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Easily Implementing Fluid User Interface

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1 Easily Implementing Fluid User Interface
110620 Dave Alexander Manager ERP Applications Children’s Hospital Colorado Project, system and human considerations for a successful implementation

2 Children’s Hospital Colorado
Here, it’s different. This is an extraordinary place. With an optimist's outlook, a pioneer's hunger and a celebrated history, we are creating the future of child health. 16 Colorado Locations, Pediatric Experts on Staff, 100 Years+ /TheChildrensHospital

3 Our environments Milestone Dates Implemented January 2003
Upgraded to 9.2 in summer of 2014 Upgraded to PeopleTools 8.55 in summer of 2016 Annual maintenance cycles Applications FSCM HCM PIH

4 Scope of this presentation
Define “Fluid” terminology This presentation is for Fluid User Interface Not Fluid delivered applications Not Fluid development Discuss Fluid User Interface features Discuss Fluid User Interface implementation

5 A look into the Fluid User Interface

6 Fluid Terminology Fluid User Interface Fluid Applications
Delivered in 8.54 PeopleTools “Required” in 8.55 PeopleTools New way of navigation throughout PeopleSoft Enables simplified navigation on mobile devices Destination can be Fluid components, or traditional components within Fluid “frame” Fluid Applications Pages, pivot grids, and components of applications Developed in Application Designer like every other page Different design paradigm, again centered around mobile usage All new development of application functionality is considered using Fluid

7 Fluid User Interface Basics
Navigation Controls Fluid Tile (Size is adjustable) Homepages adjust to form factor Homepages (Up to 10)

8 Example of a Homepage full of Tiles
Nav Collection Direct link

9 Example of Classic Page in Fluid UX

10 Navigation Controls New Fluid Navigation Bar
The important icons you will use are located at the right side of this bar Icon Name Purpose Home Takes you to your default PeopleSoft homepage Search This will let you search for your destination, for example Job Data, User Profile, etc. A quick way to your page! Actions List General user interface options, like Sign Out, and some personalization options “Nav” Bar To open the NavBar on the right side, which contains Recent Places, Favorites and the classic Menu Navigator Current Homepage Change homepage by clicking the triangle

11 Navigation Controls: Navigator
To get to your pages, click the NavBar icon ( ) and click Navigator Your menu will appear and you can click through the levels of navigation as you always have. Favorites is the same as before, and converts during upgrade Recent Places is Very Handy “Navigator” Menu Navigation

12 Navigation Controls: Navigator Controls
Takes you to the top of Navigation Takes you back one level Navigates to the Folder (>) or Component/Page

13 Navigation Controls: Action List
Adding a tile link for a Classic/Fluid page to a Homepage Adding a link when on a Fluid Landing page or Homepage – Personalize Homepage

14 Navigation Controls: Personalize
Personalize Homepage is what you want to train your users to use Copy/Move to Delete Tile Homepage Order Tile Order

15 Navigation Controls: Personalize
Name the Homepage what you want Add Tile from Catalog Add existing Homepage

16 Navigation Controls: Search
Don’t forget to build the Portal Registry search index

17 Navigation Alerts/Notifications
Will show as a number on the flag icon, like cell phone badges

18 Fluid User Interface Implementation Strategy

19 Fluid UI Adoption Strategy
Took PeopleSoft advice and implemented Fluid UI 8.55 “required” change of User Interface to utilize Fluid Navigation & Landing Pages (i.e. Homepages) Non-Fluid landing pages and Breadcrumb Navigation not recommended How we did it Minimized Scope Research Phase! Important with any new functionality Testing Training

20 Minimizing Fluid UI Scope
Core applications only Did not impact self-service users HCM and FSCM users were more familiar with application Our Portal Interaction Hub and Manager/Employee Self-Service needs some work anyway – we’ll do Fluid in a separate project Fluid User Interface only No Fluid components / content (that will come later) 100% Fluid UI (no breadcrumbs navigation) Multiple navigations is very confusing We felt having both would increase help desk calls

21 Fluid User Interface Project Plan
Research phase Produces Fit/Gap and Project Plan Determine navigation requirements for users What should be available immediately? Homepages, Tiles and Links How should we organize navigation objects? Implement Fluid UI homepages and navigation tiles Create simplified navigations for them (Nav Collections/Tiles) Test Train

22 Project Plan: Research Phase Goals
Understand Fluid UI, Homepages, and different types of Tiles Learn tools used to implement and maintain Fluid UI Determine which teams will support maintenance activities Determine security maintenance team should have Research no longer supported tools/controls our teams currently used Breadcrumb interface Non-Fluid landing pages General Fit/Gap: Put together an implementation plan

23 Research: Breadcrumbs User Interface
FACTS: PeopleSoft advanced users have used this interface for a LONG time! Breadcrumbs are tremendously difficult to use on a touch screen! The navigation tree is complex and extremely large; takes a while to become familiar (and memorize) for any user. PeopleSoft Developers, Administrators, BSAs and Power Users used this interface all the time for the last 15+ years. Starting with PeopleTools 8.55, Fluid UI is the supported user interface, not breadcrumbs Change can be difficult. We found, in general, it was most difficult for developers, administrators and BSAs to accept the switch to accept this change; however nearly all power-users love the new user interface!

24 Research: Using Breadcrumbs and Fluid UI together
We did the analysis, and simply these two technologies don’t live well together Having both together is possible using the powerful Portal Branding features of PeopleSoft Breadcrumbs and Fluid UI are not integrated; so navigation through one does not flow to the other If a user only used one or the other, it was okay, but combination usage was really confusing and frustrating !!! SEARCH is an easy alternative to get to your destination!

25 Research: Are Breadcrumbs Really Needed?
Breadcrumbs only really are fully used by power users and support staff Using the Navigator controls, you can get to another component in the same folder using “back”, or you can start over by “back to home” icons You can still get breadcrumbs for documentation purposes by using this fantastic SQL (thanks Jim Marion!), but how often do you document navigation in a month? Another place with breadcrumbs that could be helpful? PeopleTools / Portal / View Menu Folder Structure

26 Research: Turning Off Fluid UI
There is a way to change your application to land on a classic page, we only did this temporarily in our Portal product (as a reimplementation of our Portal was out of scope) From DOC ID The classic homepage will continue to be supported, however it is recommended that fluid be adopted moving forward. From tools perspective you can tweak the default PC home page for all your users under the tools personalization options e.g change from Fluid to Classic (Note that it will impact all PC users) But as our tools development and strategy stated, we don't encourage customers to do this switch, as for all apps 9.2 the default foreseen would be Fluid in all scenarios - that means the testing done under apps Q&A process might not include further on such classic home pages unit testings. Any new issues reported to apps support would have to be handled under the defaults provided by apps 9.2 as well

27 Research Phase Findings
Do your research!! Plan ahead and save yourself the headache !!! Ensure there is enough time in your project for this important step! Quick! Took about a week. Prototype and learn features of Fluid UX and how it will impact end-users Navigation collections are a form of Fluid Workcenters Fluid Objects are Security aware (nice!!!) If user doesn’t have access to the destination, they don’t see it!!! Allows a consolidated and simpler design Understand required tools for Build & Maintenance phases Navigation Collections On-line configurable Tile Wizard Structure & Content (to change required/default attributes of tiles/homepages) Security Understand navigation choices Homepages Navigation Tiles Navigation Collection Tiles

28 Researching Findings: Fluid Homepages & Tiles
Homepages contain tiles Default homepage can be configurable to the user, or not (whatever you choose) Homepage order is configurable by the user by default (or you can enforce order)

29 Research Findings: Fluid Homepages and Tiles
Homepages can be secured by Role or Permission List, or public Each user can create their own homepages, which is private to them Each user can add to existing homepages without other users seeing their links (nice!!!) Tiles can be interactive or static Components, Pivot Grids/Charts, Navigation Collections, simple Navigation Links, etc We are using a variety of navigation options in homepages Fixed tile links Navigation Collection work centers User defined tile links

30 Implementation and Maintenance Findings
Homepages, Tiles and Nav Collections are quick to build Business (BSA) maintains most objects Since Required/Fixed attribute types require Structure & Content this is maintained by our technical team Likely this will be a one-time configuration during implementation End-users can add their own tiles onto existing or new homepages Does not impact other users that utilize the same homepages Candidate for a public Tile / Homepage? If used a couple of times a week or more by several users, then a candidate for Tile or Navigation Collection link Lower usage components are added ad-hoc by each user Alternative is Favorites like before Don’t forget the Production Support Nav Collection!

31 Designing your Implementation
Here is how we designed what Homepages and Tiles were needed Interviewed all our “power users” and customers about what pages they use From the list of places they go, determined how often they go there Created Navigation Collection(s) for Teams if there were more than several destinations amongst a Team Otherwise, had users create single tiles Granted security to Tiles; security to the links was already configured!! Set defaults in Structure & Content to install some standards in the way folks navigate the applications Set security on the tiles; some teams could use others’ tiles

32 Example of Navigation Collection
Landing page in this case is a classic page Folders are only one level deep (simplified)! List/content frames Nav collapses These are CREF Links Can be migrated If user can’t access, it won’t be seen (nice!) Folders and links organized for users. Note that you can only have one folder depth to reinforce simplicity!

33 How to Create a Navigation Collection (Structure)
Use Add Link and Add Folder buttons to create Navigation Collection structure

34 How to Create a Navigation Collection (Content)
Click & Choose

35 Using the Tile Wizard Navigation: PeopleTools / Portal
Used to create tiles from Navigation Collections Simple, follow the activity guide’s train stops… Create tiles in a folder structure in Personalize Homepage Secure by Permission Lists or Roles

36 Testing Security Ensure navigation works (Tiles & Nav Collections)
Which Roles can/can’t access homepages If users can’t see content, Tiles & NavColl Links are not available Ensure those who maintain content have security to do so Ensure navigation works (Tiles & Nav Collections) Ensure search works Ensure personalization works

37 Training Provided a one-page quick start guide for back-office teams
Explains navigation icons Explains how to Personalize Homepages Also Favorites / Recently Used lists Hindsight…so simple to use, no other training was or will be required FYI…Your most difficult audience will be your developers, BSAs, power users They have the entire navigation tree memorized Have been using “Breadcrumb” navigation for years But Fluid is simpler for the vast majority of your users

38 Success Tips for your Fluid UI Project
Find an executive sponsor that wants to enable mobile device capabilities Research and Prototype Demonstration is worth a thousand words to your decision makers Take the time to understand the technology; it’s quick and worth the effort! Understand that turning off Fluid UI or adding breadcrumbs is not advised by Oracle – its yet another customization now Fluid UI is made to make your PeopleSoft mobile ready

39 110620

40 Visit Quest International Users Group at Booth #239
A 55,000+ member user community for Oracle Cloud, JD Edwards and PeopleSoft customers. Visit Quest International Users Group at Booth #239 Learn how Quest can help you receive 4x the return on your Oracle ERP investment Walk through a customized Quest Activation Plan (QAP) to maximize your product ROI in partnership with Quest Find out more about Quest’s product-specific events: PeopleSoft RECONNECT and JD Edwards INFOCUS Real stories. Real people. Real solutions.

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