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Statistics of Multiple Star Systems

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1 Statistics of Multiple Star Systems
Raphael Steinitz Netzach Farbiash Amir Hirsh Lior Yosub Physics Department, Ben-Gurion University Beer-Sheva, Israel

2 Introduction Leading to multiple stellar systems
Dissolution of cluster Capture

3 Capture probability independent of current multiplicity
Model Capture probability independent of current multiplicity N(n+1)=N(n)q N(n+1)~qn~Ae-bn A,b – constants depending on formation conditions of the multiple system.

4 The Data Data taken from: The Catalogue of Stellar Projected Rotational Velocities; Glebocki R., Gnacinski P., Stawikowski A., Acta Astron., 50, 509, 2000. Multiplicity Number of Systems 1 4691 2 1914 3 583 4 171 5 72 6 32 7 17 8 10 9

5 Number of systems against multiplicity

6 Ln(Number of systems) against multiplicity

7 Misleading Data HD Mag Sp.T 319 5.9 A1V A3V A2Vp

8 Number of verified systems
The Data Multiplicity (n) Number of systems (N) Ln(N) Number of verified systems 2 14110 9.55 14032 (0.6%) 3 1442 7.27 1439 (0.2%) 4 45 3.78 44 (2.2%) Data taken from: The Washington Double Star Catalog; Brian D. Mason, Gary L. Wycoff, and William I. Hartkopf, 2006

9 Number of systems against multiplicity
N(n)=5*106 e -2.9n

10 Ln(Number of systems) against multiplicity

11 Final Remarks Capture mode can account (so far) the statistics.
It may not be the only mechanism leading to the observed statistics. The current statistics pertain only to binaries, triples and quartets. Future work should also address differences between spectral type classes.

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