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Parts of a tank.

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1 Parts of a tank

2 Taller = More difficult to maintain Wider = Easier to maintain!!!!!
The Tank Aquariums can be made of glass or acrylic. Acrylic aquariums weight much less and are resistant to scratches but are more expensive. Larger aquariums are more expensive but easier to maintain water quality. Larger base allows for more fish than tall aquariums of same gallon size. Taller = More difficult to maintain Wider = Easier to maintain!!!!!

3 Parts - Filters Filters help remove fish waste products from the water to keep water clean and useable for extended periods of time Power filter - electric motor to push water through other components that filter the water Mechanical filtration – filter bag/cartridge catches small suspended particles and traps them in mesh Chemical filtration – activated carbon attracts ionic based chemicals in the water and traps them in the rock. Biological filtration – solid component encourages the growth of good bacteria and algae that absorb toxic chemicals and break down organic waste. Ex. BioBag/BioWheel/BioSponge/BioBalls


5 Other Filtration Substrate – gravel, rocks, sand, or other material on bottom Collects and contains solid particles Use syphon with vacuum tube to clean periodically. Undergravel filter – plastic part used under substrate to increase area for solids to settle.

6 Parts - Aerators Gas exchange - water dissolves oxygen and other gases from the air and releases excess carbon dioxide and other gases to the air. Fish require dissolved oxygen that they take from the water using their gills the same way we use our lungs to breath air. Aerators/Air Pumps don’t add oxygen to the water, but they do: Increase surface area for diffusion to occur Increase water circulation

7 Other Parts and Equipment
Lid – keeps animals and water in; keeps unwanted particles and trash out. Light – makes tank more visible, some fish need extra UV due to lack of sunshine. Coral tanks must have a light that provides UV Decorations – should be chosen based on size of tank and needs of animals. Fast swimmers – tall ornaments like plants Slow movers and hiders – larger based ornaments like rocks Dip Net – used to remove fish, debris, and excess feed Syphon – used to remove water during water change and take-down. Side in tank must be higher than side out of tank. Buckets – used to add and remove water.

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