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Social Media Data Mining

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1 Social Media Data Mining
By Jillian Munson

2 What is Data Mining? The analytic process designed to explore data (usually large amounts of data) in search of consistent patterns and/or systematic relationships between variables Media companies use data mining to analyze, extract, and represent predictable statistics on their social media sites. Companies use this mined data to improve their sites’ accessibility and design to attract more users.

3 What Is Media? The group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of the web, and that allow the creation and exchange of user- generated content.

4 Types of Media Microblogging Social Networking Social Search
Twitter Social Networking Facebook, LinkedIn News Aggregation GoogleReader, StumbleUpon, Feedburner Photosharing Flickr, Photobucket, Picasa Video Sharing YouTube, MetaCafe Social Search Google, Bing, Instant Messaging Google Talk, Skype, Yahoo! Messenger Live Streaming Ustream, Twitch

5 Extracting Data Data mining software tools
ExIf Tool, RapidMiner, SAS Enterprise, etc Different software is used for different types of media The software tracks how many views, ‘Likes’, shares, ‘Retweets’, ‘Reblogs’, ‘Reposts’, etc. any particular post accumulates Extracted information is then recorded, stored, and analyzed Social media and data experts use this information to predict future trends in media and the internet

6 Privacy Issues Personal information is recorded and stored on the internet for anyone to see Not just social media, but also credit card information, medical records, employment applications, etc. all require peoples’ personal information This info is easily accessible if not protected properly As mining software becomes more capable of storing large amounts of data, the easier it is to hack into systems and steal information

7 Data Mining Parameters
Path Analysis Looking for patterns where one event leads to another later event Classification Looking for new patterns and changing the way data is organized Classification algorithms help predict variables based on other factors within the database Clustering Finding and documenting groups of facts or data that were previously unknown Groups sets of objects and aggregates them based on how similar they are to each other Forecasting A predictive modeling technique in which each model is made up of variables that are likely to influence future results Once data has been collected for relevant predictors, a statistical model is formulated

8 Data Mining Benefits Companies use data mining tools to:
Uncover hidden data patterns and relationships Make predictions about information Detect fraud Build risk models Improve product safety Identify quality issues Manage the supply chain and improve operations

9 Resources

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