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Presentation Skills Below are the main skills that you need when making an oral presentation to a large audience. These will be considered by the teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Skills Below are the main skills that you need when making an oral presentation to a large audience. These will be considered by the teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Skills Below are the main skills that you need when making an oral presentation to a large audience. These will be considered by the teacher / referees when they grade your presentation. 1. Clarity: your voice should be loud and clear enough to be heard and understood by the entire audience. 2. Coherence: this means you use cohesive devices (linking words)to make it easier for the audience to stay connected with what you say. 3. Gesture: movement of body parts to convey a meaning. 4. Tone: voice changes that show your feelings.

2 5. Intonation: changing voice levels to convey a particular meaning. 6
5. Intonation: changing voice levels to convey a particular meaning. 6. Pace: the speed at which you speak. 7. Pause: stopping for a short time to attract attention. 8. Repetition: repeating a particular word/phrase for emphasis. 9. Eye contact: this enables you to maintain effective communication with the audience. 10. Visual support: pictures, charts, tables, … Interactivity with the audience

3 Final Product Suggested Topics
1 Should speed limits be introduced to increase road safety? احمد جاسم عثمان سالم آل محمد عبدالله عتيق مرزوق الشامسي 2 5. Should students have to do summer jobs to get work experience? بطي درويش سالم المنصوري حمدان عبدالرحمن ناصر الزعابي 3 12. Should there be free Wi-Fi in Abu Dhabi? حسن علي يوسف جمعة حسن محمد ناصر عبدالكريم آل علي 4 1. Should students have to wear uniforms at school? حمدان سالم خميس الجنيبي محمد خالد عيد سعيد العزيزي 5 3. Should people have to wait until 21 to drive? خالد محمد عبدالله سيف الحارثي لقمان عبدالناصر احمد الكباب 6 10. Should the UAE grow more of its own food? خليفة فيصل ابراهيم الحوسني سيف عتيق محمد عبيد الرميثي -غيث عبدالمنعم سليمان الأعرابي 7 7. Should new drivers have to take accredited driving lessons before being allowed to drive? درويش راشد درويش راشد الحوسني ماجد محمد غالب غانم عيسى القبيسي 8 Biking راشد عبدالله محمد بن طوق علي سعيد علي محمد المنصوري 9 8. Do larger fines stop people from speeding? سعود عمران خلفان النقبي صلاح طارق صلاح اسماعيل 10 6. Should boys and girls go to school together? سعيد حمد محمد صالح الجنيبي محمد سعيد جمعة صقر الزعابي 11 11. Should children have to go to bed early on school nights? عبدالله جمعة عبدالله الظاهري محمد محمد كامل احمد الشرابي

4 My Topic is…………………… Key words: Word Meaning/Definition

5 Final Product You should research your selected topic by using the key words. Your persuasive writing should include the arguments that support your opinion. Your Argumentative Text should include what you and your have covered. An example is available at: 11 (ADEC)

6 Plagiarism Plagiarism is the illegal use of information for scientific or academic purposes. This occurs by using the information without giving credit to the source or by copying the exact words of the author without naming him or her. Copying other students’ work is also a form of plagiarism.

7 My Research Plan 1. The Internet
Resource How I will use it 1. The Internet - I will search for relevant websites that contain useful information about my topic. 2. Books - I will search books for relevant information. 3. The school library - I will look for books that deal with my topic. 4. Magazines - I will look for articles that deal with my topic. 5. People - I will interview people who have good knowledge of my topic. 6. Newspapers

8 The Final Product My final product will be about ____________________.
It will consist of: A report of at least 300 words An A4 laminated picture which depicts my topic A power point presentation of 6-8 slides / or: A video of 5-10 minutes about my topic

9 Final IST Persuasive Text
The final IST Persuasive Text should include the following points: Introduction: This paragraph includes basic information about your topic such as the date of birth/establishment, the main business, place of birth/ location, etc. Body1: It should cover your 1st argument following the PEE model (Point Explain Example/Evidence). Body2: It should cover your 2nd argument following the PEE model (Point Explain Example/Evidence). Body3: It should cover your 3rd argument following the PEE model (Point Explain Example/Evidence). Conclusion: In this paragraph you summarize your points and add your opinion.

10 Self Reflection My experience with this IST has been very useful to me. First, I have learned many new facts about _____________________________________ . Secondly, it has improved my English and my research skills as well. Finally, my presentation skills have also improved. Now I find it easier to address a crowd of people without being nervous.

11 KWL Chart Example: Bill Gates
What I Know What I Want to Know What I Have Learned

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