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Web Design and Development

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1 Web Design and Development
Implementation – HTML Links

2 Learning Intention I will learn how webpages are linked to other webpages.

3 What is a URL? Uniform Resource Locator
Full web address that is used to access a web page directly a unique address for a file on the internet

4 URL structure http
- protocol – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol - domain name /news/Scotland/ - folder path index.htm - name of file

5 More HTML Tags Open Tag Close Tag What the Tag does <a> </a> anchor tag adds a hyperlink to another webpage. Uses the href attribute to specify where to link to. e.g. <p>Click <a href=“ to go to the BBC website</p>

6 What is a hyperlink? A link between web pages, documents or files
Hyperlinks are activated by clicking on them Internal hyperlink goes to another page within the same website External hyperlink goes to a different website

7 Absolute hyperlinks absolute addressing is used when we include the whole URL to link to a web page <a href=“ usually used when linking from one website to another website [can be used for links within a website]

8 Relative hyperlinks relative addressing is used – this means the file location is based on (relative to) the current file can only be used for internal links e.g. <a href=“. . /. . /index.htm”>Home page</a> no protocol or domain name is needed . . / means to move up one folder

9 apple.png bananas.htm foods chips.htm fresh frozen drinks index.htm apples.htm fizzy.htm still.htm images pear.png

10 Relative hyperlinks (cont)
e.g. to link to chips.htm from index.htm: <a href=“foods/frozen/chips.htm”>Chips</a> e.g. to link to still.htm from bananas.htm: <a href=“../../drinks/still.htm”>Chips</a>

11 Success Criteria I can describe the parts of a URL, how hyperlinks are structured and can link webpages.

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