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Distributed Data Bases & GRID Interactive Access

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1 Distributed Data Bases & GRID Interactive Access
Chicago June 1st 2002 René Brun CERN

2 How Much Data is Involved?
High Level-1 Trigger (1 MHz) High No. Channels High Bandwidth (500 Gbit/s) Level 1 Rate (Hz) 106 1 billion people surfing the Web LHCB ATLAS CMS 105 HERA-B KLOE 104 CDF II High Data Archive (5 PetaBytes/year) 10 Gbits/s in Data base CDF 103 H1 ZEUS ALICE NA49 UA1 102 STAR 104 105 106 107 LEP Event Size (bytes)

3 ALICE Event/100 Front View of a simulated event with only 1/100 of the
expected multiplicity

4 ALICE Event/100 After L3, the DAQ will generate 1.25 GigaBytes/second
Side View of a simulated event with only 1/100 of the expected multiplicity Estimated size of one raw event = 40 Mbytes Simulated event with hits = 1.5 Gbytes Time to simulate one event = 24 hours After L3, the DAQ will generate 1.25 GigaBytes/second 2 PetaBytes/year

5 LHC Computing - a Multi-Tier Model
'X''Y''Z': RAL, IN2P3, FNAL, BNL, FZK(?), . . . Department Desktop CERN – Tier 0 (CERN - Tier 1) Tier 1 X Y Z 622 Mbps 2.5 Gbps 155 mbps Tier2 Lab a Uni b Lab c Uni n Organising Software: "Grid-Middleware" "Transparent" user access to applications and all data

6 ROOT + RDBMS Model Run/File Catalog Event Store Trees ROOT files
Oracle MySQL histograms Calibrations Geometries Run/File Catalog Trees Event Store

7 Memory <--> Tree The Tree entry serial number
T.GetEntry(6) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 T.Fill() 18 T

8 Tree Friends Public read User Write tr Entry # 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Public read User Write Public read

9 Tree Friends Processing time independent of the number of friends
Collaboration-wide public read Processing time independent of the number of friends unlike table joins in RDBMS Analysis group protected user private x Root > TFile f1(“tree1.root”); Root > tree.AddFriend(“tree2”,“tree2.root”) Root > tree.AddFriend(“tree3”,“tree3.root”); Root > tree.Draw(“x:a”,”k<c”); Root > tree.Draw(“x:tree2.x”,”sqrt(p)<b”);

10 Binary search in table above ch.GetEntryWithIndex(12,567);
Chains of Trees f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 2 4 4 5 5 4 7 11 12 17 23 26 32 37 45 49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TChain ch(“T”); ch.Add(“f0.root”); ch.Add(“f1.root”); ch.Add(“f2.root”); ch.Add(“f3.root”); ch.Add(“f4.root”); ch.Add(“f5.root”); ch.Add(“f6.root”); ch.Add(“f7.root”); Binary search in table above find slot 4, local entry 2 T.GetEntry(2) in f4.root ch.GetEntry(28); ch.GetEntryWithIndex(12,567);

11 8 leaves of branch Electrons A double-click to histogram the leaf 8 Branches of T

12 The Tree Viewer & Analyzer
A very powerful class supporting complex cuts, event lists, 1-d,2-d, 3-d views parallelism

13 Performance Monitoring
ALICE Data challenges Raw Data Simulated Data GEANT3 GEANT4 FLUKA AliRoot DAQ File Catalogue Performance Monitoring ROOT I/O CERN TIER 0 TIER 1 ROOT CASTOR Regional TIER 1 TIER 2 GRID

14 ALICE Data Challenge III
Need to run yearly DC of increasing complexity and size to reach 1.25GB/s ADC III gave excellent system stability during 3 months DATE throughput: 550 MB/s (max) 350 MB/s (ALICE-like) DATE+ROOT+CASTOR throughput: 120 MB/s, <85> MB/s 2200 runs, 2* 107 events, 86 hours, 54 TB DATE run 500 TB in DAQ, 200 TB in DAQ+ROOT I/O, 110 TB in CASTOR 105 files > 1GB in CASTOR and in MetaData DB HP SMP’s: cost-effective alternative to inexpensive disk servers Online monitoring tools developed MB/s Writing to local disk Migration to tape

15 ALICE GRID resources 1000 physicists 37 people GRID-aware
Yerevan CERN Saclay Lyon Dubna Capetown, ZA Birmingham Cagliari NIKHEF GSI Catania Bologna Torino Padova IRB Kolkata, India OSU/OSC LBL/NERSC Merida Bari 1000 physicists 37 people GRID-aware 21 institutions

16 The CORE GRID functionality
ALICE GRID File Catalogue as a global file system on a RDB TAG Catalogue, as extension Secure Authentication Interface to Globus available Central Queue Manager ("pull" vs "push" model) Interface to EDG Resource Broker available Monitoring infrastructure The CORE GRID functionality Automatic software installation with AliKit

17 ALIEN File catalogue Perl5 SOAP Architecture Data access Bookkeeping
File catalogue : global file system on top of relational database Secure authentication service independent of underlying database Central task queue API Services (file transport, sync) Perl5 SOAP Architecture Data access ALICE USERS SIM Tier1 LOCAL |--./ | | | | |--user/ | | | |--a/ | | | | |--admin/ | | | | | | | | | |--aliprod/ | | | | | | | |--f/ | | | | |--fca/ | | | |--p/ | | | | |--psaiz/ | | | | | |--as/ | | | | | | | | | | | |--dos/ | | | | | |--local/ |--simulation/ | | / | | |--V3.05/ | | | |--Config.C | | | |--grun.C | |--36/ | | |--stderr | | |--stdin | | |--stdout | | | |--37/ | |--38/ | | | |--b/ | | | | |--barbera/ Files, commands (job specification) as well as job input and output, tags and even binary package tar files are stored in the catalogue File catalogue --./ | |--r3418_01-01.ds | |--r3418_02-02.ds | |--r3418_03-03.ds | |--r3418_04-04.ds | |--r3418_05-05.ds | |--r3418_06-06.ds | |--r3418_07-07.ds | |--r3418_08-08.ds | |--r3418_09-09.ds | |--r3418_10-10.ds | |--r3418_11-11.ds | |--r3418_12-12.ds | |--r3418_13-13.ds | |--r3418_14-14.ds | |--r3418_15-15.ds D0 path dir hostIndex entryId char(255) integer(11) <fk> <pk> T2526 type name owner ctime comment content method methodArg gowner size char(4) integer(8) char(64) char(8) char(16) char(80) char(20) T2527 Bookkeeping Authentication

18 GRID and Interactive systems
So far, The GRID middleware has been designed to support batch services like large scale simulations or reconstruction. No doubts. These services will work. They require agreements between major Labs, Tier1 centers and the production managers. The potential of the GRID is more interesting for interactive systems in data analysis, the area where most physicists spend their time.

19 DataGrid & PROOF Bring the KB to the PB and not the PB to the KB PROOF
Selection Parameters Procedure PROOF TagD B CPU RD B Local DB 1 DB 4 DB 5 DB 6 DB 3 DB 2 Proc.C Proc.C Remote Proc.C Proc.C Proc.C Bring the KB to the PB and not the PB to the KB

20 Parallel ROOT Facility
The PROOF system allows: parallel execution of scripts parallel analysis of trees in a set of files parallel analysis of objects in a set of files on clusters of heterogeneous machines Its design goals are: transparency, scalability, adaptability Prototype developed in 1997 as proof of concept (only for simple queries resulting in 1D histograms)

21 Parallel Script Execution
#proof.conf slave node1 slave node2 slave node3 slave node4 Local PC Remote PROOF Cluster proof proof = master server root stdout/obj proof proof = slave server ana.C proof proof proof *.root TFile node1 ana.C TNetFile *.root $ root root [0] .x ana.C $ root root [0] .x ana.C root [1] gROOT->Proof(“remote”) root [2] gProof->Exec(“.x ana.C”) $ root root [0] .x ana.C root [1] gROOT->Proof(“remote”) $ root node2 TFile *.root node3 TFile *.root node4

22 Workflow For Tree Analysis
Slave 1 Master Slave N Tree->Draw() Tree->Draw() Initialization Packet generator Initialization GetNextPacket() GetNextPacket() Process 0,100 100,100 Process GetNextPacket() GetNextPacket() Process 200,100 300,40 GetNextPacket() Process GetNextPacket() Process 340,100 440,50 Process GetNextPacket() GetNextPacket() Process 490,100 590,60 Process SendObject(histo) SendObject(histo) Wait for next command Add histograms Wait for next command Display histograms

23 Running a PROOF Job // Analyze TChains in parallel gROOT->Proof();
TChain *chain = new TChain(“AOD"); chain->Add("lfn://"); . . . chain->Process(“myselector.C++”); // Analyze generic data sets in parallel gROOT->Proof(); TDSet *objset = new TDSet("MyEvent", "*", "/events"); objset->Add("lfn://"); . . . objset->Add(set2003); objset->Process(“myselector.C”);

24 Different PROOF Scenarios – Static, stand-alone
This scheme assumes: no third party grid tools remote cluster containing data files of interest PROOF binaries and libs installed on cluster PROOF daemon startup via (x)inetd per user or group authentication setup by cluster owner static basic PROOF config file In this scheme the user knows his data sets are on the specified cluster. From his client he initiates a PROOF session on the cluster. The master server reads the config file and fires as many slaves as described in the config file. User issues queries to analyse data in parallel and enjoy near real-time response on large queries. Pros: easy to setup Cons: not flexible under changing cluster configurations, resource availability, authentication, etc.

25 Different PROOF Scenarios – Dynamic, PROOF in Control
This scheme assumes: grid resource broker, file catalog, meta data catalog, possible replication manager PROOF binaries and libraries installed on cluster PROOF daemon startup via (x)inetd grid authentication In this scheme the user queries a metadata catalog to obtain the set of required files (LFN's), then the system will ask the resource broker where best to run depending on the set of LFN's, then the system initiates a PROOF session on the designated cluster. On the cluster the slaves are created by querying the (local) resource broker and the LFN's are converted to PFN's. Query is performed. Pros: use grid tools for resource and data discovery. Grid authentication. Cons: require preinstalled PROOF daemons. User must be authorized to access resources.

26 Different PROOF Scenarios – Dynamic, AliEn in Control
This scheme assumes: AliEn as resource broker and grid environment (taking care of authentication, possible via Globus) AliEn file catalog, meta data catalog, and replication manager In this scheme the user queries a metadata catalog to obtain the set of required files (LFN's), then hands over the PROOF master/slave creation to AliEn via an AliEn job. AliEn will find the best resources, copy the PROOF executables and start the PROOF master, the master will then connect back to the ROOT client on a specified port (callback port was passed as argument to AliEn job). In turn the slave servers are started again via the same mechanism. Once connections have been setup the system proceeds like in example 2. Pros: use AliEn for resource and data discovery. No pre-installation of PROOF binaries. Can run on any AliEn supported cluster. Fully dynamic. Cons: no guaranteed direct response due to the absence of dedicated "interactive" queues.

27 Different PROOF Scenarios – Dynamic, Condor in Control
This scheme assumes: Condor as resource broker and grid environment (taking care of authentication, possible via Globus) Grid file catalog, meta data catalog, and replication manager This scheme is basically same as previous AliEn based scheme. Except for the fact that in the Condor environment Condor manages free resources and as soon as a slave node is reclaimed by its owner, it will kill or suspend the slave job. Before any of those events Condor will send a signal to the master so that it can restart the slave somewhere else and/or re-schedule the work of that slave on the other slaves. Pros: use grid tools for resource and data discovery. No pre-installation of PROOF binaries. Can run on any Condor pool. No specific authentication. Fully dynamic. Cons: no guaranteed direct response due to the absence of dedicated "interactive" queues. Slaves can come and go.

28 TGrid Class – Abstract Interface to AliEn
class TGrid : public TObject { public: virtual Int_t AddFile(const char *lfn, const char *pfn) = 0; virtual Int_t DeleteFile(const char *lfn) = 0; virtual TGridResult *GetPhysicalFileNames(const char *lfn) = 0; virtual Int_t AddAttribute(const char *lfn, const char *attrname, const char *attrval) = 0; virtual Int_t DeleteAttribute(const char *lfn, const char *attrname) = 0; virtual TGridResult *GetAttributes(const char *lfn) = 0; virtual void Close(Option_t *option="") = 0; virtual TGridResult *Query(const char *query) = 0; static TGrid *Connect(const char *grid, const char *uid = 0, const char *pw = 0); ClassDef(TGrid,0) // ABC defining interface to GRID services };

29 Running PROOF Using AliEn
TGrid *alien = TGrid::Connect(“alien”); TGridResult *res; res = alien->Query(“lfn:///alice/simulation/ /V0.6*.root“); TDSet *treeset = new TDSet("TTree", "AOD"); treeset->Add(res); gROOT->Proof(res); // use files in result set to find remote nodes treeset->Process(“myselector.C”); // plot/save objects produced in myselector.C . . .

30 DataGrid & ROOT ROOT RDB Grid RB Grid cost evaluator Grid perf mon
Selection parameters selected events LFN #hits Grid RB TAG DB Grid cost evaluator Grid perf mon Grid MDS Grid net ws Grid replica catalog Grid perf log best places Grid log & monitor Grid replica manager Grid authenticate Spawn PROOF tasks PROOF loop output LFNs Update Root RDB Send results back Grid replica catalog

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