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Prescriber Led Antibiotic Audits and Ward Rounds

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1 Prescriber Led Antibiotic Audits and Ward Rounds
Charlotte Makanga Antimicrobial Pharmacist BCUHB 16/09/2018

2 Background Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - the largest health organisation in Wales. Clostridium difficle outbreak in 2012/13 Professor Duerden independent report 2012 into outbreak Outbreak independent report commissioned to support change 16/09/2018

3 Duerden Recommendations
Clinicians: leadership of an audit programme for antimicrobial prescribing that should involve the ward pharmacists and, particularly, the medical staff on the wards who are prescribing the antibiotics. 3 reports this if from Repeated in 2014 and more recently March 2016 16/09/2018

4 Start Smart then Focus It is recommended that a multi-disciplinary quality improvement/audit programme for antimicrobial stewardship should be developed and sustained in every Acute Trust. DoH recommendation as well as more local Duerden report 16/09/2018

5 Start Smart then Focus Improving antimicrobial prescribing and stewardship dependant on strong clinical leadership. Medical teams, in particular consultants should take leadership role for antimicrobial quality improvement specialist areas. Done in collaboration with consultant microbiologist/infectious diseases specialist and antimicrobial pharmacist. 16/09/2018

6 Ward based Audit Every ward Every month 5 Patients Junior doctors
Registered audit Inputted by Ward Managers onto Fundamentals of Care (Care Metrics) Incentive or junior dr’s - part of portfolio Registered with clinical 16/09/2018

7 10 Key Standards Displayed in prominent place on ward for all to see staff, patients and visitors Completed monthly Red of Green Point 9 is antibiotic audit Must meet 95% on each question to gain green on chart 16/09/2018

8 Ward based Audit Poor uptake By December 2015 - 28%
East 21%, Central 38%, West 21% Some wards no returns at all since start of audit Unable to analyse data, scrutinise prescribing, provide any analysis for change 16/09/2018

9 Duerden 2016 2013 critical about the lack of audits of antimicrobial prescribing 2014 pleased to find that audits being done by clinical staff, including junior medical staff. Audit data put Ward Metrics by the nursing staff Breaks the chain of ownership In 2013 I was critical about the lack of audits of antimicrobial prescribing and I was pleased in 2014 to find that audits were being done on a regular basis by the clinical staff, including junior medical staff. These audit data feed into the Ward Metrics but the entry has to be done, currently, by the nursing staff who are given the data by the junior doctors who have done the audits. This immediately breaks the chain of ownership and the effectiveness of the feedback to those who have done the audits. I am concerned that the system is not working effectively and the chair of ASG endorsed this view. We agreed that two aspects could be addressed to improve the process: Change the data entry system so that the junior doctors who have done the audits enter the data into a system linked to the Ward Metrics but not necessarily fully embedded so that the feedback comes to those who have done the audits and made the entries. Simplify the audit tool so that it is more readily understandable to those using it. It was reported to me that the audit questions currently used were complex and did not always require a direct yes/no answer and therefore could lead to a subjective or even confused response. I understand that a simplified audit tool is being implemented and I strongly support this approach. This revised tool should also be used by the antimicrobial pharmacists for their external validation audits of the ward staff’s own results. 16/09/2018

10 Duerden 2016 Two changes discussed with medical director
Change the data entry system 2. Simplify the audit tool Now in place having discussed with the medical director Also revalidation by antimicrobial pharmacist using same tool 16/09/2018

11 Re-launched May 2016 Still same data collection
Junior doctor, 5 patients each ward per month Office of Medical Director involvement Completed forms sent directly to OMD Data input and analysis Report back to Antibiotic Steering Group (ASG) Antibiotic walk rounds Each 3 sites done, one named member of OMD does this 16/09/2018

12 This is the current form

13 16/09/2018

14 Compliance Antibiotic Audit
Data to August 2016 Individual West community hospitals as high at 89% 16/09/2018

15 Audit data Reported and scrutinised at ASG
Antibiotic Walk rounds to teams for direct feedback Reported to Ward managers for 10 key standards Also sent to: Clinical directors, nursing and medical directors on each site Medicine and surgery medical directors 16/09/2018

16 Antibiotic Walk Rounds
Hospital Medical Director Consultant Microbiologist Consultant Gastroenterologist Antimicrobial Pharmacist Matron Infection Prevention 16/09/2018

17 Antibiotic Walk Rounds
Weekly/Daily  Antibiotic prescribing 10 key standards  Antibiotic resources  Antibiotic Stewardship Stop/review, IV/PO, barriers to prescribing  Any ideas for improvement Tend to do one or two wards max as we may spend up to half hour with the staff Abx prescribing audit with us to start discussions – not least because our process of feeding back via dept governance meetings is quite established yet 10 key standards – not least because it is easy Microguide current global concern re stewardship and impact PPI’s – raise awareness Prescribing hurdles – particularly if they are being asked to prescribe off guidance (many are – by their consultants) if they are empowered to review to step down / stop 16/09/2018

18 Any Questions? This is from YG from world sepsis day 13th September, the message is spreading! 16/09/2018

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