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Geography Cultural Influence Heian Samurai.

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3 Geography

4 Cultural Influence

5 Heian

6 Samurai

7 Social Structure

8 Mixed Bag

9 Geography Cultural Influence Heian Samurai Social Structure Mixed Bag $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

10 A group or chain Of islands.

11 What is a archipelago?

12 Four –fifths of Japan is
Covered with this

13 What are mountains?

14 Japan’s closeness To the ocean made This a main source Of protein?

15 What is fish?

16 The number of main Islands that make Up Japan.

17 What is four?

18 The native religion To Japan based on Nature worship

19 What is Shinto?

20 Japan thought this civilization Very advanced and so was eager
To copy its ideas

21 What is China?

22 This idea diffused from
Korea to Japan

23 What is Buddhism?

24 From China allowing Japan To enter the world of literature
Japan imported this From China allowing Japan To enter the world of literature

25 What is Writing?

26 Who encouraged foreign ideas
Crown Prince of Japan Who encouraged foreign ideas And tried to establish a strong emperor.

27 Who is Prince Shotoku?

28 Exchange with China to cease
This caused cultural Exchange with China to cease

29 What is civil war in China?

30 During the Heian period The capital city was moved
from Nara To this location

31 What is Kyoto (Heian Kyo)?

32 During the Heian period Included these elements
Women’s fashion During the Heian period Included these elements

33 And layers of silk kimono?
What are long hair, High eyebrows, Small lips, White makeup, And layers of silk kimono?

34 Murasaki Shikibu

35 The world’s first novel
Who was a noble woman And author of The Tale of Genji, The world’s first novel

36 Qualities to the Japanese
Important Qualities to the Japanese During Heian.

37 The appreciation of nature, Elegance, and family linage?
What are beauty, The appreciation of nature, Elegance, and family linage?

38 The Tale of Genji is Gives historians this Type of information about ancient Japan

39 About the life of the noble class
What are the details About the life of the noble class During Heian?

40 The main weapon Of a samurai said To have its own soul.

41 What is the sword?

42 The most important Thing, above all else, To a samurai.

43 What is Honor?

44 Samurai swore their loyalty to protect these people.

45 Who are daimyo?

46 Samurai who were disgraced
Or dishonored were required to do this

47 What is Ritual suicide?

48 The warrior code Of the samurai

49 What is Bushido?

50 Most of Japanese Society was made up Of this social class

51 What are Farmers/peasants?

52 Only a religious symbol and Did not hold any real power.
This position was Only a religious symbol and Did not hold any real power.

53 What is The emperor?

54 This social class was at bottom Because they were seen as not
Of the social pyramid Because they were seen as not Working hard

55 What are merchants?

56 Describe the Social pyramid of Feudal Japan

57 Emperor Shogun Daimyo Samurai Peasants Merchants

58 A system of government In which loyalty is exchanged for land

59 What is Feudalism?

60 Japan was isolated From mainland Asia by this

61 What is The ocean (Sea of Japan)?

62 Type of temple shown here.

63 What is a pagoda?

64 Samurai originally began
With this job

65 What are Tax collectors for The emperor?

66 Samurai participated in These artistic activities

67 What are: flower arranging,
tea ceremonies, painting, and poetry?

68 This shogun moved the capital to Edo,
Removed foreign influences from Japan And began a shogunate that ruled more Than 250 years.

69 Who is Tokugawa Ieyasu?

70 List and describe the ways in which China influenced Japan
Final Jeopardy List and describe the ways in which China influenced Japan

71 Religion – Buddhism spreads from India  China  Korea to Japan
Temples and Statues City Planning (grid system) Writing – adopted the Chinese system of characters Chinese style poetry Court music (gagaku) New types of instruments Wet rice cultivation Meritocracy (but it didn’t work)

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