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Link Diagnostic Electronics

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1 Link Diagnostic Electronics
Szymon Jabłoński ISE, WUT How to edit the title slide Upper area: Title of your talk, max. 2 rows of the defined size (55 pt) Lower area (subtitle): Conference/meeting/workshop, location, date, your name and affiliation, max. 4 rows of the defined size (32 pt) Change the partner logos or add others in the last row.

2 Frequency domain Phase noise Bandwidth PD frep

3 Power monitor resolution  A/A=10-4
Requirements Power monitor resolution  A/A=10-4 Phase monitor resolution 0.005deg (10fs at 1.3GHz) High dynamic range (from 30uW to 1mW) ‘good’ links: 400uW to 1mW ‘bad’ links: 30uW to 400uW Power and phase monitor voltage from V to 1V Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View Szymon Jabłoński, ISE/WUT System Integration – LLRF Collaboration Meeting Warsaw, Poland, 2011

4 Photodiode Rred=50mV/mW
Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View Rred=50mV/mW Szymon Jabłoński, ISE/WUT System Integration – LLRF Collaboration Meeting Warsaw, Poland, 2011

5 Low Pass Filter SXLP-10.7+ LFCN-1400+
Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View Szymon Jabłoński, ISE/WUT System Integration – LLRF Collaboration Meeting Warsaw, Poland, 2011

6 Low Noise Amplifier Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View Szymon Jabłoński, ISE/WUT System Integration – LLRF Collaboration Meeting Warsaw, Poland, 2011

7 Noise vs. Optical Power Resolution  A/A=10-4 =>
Optical Power > 360uW Vrms = 1.83uV Copy & paste an element from the Clip Board to the particular slide: 1) Click on a box to mark it. 2) Position the mouse pointer on the box frame: Copy! 3) Click on the particular slide: Paste! How you intend to use the elements is your choice. You can combine the text block style with the background colour in different manner. How to change the height or the width (or both) of a box (including its background): Mark the box, and grip and draw the specific edge of the box frame. You can position a text block inside a frame: 1) Mark the text block. 2) Click on the menu point “Format”: “Text box”, “Text Box”, “Text Anchor Point”. Insert a new slide: Menu button “New Slide” For more bullet levels (max. 5) use the tab stop button  on your keyboard, back with  The default colour scheme for font, line and fill is (1st row, from left to right): White  Violet  Grey  Black  Violet  Orange  Violet  Orange Szymon Jabłoński, ISE/WUT System Integration – LLRF Collaboration Meeting Warsaw, Poland, 2011

8 ADC vs. Power Monitor Resolution
‘Good’ link => Gain 20, ADC 16bit (30.5uV) ‘Bad’ link => Gain 50, ADC 18bit (7.6uV) Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View Szymon Jabłoński, ISE/WUT System Integration – LLRF Collaboration Meeting Warsaw, Poland, 2011

9 Phase Monitor 1.3GHz Amplifier HMC617 (Gain 12dB, NF=0.5dB)
Phase Detector AD8302 (10mV/deg) Bandpass filter T-Ceram (fo=1.3GHz, Insertion loss 1.5dB, Attenuation at fo  200MHz > 60dB) Lowpass filter LFCN (Insertion loss 0.6dB, Attenuation 50dB at 3.9GHz) Szymon Jabłoński, ISE/WUT System Integration – LLRF Collaboration Meeting Warsaw, Poland, 2011

10 Power at the input of AD8302 Optical power 30uW => -44dBm
0.005deg => 50uV ADC 16bit => 30.5uV Szymon Jabłoński, ISE/WUT System Integration – LLRF Collaboration Meeting Warsaw, Poland, 2011

11 Link Diagnostics Board
Szymon Jabłoński, ISE/WUT System Integration – LLRF Collaboration Meeting Warsaw, Poland, 2011

12 Conclusions Power Monitor 0.4mW to 1mW => OK.
30uW to 0.4mW => resolution 10-4 not achieved Phase Monitor Need to be checked in long-term Szymon Jabłoński, ISE/WUT System Integration – LLRF Collaboration Meeting Warsaw, Poland, 2011

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