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COMPARE and CONTRAST the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the Mesoamerica and Andean civilizations.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPARE and CONTRAST the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the Mesoamerica and Andean civilizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPARE and CONTRAST the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the Mesoamerica and Andean civilizations.

2 FOCUS QUESTION Why are the Olmec important in the history of the Americas?

3 Mesoamerican & Andean Civilizations

4 open your book to page 159 and 162.
On a separate sheet, descripe what the images are and tell Why you think they were created?

5 Mesoamerica What is now southern Mexico and parts of Central America
Rain forests cover the region Fertile soil made this a good area for farming People first appeared in this area around 12,000 BC

6 Native American Eskimo Inca Mexico Aztec

7 The Olmec

8 The Olmec The first urban civilation formed in Mesoamerica – around 1200 BC.
Built the first pyramids in the Americas Developed the first writing system in the Americas Traded with others from far away Civilization ended around 400 BC


10 The Olmec Yucatan Veracruz Peninsula Tres Zapotes Tuxtla Mountains
La Venta San Lorenzo


12 The Olmec This civilization developed around 1200 B.C.
The Olmec lived in the swampy jungles of Central Mexico. Believed to be the first civilization of Mexico. The Olmec The Olmec adapted by using slash and burn farming techniques. The Olmec traded and fought other tribes for control of natural resources. To please their gods the Olmec sacrificed animals and people. The land was fertile and ideal for growing crops. The Olmec develop a system of social classes.

13 FOCUS QUESTION Why are the Olmec important in the history of the Americas? The Olmec influenced later groups throughout Mesoamerica, who then built on Olmec achievements. Give an example of how early scientists influenced others in the Scientific Revolution.

14 bellwork Why are the Olmec important in the history of the Americas?
Write this question and statement in your notes: Why are the Olmec important in the history of the Americas? The Olmec influenced later groups throughout Mesoamerica, who then built on Olmec achievements

15 Now for a preview of what’s coming up next…

16 about how they just disappeared.
We will learn about how they just disappeared.

17 Focus Question How did the Maya adapt to and change their environment?
7.65 Describe the highly structured social and political system of the Maya civilization, ruled by kings and consisting of agriculturally intensive centers around independent city-states. (C, H, P)

18 The Maya Developed in Mesoamerica around 1000 BC
Lived in an area of thick forests and in the highlands making farming hard Classic Age from AD 250 to 900 Spread throughout the Yucatan Peninsula

19 Religion Worshipped many gods that controlled sun, rain and crops.
Believed that their kings were related to and spoke to the gods. They had to please the gods by offering human blood Believed the soul was in the blood On special occasions, sacrificing people and animals pleased the gods.

20 Mayan Cities Built large pyramids, temples, and palaces
Canals built to control the flow of water through cities Large plazas built for public events Hillsides turned into flat terraces so crops could be grown close to cities

21 Maya Society Kings held the highest position.
Upper class included priests, warriors, and merchants. Lower-class included most of the Maya - farmers Slaves, the lowest, included orphans, slaves’ children, and people who owed money

22 Mom?

23 Maya Achievements Sculpture and jade and gold jewelry
Mayan cities largest architectural achievement Did not have metal tools Built observatories to study the stars Developed the calendar and number system Also developed a writing system similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics

24 Mayan Warfare Mayan cities usually battled each other to gain power.
Warfare may have led to the destruction of the Mayan civilization.

25 Causes of the Decline of the Mayan Civilization
Began to collapse around 900 The cause of the collapse is unknown Warfare may have contributed Kings made demands of people and they may have rebelled A long period of dry weather may have made it hard to grow crops A mix of events probably led to the decline

26 MAYA AZTEC INCA WHEN: 250-900 AD 6 CENTURIES WHERE: Yucatan Peninsula,
Central America, Southern Mexico CLIMATE: Rainforest, highlands/ mountains, lowlands – by the ocean RELIGIOUS BELIEFS: Many Gods – Sun, rain and crops King spoke to Gods Blood letting – to please the Gods Soul was in the blood Sacrificed people and animals Led by Priest-Kings STRUCTURE OF SOCIETY: King – led people Upper Class – Priests, warriors, merchants (nobility) Lower Class – Most Mayans were farmers Bottom - Slaves ACHIEVEMENTS: Magnificent Architecture; built observatories; made accurate predictions; developed a calendar and number system; hieroglyph writing system FALL OF THE EMPIRE: Wars, over population, drought lack of food, people lost faith

27 Focus Question How did the Maya adapt to and change their environment?
They cleared wooded areas for farmland; used available resources for building materials; traded to obtain resources not available locally.

28 KINGS Highest Position Related to Gods Spoke to Gods

29 UPPER CLASS Controlled politics (government), religion, and the economy ($).

30 PRIESTS Born into position Led ceremonies Knowledge of astronomy
and math

31 WARRIORS Fought other Mayan cities Wore animal skins and headdresses
Painted bodies

32 MERCHANTS Directed trade Distributed goods

33 LOWER CLASS Most people were lower class – farmers.
Lived in small houses outside of cities.

34 FARMERS Had to give crops to rulers Had to work on building structures
Had to serve in the army

35 SLAVES Held lowest position
Orphans, slave’s children, people who owed money Had to carry heavy trade goods from city to city Served upper class

36 UPPER/LOWER Lower supported upper with food and labor
Upper supported lower by leading religious ceremonies

37 Religion Worshipped many gods that controlled sun, rain and crops.
They had to please the gods by offering human blood Believed the soul was in the blood On special occasions, sacrificing people and animals pleased the gods.

38 Maya Achievements Sculpture and jade and gold jewelry
Mayan cities largest architectural achievement Did not have metal tools Built observatories to study the stars Developed the calendar and number system Also developed a writing system similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics

39 Write this QUESTION on the next page in your notes
How did the Aztecs adapt to their environment?



42 The Aztec Empire Existed from about 1300 to 1520 AD – 2 centuries
Ruled a large empire in the Valley of Mexico at Lake Texcoco Mild with good soil – island was swampy Controlled a huge trade network Fierce warriors - mercenaries

The first Aztecs were farmers from northern Mexico. Around the 1100’s, they migrated south.

44 When they arrived in central Mexico,
they found that other tribes had taken all the good farmland. All that was left was a swampy island in the middle of Lake Texcoco.

45 What would you do to try to grow crops on swampy land?

46 The Aztec built causeways – raised roads across water – to
connect their island with the mainland.

47 Chinampas Floating gardens

48 Chinampas today


50 Tenochitlan Capital City

51 Aztec Emperor Moctezuma II
To survive, the Aztecs hired themselves out as skilled fighters. Aztec Emperor Moctezuma II

52 Religious Beliefs *Many Aztec gods
*Represented a world full of spirits *Gods required prayer, rituals, and sacrifices for good harvests *Sacrificed prisoners *Believed king’s dreams foretold the future

53 Quetzalcoatl Aztec God

54 Aztec Society People divided into social classes Kings were worshipped
Nobles were leaders Priests and warriors below kings Merchants and artisans next Commoners farmed land Serfs worked the land but didn’t own it Slaves – captives of war

55 Just like people rebelling against
taxation today, people did not like it back then.

56 Their taxes were called “tribute”.

57 Aztec Achievements Built chinampas (floating gardens)
Studied astronomy and created a calendar Built bridges and canals Had a complex writing system

58 Conquistadors Spanish soldiers

59 Cortez and the Aztecs Spanish explorer Hernan Cortez arrived in Mexico in 1519 Aztec emperor Moctezuma II thought Cortez was a god Cortez took the emperor prisoner The Aztecs became angry and drove the Spanish out Cortez came back in 1521 and conquered the Aztecs

60 Malintzin - page 415

61 Cortez and the Aztecs Civil wars were taking place. People who had been conquered by the Aztec were unhappy and bitter. Some actually helped Cortez.

62 Cortez and the Aztecs Cortez had horses, armor, and superior weapons.

63 Cortez and the Aztecs Disease – just as with Native Americans, diseases like and small pox killed many Aztecs.

64 MAYA AZTEC INCA WHEN: 250-900 AD 6 CENTURIES WHERE: Yucatan Peninsula,
Central America, Southern Mexico CLIMATE: Rainforest, highlands/ mountains, lowlands – by the ocean RELIGIOUS BELIEFS: Many Gods – Sun, rain and crops King spoke to Gods Blood letting – to please the Gods Soul was in the blood Sacrificed people and animals Led by Priest-Kings STRUCTURE OF SOCIETY: King – led people Upper Class – Priests, warriors, merchants (nobility) Lower Class – Most Mayans were farmers Bottom - Slaves ACHIEVEMENTS: Magnificent architecture; built observatories; made accurate predictions; developed a calendar and number System; hieroglyph writing system FALL OF THE EMPIRE: Wars, over population, drought lack of food, people lost faith WHEN: AD 2 CENTURIES WHERE: Valley of Mexico Lake Texcoco CLIMATE: Mild, with good soil - Island was swampy RELIGIOUS BELIEFS: Many Aztec Gods Represented a world full of spirits. Gods required prayer, rituals, and sacrifices for good harvests. Sacrificed prisoners. STRUCTURE OF SOCIETY: Lived In settlements called calpullis. King – was worshipped. Nobles – were leaders. Commoners – farmed land. Serfs – worked land, didn’t own it. Slaves – captives of war. ACHIEVEMENTS: Built chinampas (floating gardens); built bridges and canals; had a complex writing system; studied astronomy and created a calendar. FALL OF THE EMPIRE: Cortez – Civil war, superior weapons, disease.

65 FOCUS QUESTION How did the Aztecs adapt to their environment?
Built causeways, aqueducts, chinampas

66 Have you seen this movie?
We’ll get back to it.

67 Your mama's a llama!

68 Focus Question How did the Inca adapt to their environment?

69 The Inca Empire 1230 - 1530 – 3 centuries
South America – Andes Mountains – Peru and Chile Began as a small tribe in the Andes in South America Government was centralized and controlled many aspects of life Incas paid the government in labor and goods

70 CLIMATE *Desert *Rainforest *Thin air high in the Andes Mountains

71 Why the llama? Why not horses?

72 This movie shows how difficult it is to
survive in the Andes Mountains.

73 What makes it difficult to breathe at high elevations?

74 Inca Adaptations Large lungs Short legs

75 Religion Religion WORSHIPPED NATURE Enti The Sun God (father)

76 Worshipped mummies

77 Who's your mama? Mummies spoke to the living through priests.

78 Veracocha – the creator

79 Believed in life after death.

80 Inca Society Everything belongs to the king.

81 Nobles – governors and organizers.

82 Commoner Farmers worked the land.

83 Inca Society *very organized *jobs were given, not chosen

Architecture – Huge stone buildings (still exist) Art – Beautiful gold and silver jewelry



87 Inca Roads Page

88 Machu Picchu Page

89 What was one thing they did not achieve?


91 Name another empire we have studied that had no written language.

92 Pizarro and the Incas Francisco Pizarro made three expeditions to explore the west coast of South America First two trips were unsuccessful Third trip was successful – conquered empire in 1537

93 Civil wars weakened the empire.
Civil – civilian – non-government.

94 Pizzaro and the Incas Disease – just as with Native Americans and the Aztec, diseases like and small pox killed many Inca.

95 Pizarro and the Aztecs Pizarro had horses, armor, and superior

96 Similarities of the Fall of the Inca and Aztec
Both empires had internal problems before the Spanish arrived The leaders of both empires were captured by the Spanish The Spanish had an advantage with horses and guns Disease weakened and killed many native people

97 What does this movie have to do with the Inca?
Cuzco Emperor Llamas Machu Picchu

98 MAYA AZTEC INCA WHEN: 250-900 AD 6 CENTURIES WHERE: Yucatan Peninsula,
Central America, Southern Mexico CLIMATE: Rainforest, highlands/ mountains, lowlands – by the ocean RELIGIOUS BELIEFS: Many Gods – Sun, rain and crops King spoke to Gods Blood letting – to please the Gods Soul was in the blood Sacrificed people and animals Led by Priest-Kings STRUCTURE OF SOCIETY: King – led people Upper Class – Priests, warriors, merchants (nobility) Lower Class – Most Mayans were farmers Bottom - Slaves ACHIEVEMENTS: Magnificent architecture; built observatories; made accurate predictions; developed a calendar and number system; hieroglyph writing system FALL OF THE EMPIRE: Wars, over population, drought lack of food, people lost faith WHEN: AD 2 CENTURIES WHERE: Valley of Mexico Lake Texcoco CLIMATE: Mild, with good soil - Island was swampy RELIGIOUS BELIEFS: Many Aztec Gods Represented a world full of spirits. Gods required prayer, rituals, and Sacrifices for good harvests. Sacrificed prisoners. STRUCTURE OF SOCIETY: Lived In settlements called calpullis. King – was worshipped. Nobles – were leaders. Commoners – farmed land. Serfs – worked land, didn’t own it. Slaves – captives of war. ACHIEVEMENTS: Built chinampas (floating gardens); built bridges and canals; had a complex writing system; studied astronomy and created a calendar. FALL OF THE EMPIRE: Cortez – Civil war, superior weapons, disease. WHEN: 3 CENTURIES WHERE: South America, Andes Mountains, - Peru, Chile CLIMATE: Desert, rainforest, thin air high in the Andes Mountains RELIGIOUS BELIEFS: Worshipped Nature – Inti, the sun god (father); mummies spoke to the living through priests. Worshipped Mummies; Veracocha (creator); believed in life after death. STRUCTURE OF SOCIETY: King – everything belonged to king Nobles – governors/organizers Commoners – farmers worked land VERY ORGANIZED – Jobs given, not chosen ACHIEVEMENTS: INCREDIBLE ROAD SYSTEM Architecture; Huge stone buildings; art – beautiful gold and silver jewelry. NO WRITING SYSTEM FALL OF THE EMPIRE: Francisco Pizarro – 1537 Civil war, superior weapons, disease

99 How did the Inca adapt to their environment?
Focus Question How did the Inca adapt to their environment? Large lungs, short legs Used llama for food, clothing and transportation Built a road system to connect the empire Learned how to freeze-dry food

100 Review What was the first crop grown in Mesoamerica?
What was the name of the first civilization in Mesoamerica? When did the Mayan civilization develop? Did the Mayans worship only one god? What were some of the causes of the decline of the Mayan civilization? Where was the Aztec empire located? Name some of the achievements of the Aztecs. Who conquered the Aztecs?

101 Review Continued At its height, how many people lived in the Inca empire? What did the Incan government collect as taxes? Who defeated the Incans? What were the similarities of how the Aztec and Incan empires fell?


103 Technology – what will they think of next?
Which civilization considered obsidian sacred? A. Inca B. Maya C. Aztec

104 I can hardly breathe up here!
Which civilization lived in the Andes Mountains? A. Inca B. Maya C. Aztec

105 I’m bad, I’m bad, I know it…
Which warrior civilization hired themselves out as mercenaries? Inca Maya Aztec

106 Hey, good lookin! Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?
Which civilization had to look for the symbol shown on the flag of Mexico? Inca Maya Aztec

107 Ouch! Which civilization practiced blood letting to please the gods?
Inca Maya Aztec

108 One of these things is not like the others…
Two civilizations had written languages. Which civilization did NOT have a written language? Inca Maya Aztec

109 Chinampas Which civilization farmed on floating gardens? Inca Maya

110 Conquistadors Which civilization was NOT conquered by the Spanish?
Inca Maya Aztec

111 Oh, the places you will go…
Which civilization had a road network of about 25,000 miles of roads? Inca Maya Aztec

112 Times up… Which time obsessed civilization predicted
when the world would come to an end? Inca Maya Aztec

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