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Fight Game Brian Kessler.

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1 Fight Game Brian Kessler

2 Basics This game is a two player text based fighting game, simply named ‘fight’. Each player takes their turn, choosing a move from a list to attack the other player with. The moves are probability based; the weakest hitting the most often, and the most powerful the rarest to hit.

3 Basics The game has 2 parts, a server and a client. The server chooses a port (over 1024), while the client connects using the servers IP address or hostname, and the same port. Once connected, the program forms a socket connection between the two computers. The server keeps track of everything, through its own calculations, and those of the client.

4 Block Diagram

5 Block Diagram 1) The game starts, by prompting each player to read the rules. 2) If they chose yes, they can read the rules, if not, the game begins with player 2 starting 3) From the play 2 state, an input is taken. If it is 9, the game ends. If no, the client program sends the value of the input, and a second generated number to the server. The second number represents the damage if damage was given, if not, it represents the life restored, or other instructions for the server. The server decides what to do, based on both of the inputs. The client also displays text to player 2 describing what happened.

6 Block Diagram 4) The server deciphers the inputs from the client, and displays text to tell player 1 what player 2 has done. The server the prompts player one for their move, and generates a second number based on that. Both these are sent to the client, who deciphers and displays 5) The server then goes into its update state, where it checks to see if any scores are 0 or below. If so, it goes to the end state and sends this info to the client, which does the same. 6) If the game isn’t over, 4 integers are sent to the client, allowing it to update the scores in its memory, and update the counter based on the forth move. Both Players then display this information. 7) Game returns to step 3, player 2’s turn.

7 Screen Shots

8 Screen Shots

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