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If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try Another ERM

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Presentation on theme: "If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try Another ERM"— Presentation transcript:

1 If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try Another ERM
ER&L 2015 Susan Davis, University at Buffalo (SUNY) Eric Hartnett, Texas A&M University ER&L 2015

2 Agenda Introduction Time to Move On? Making the Move Do Over! Yes!
Letting Go Tips and Tricks Questions and discussion ER&L 2015

3 Introduction and Background
University at Buffalo Switched from one commercially available system to another in 2012 Texas A&M University Switched from commercially available system to an open source system in 2011 ER&L 2015

4 History of ERMS at UB Implemented Innovative Interfaces Inc.’s stand alone ERM in 2005 ERM Review Task Force in 2011 Switched to Serials Solutions 360 Resource Manager in 2012 Largest campus in SUNY system (about 26,000 FTE) Acquisitions budget about $9 million ER&L 2015

5 About Texas A&M University
6th largest university in the country 50,000+ students Spent approximately $12 million for electronic resources in past three years for ≈ 800 databases ≈ 85,000 e-journals ≈ 400,000 e-books



8 TAMU’s “ERMS” TAMU System subscriptions Gold Rush ERMS
System Libraries website ILS Files on network Files on individuals’ computers Paper files

9 Time to move on? Why make a change? Understand your environment
Bid for new ERM vendor or as part of Link Resolver/Discovery/LMS package? Needs have changed New players in the library New products in the marketplace Understand your role Leading the search? On search committee/task force? On the sidelines? ER&L 2015

10 Making the Move--The Process
Set your goals Environmental scan Budget/Staffing/Deadlines Demonstrations/visits Analysis/Testing Selection Conversion Happily ever after! ER&L 2015


12 What is CORAL? Open source ERMS developed by The University of Notre Dame’s Hesburgh Library Made up of four (now five) independent modules: Organizations Licensing Usage Statistics Resources Management* *Released January 2015 ER&L 2015

13 Do Over! Second chances are great! This ERM will be perfect!
Learn about ERM #2 Apply lessons learned from ERM #1 Evaluate the information you were tracking in ERM #1 Conversion Crosswalks Overlap with ERM #1 or Data capture What to do with the information left behind? ER&L 2015

14 A&M’s migration Gold Rush ERMS System Libraries website ILS
Files on network Files on individuals’ computers Paper files sysCORAL CORAL Organizations Licensing Resources

15 Letting Go Successes Improved functionality
Centralized access to important information Simplified some workflows One less silo ER&L 2015

16 Letting Go Failures Documentation efforts
Lack of total buy-in from all staff Some features did not pan out as expected Not yet fully implemented (success to be?) ER&L 2015

17 You Will Survive! ERM #1 is a thing of the past; long live ERM #2!
ERM #3—What did you say? WHEN?????????????????? ER&L 2015

18 Tips and Tricks Make a conversion plan Prioritize requirements
Review existing data Review existing documentation Buy in from staff and administration What can your new vendor do to help? Be flexible and iterative Develop a realistic timetable with opportunities for successes along the way ER&L 2015

19 More Tips and Tricks Communication—constant and frequent
Participate in user groups Take advantage of refresher training Periodically review and assess Keep up with trends in the marketplace Did we mention developing and maintaining documentation? Have an end point ER&L 2015

20 What Lies Ahead? Track additional resources
Make use of the system’s other features and functionality Improve documentation Plan for the next ERM system? ER&L 2015

21 Questions and Discussion
Eric Hartnett Electronic Resources Librarian Texas A&M University You! Susan Davis Acquisitions Librarian for Continuing Resources University at Buffalo Thank ER&L 2015

22 ER&L 2015

23 ER&L 2015

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