop included with registration Thursday afternoon dedicated to working groups Friday morning: Reconvene to summarize final working group reports Third Workshop of the IPWG 23-27 October 2006 Melbourne, Australia

8 To Our Local Hosts, The Australian Bureau of Meteorology
A SPECIAL THANK YOU To Our Local Hosts, The Australian Bureau of Meteorology To Our Local Organizer, Dr. Beth Ebert and colleagues, without whose dedication this workshop would not be taking place Third Workshop of the IPWG 23-27 October 2006 Melbourne, Australia

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