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Session 1 “Gender differentiated patterns of work”

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1 Session 1 “Gender differentiated patterns of work”

2 Key (gender) issues What determines women’s labour market participation? How large are gender wage differentials and how can they be explained? What are the regional differences and patterns in gender differentials in employment and wages? What is the relation between women’s incomes and women’s well-being?

3 Key (gender) issues What is the link between child labour and education? What are the implications of women‘s participation in the labour market for child labour and child education? How to make agriculture attractive (more jobs or new jobs)?

4 Identified gaps Gaps in knowledge
Demand side factors explaining gender differentials in employment Relation between wage levels and wage gaps How does determination of minimum wages affects women’s labour market participation Child labour in food crop production Gender roles within households Rural – urban interactions

5 Identified gaps Gaps in data
Need for more gender differentiated data in survey and census data collection Need for data that are comparable across countries Systematic knowledge on gender patterns in land ownership Need for better surveys on child labour Lack of data on health and safety issues in agriculture (and risk faced by women and children) Take into account multiple jobs

6 Identified gaps Gaps in approach The need for integrated studies
Quantitative and qualitative analysis Jointly analyse several issues Interdisciplinary studies The need to focus on well-being of women The need to take into account time dimensions

7 Policy implications Improve education for women
Improve women’s autonomy over resources and assets Value women’s skills Sensitize ministries, extension services, farmer’s organizations, cooperatives, ... Include family-career interactions into policy thinking Provision of social services Labour market institutions How to target women not in the labour market? Is closing gender gaps an end or a means in the poverty and growth and debate?

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