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HIFI Hands-on Exercises

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1 HIFI Hands-on Exercises
A.P.Marston ESAC 27 June 2013

2 Hands-on Exercises Data inspection (see Quickstart chapter 5)
Know the data: frequency, size, quality, etc Spectrum explorer / cube explorer (e.g. see DAG/HowTos chapter 6) Scale conversions in spectrum explorer (also see HIFI DRG Chapter 16) Output plots Spectrum and Cube Toolboxes (see DAG/HowTos Chapter 6.7) Baseline removal (see HIFI DRG chapter 11.3) Re-pipelining HIFI data (see HIFI DRG chapter 5) Regridding of maps (see HIFI DRG chapter 13) Combining H and V polarizations (polarPair, also see HIFI DRG Chapter for cubes/maps) Line fitting/integration (chapter 7 Herschel DAG) Line intensity maps (chapter 6.7 Herschel DAG – cube analysis) Data flagging and Deconvolution (see HIFI DRG chapter 9) Reprocessing spectral scans and deconvolution of spectral scans (see HIFI DRG chapter 12) Handling issues: Fringe removal (fitHifiFringe). Chapter 10 of HIFI DRG. HEB standing wave reduction Data export: including  CLASS (hiClass). Chapter 20 of HIFI DRG Document title | Author Name | Place | Data doc | Programme | Pag. 2

3 Getting Data obs = getObservation(1342190786,useHsa=True)
Then import the tar file you retrieve obs = getObservation( ,useHsa=True) Document title | Author Name | Place | Data doc | Programme | Pag. 3

4 Observation Context Document title | Author Name | Place | Data doc | Programme | Pag. 4

5 SpectrumExplorer/Cube viewer
Document title | Author Name | Place | Data doc | Programme | Pag. 5

6 Baseline Removal: fitBaseline
Baseline removal can be done in several ways (see tutorial 2). Spectrum Fitter GUI Cube analysis (for maps) Can also interactively work with fitBaseline Can work with an observation, a HTP or a spectrum dataset (make it small for now) Allows interactive baseline removal Can also be included (with or without interaction) in any repipelining Document title | Author Name | Place | Data doc | Programme | Pag. 6

7 Running a pipeline and updating data.
Take your product and look at the history to see what calibration and SPG version was used. Repipeline with the most up to date calibration information. Try also including an optional task or two in the pipeline to produce your “perfect” product. Save your data – various ways, also try reading in data (e.g. FITS image) Document title | Author Name | Place | Data doc | Programme | Pag. 7

8 Try extending pipeline for e. g. mapping task, e. g
Try extending pipeline for e.g. mapping task, e.g. obsid = (small [CII] map of Orion Bar) Add in doGridding with different pixel size Other possible functions – see documentation. Document title | Author Name | Place | Data doc | Programme | Pag. 8

9 Combine polarizations for point source/map and analysis
Try methods described in tutorials for adding H and V – e.g. polarPair Work with the products and get line integration/spectral fits etc. Get fitted parameters Create position-velocity map Etc… Document title | Author Name | Place | Data doc | Programme | Pag. 9

10 Get a spectral scan and use the flagTool
Run the flagtool to see issues automatically noted in a spectral scan. Check out the data with issues. Some issues overlooked? Adjust the flagging (even if only to see what happens….. See HIFI DRG chapter 8 for the consequences of setting flags. Document title | Author Name | Place | Data doc | Programme | Pag. 10

11 Run deconvolution task to create a new spectral scan of a single sideband (ssb)
DoDeconvolution task selection. Put in your observation and indicate which backend to get a deconvolution from. Can make some choices about what to ignore and what not to ignore in the flagged data. Document title | Author Name | Place | Data doc | Programme | Pag. 11

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