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Part one: The Survey Purpose: To discover what is well-known and what specific training needs there are across the state on WIOA performance indicators and cohorts Staff knowledge of WF1 data entry requirements The Statistical Adjustment Model Local area negotiation process
Survey Results Information added to the webinar after reviewing survey responses Possible reasons numerators and denominators are different than you expected Demonstration on the cohort tool created by MN Performs Eligible Training Provider List requirements Measurable Skill Gains data entry
Three repeated training webinars
Part two: The Webinar Three repeated training webinars January 26, 30, and 31 1:00 – 4:00 PM
Each Split into Two Sections
First Section’s Objective Refresher on WIOA Performance and the current Statistical Model Mechanics Second Section’s Objective Review of important data entry elements impacting performance negotiations and other important information
Specific Topics in the First Section Estimated Length of Time
Performance Standards, Indicators, Cohorts, and The Statistical Model’s key definitions, formulas, old data cohorts, and Tool Demonstration Estimated Length of Time 2 Hours Targeted Audience Managers/Directors/Performance Staff (Numbers People)
Specific Topics in the Second Section Estimated Length of Time
Workforce One Data Entry: Where participant demographic data impacting the statistical model is entered in the system and what data is pulled from other databases. Review ETPL requirements, the ETPL website, and Measurable Skill Gains Estimated Length of Time 1 Hour Targeted Audience Case Managers/Data Entry Clerks/Performance Staff
Performance and Data Coordinator
First Section WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Standards, Cohorts, and the Statistical Adjustment Model , Performance and Data Coordinator
Program Year 2016 and 2017 State Performance Standards
WIOA Performance Indicators
Performance Measure Numerator Denominator is Activity in WF1 that triggers performance 2nd Quarter Employment Has at least $1 in Wage Detail in the 2nd quarter after Exiting All Exiters during reporting period except those exited with exclusion Any WF1 Activities 4th Quarter Employment Has at least $1 in Wage Detail in the 4th quarter after Exiting
WIOA Performance Indicators
Performance Measure Calculation Included Activity in WF1 that triggers performance Median Earnings See Below Total quarter wages for each participant showing wages in the 2nd quarter after exiting except for those exited with exclusion Any WF1 Activities
WIOA Performance Indicators
Performance Measure Numerator Denominator Activity in WF1 that triggers performance Credential Attainment (Post-Secondary) Credential was captured in WF1, Attainment date was during enrollment or within 1-year of exit, AND the type of credential attained is recognized Date of exit is within reporting period AND was enrolled in "Post-Secondary" except those exited with exclusion Apprenticeship, Classroom Training, Credential Attained without Training, Entrepreneurial Training, Incumbent Worker Training, and GED training if the GED student exits to employment
Baseline Indicator for Program Years 2016 and 2017
Performance Measure Numerator Denominator Activity in WF1 that triggers performance Measurable Skills Gain Documented increase of functioning level, transcript, report card, milestone, or skills progression during reporting period All participants attending training during the fiscal year leading to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment except those exited with exclusion. It encompasses all WIOA training, OJT, Apprenticeship, and customized training program enrollments. Apprenticeship, Classroom Training, Credential Attained without Training, Customized Training, Entrepreneurial Training, GED Training, Incumbent Worker Training, Incumbent Worker Credential Waiver, Occupational Skills Training, OJT, OJT - Public or Private, Prerequisite Training, Remedial Training, TAA Apprentice
Why does everyone keep saying MULLIGAN YEAR
Program Year 2016 WIOA Cohorts
Measure PY17 Based On Full Reportable Year? 2nd Quarter Employment No data available NO – No employment data available 4th Quarter Employment 2nd Quarter Median Earnings Credential Attainment Measurable Skills Gain All enrolled and in Training 07/01/2016 – 06/30/2017 YES
Program Year 2017 WIOA Cohorts
Measure PY17 Based On Full Reportable Year? 2nd Quarter Employment Exiters 07/01/2016 – June 30, 2017 YES 4th Quarter Employment Exiters 07/01/2016 – December 2016 NO – Only 2 quarters of data available 2nd Quarter Median Earnings Credential Attainment Measurable Skills Gain All enrolled and in Training 07/01/2017 – 06/30/2018
Program Year 2018 WIOA Cohorts
Measure PY17 Based On Full Reportable Year? 2nd Quarter Employment Exiters 07/01/2017 – June 30, 2018 YES 4th Quarter Employment Exiters 01/01/2017 – December 2017 2nd Quarter Median Earnings Credential Attainment Measurable Skills Gain All enrolled and in Training 07/01/2018 – 06/30/2019
WIOA Cohorts
MN Performs Cohort Tool Demonstration
What does Exited with Exclusion Mean?
If the participant is exited with any of these exit reasons that participant will not be counted in performance outcomes DOL Definition of Authorized Exclusion Based on TEGL Attachment 2 WF1 Exit Reason Exits while receiving services due to incarceration in correctional facility or becomes resident of institution providing 24 hour support such as hospital or treatment center Institutionalized Exits after being called up to active duty for at least 90 days as member of National Guard or other reserve military unit. Reservist Called to Active Duty Participant is deceased Death Exits due to medical treatment expected to last longer than 90 days which would preclude employment or continued participation. Medical Treatment
What WF1 Exits Reasons will be counted in
Performance Measures DEED will check wage detail/Supplemental Wage Information and other performance indicator data for participants exiting with these final Exit Reasons Programs Using Called Back Dislocated Worker Cannot Locate Dislocated Worker and Adult Entered Armed Forces Entered Registered Apprentice Training Entered Unsubsidized Employment Family Care Problems Found Ineligible Moved from Area Program/Type Transfer Refused to Continue Remained Employed Retirement Started Business/Self-Employed
Why participants with “positive” WF1 exit reasons might not be positive in official performance
* A pseudo Social Security Number was used on the case * Wages were not found in wage detail reports * Supplemental wage information was not entered into WF1’s Follow-Up tab * DOL considers the original exit reason and/or the secondary exit reason exclusionary
Why numerators and denominators might be different than expected
Participants who access multiple providers If a participant accessed services from a provider then after exiting they reenrolled with a new provider within 90 days Performance counts go back to the original provider
Why numerators and denominators might be different than expected
Participant who only access State funds If all activities on the participant’s case have State Dislocated Worker funding selected within them That participant will not be included in WIOA Dislocated Worker measures At least one activity on the case needs to be supported by WIOA Dislocated Worker funding
TEGL 26-15 The Statistical Adjustment Model
Key Definitions Target Outcome – The level expected (standard)
Predicted Outcome – The level at which service area will most likely be Simulated Outcome – The individual records for the last program year of each indicator's exiter cohort found in the Wagner-Peyser Employment Service data. (WIASRD)
You can get a national list of all county FIPS here
Key Definitions FIPS – stands for Federal Information Processing Standard. It is a five-digit code which uniquely identifies counties and county equivalents in the United States. The first two digits are the FIPS state code and the last three are the county code within the state. Minnesota’s FIPS is 27 You can get a national list of all county FIPS here
How Many FIPS do you Serve?
Local Area WIB Code Number of County (fips) Codes in Service Areas WDA 01 - NW MN PIC 27045 7 WDA 02 - Rural CEP 27040 19 WDA 03 - NEMOJT 27035 WDA 04 - City of Duluth 27005 1 WDA 05 - CMJTC 27105 10 WDA 06 - SW MN PIC 27055 14 WDA 07 - S Central 27030 9 WDA 08 - SE WDI 27075 WDA 09 - Hennepin/Carver 27120 2 WDA 10 - METP 27010 WDA 12 - Anoka 27085 WDA 14 - Dakota/Scott 27125 WDA 15 - Ramsey 27115 WDA 16 - Washington 27100 WDA 17 - SBETC 27110 WDA 18 - Winona 27080
How is the Statistical Model Calculated?
The Statistical Model: Formula
Target Outcome Multiply each coefficient by the population percentage within that program indicator’s cohort. Repeat this for every coefficient and its input value. Add up all the products found in step 1. Calculate the average state fixed effect by averaging all state fixed effects for that indicator. Add the results from step 2 and step 3 to get the Target Outcome In other words use this formula “=SUMPRODUCT($C$9:$C$58,$D9:$D58)+C61”
In other words use this formula “=SUMPRODUCT($C$9:$C$58,$D9:$D58)+C85”
Formula (continued) Predicted Outcome Multiply each coefficient by the population percentage within that program indicator’s cohort. Repeat this for every coefficient and its input value. Add up all the products found in step 1. Add Minnesota’s fixed effect for that indicator to the results from step 2 to get the Predicted Outcome In other words use this formula “=SUMPRODUCT($C$9:$C$58,$D9:$D58)+C85”
Formula (continued) Simulated Outcome
Does not use an average state fixed effect This calculation is based only on the participants who were actually served during the year the data was pulled
What participants are included in the model’s data
Each indicator uses different participant data
Adult Indicators - Employment Rate 2nd Quarter After Exit Cohort = Exit Date from 7/1/13 to 6/30/14 and Adult - Median Earnings 2nd Quarter After Exit Cohort = and Wages 2nd Quarter After Exit > 0 and Wages 2nd Quarter After Exit ~=
The Statistical Model: Demographic Data Used
Adult Indicators - Employment Rate 4th Quarter After Exit Cohort = Exit Date from 1/1/13 to 12/31/13 and Adult - Credential Attainment Rate Cohort = Exit Date from 10/1/13 to 9/30/14 and Adult and Received Training
The Statistical Model: Demographic Data Used
Dislocated Worker Indicators - Employment Rate 2nd Quarter After Exit Cohort = Exit Date from 7/1/13 to 6/30/14 and WIA DW (excluding NEGs) - Median Earnings 2nd Quarter After Exit Cohort = and Wages 2nd Quarter After Exit > 0 and Wages 2nd Quarter After Exit ~=
The Statistical Model: Demographic Data Used
Dislocated Worker Indicators - Employment Rate 4th Quarter After Exit Cohort = Exit Date from 1/1/13 to 12/31/13 and WIA DW (excluding NEGs) - Credential Attainment Rate Cohort = Exit Date from 10/1/13 to 9/30/14 and WIA DW and Received Training
DID YOU KNOW The Statistical Model has more than your agency information in it In fact, it has more than the state of Minnesota’s information in it WHY? It is a required tool for every state and WDA in the nation
Where do you find the Statistical Model created by the Department of Labor
TEGL provides guidance on PY16 and PY17 negotiations using the statistical model A new TEGL is due for release in February 2018 for guidance on PY18 and PY19 negotiations -
Differences between the model on DOL’s site and the Model AD/DW staff email you
DOL’s Statistical Model found on their website Does not have data narrow to your WIB or FIPS Does not calculate or input your region’s Labor Market Information Does not calculate or input your region’s Unemployment rate Statistical Model ed to you from Adult/Dislocated Worker program staff Narrows the data to your WDA’s WIB Narrows the data to FIPS served by your WDA Calculates your region’s Labor Market Information and Unemployment rates then inputs it into the WIA Data tab (directions for these calculations are in the SOP tab)
Program Staff does for you
Statistical Model LMI Construction Employment Educational, or Health Care Related Employment Federal, State, or Local Government Employment Information, Finance, or Technology Employment Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Related Employment How it works DEED calculates all of these for each local area using the “SOP” tab instructions provided by DOL prior to ing statistical models to WDAs Depending on the performance indicator you are researching, there are multiple Industry lag and Unemployment Rate lag tabs to use Lag Program(s) Measure(s) A Adult, DW, Youth Credential Attainment Youth Q2 employment rate B Adult, DW, WP Q2 employment rate, Median earnings C WP Q4 employment rate D Adult, DW
Program Staff does for you
Statistical Model LMI and Unemployment Rate Manufacturing Related Employment Natural Resources Employment Other Services Employment Unemployment Rate Not Seasonally Adjusted How it is works (continued) Local area calculations are based on the FIPS codes (county codes) in which the WDA serves Individual industry employment counts for all FIPS that WDA serves are summed then divided by the total employment count in their service area to get the regional percentage Enter each percentage into the appropriate WIA tab Data columns and program indicator lines (Columns BO – BZ)
Statistical Model Demonstration
PY2018-2019 Negotiation TEGL Estimated Release: Late February 2018
Known differences between the new TEGL and TEGL 26-15 New TEGL is for Negotiating PY2018 & 2019 instead of PY2016 & 2017 New TEGL has updated data applied to the Statistical model using PY2016 data instead of PY2014 data
REMINDER Phase 2: Training Webinar coming February _________________________________________________________________ How to update the model with new data using MN Performs
Now we know about the model but where does the model get its data?
Performance and Data Coordinator
Second Section Workforce One (WF1) Data entry impacting the Statistical Adjustment Model , Performance and Data Coordinator
Most of the Data comes from these areas of WF1 The Eligibility and Enrollment Screens Support Services tab and within participant activities
Entered into the WF1 Eligibility Screen
Statistical Model Elements in Age 26 to 35, Age 36 to 45, Age 46 to 55, Age 56 to 65, and Age 66+ Female
Entered into the WF1 Enrollment Screen
Statistical Model Elements in Employed at participation Homeless
Entered into the WF1 Enrollment Screen
Statistical Model Elements in Hispanic ethnicity American Indian or Native Alaskan, Asian, Black, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, or More than one Race
Entered into the WF1 Enrollment Screen
Statistical Model Elements in Highest grade completed: Associates Degree Bachelor Degree Certificate or Other Post- secondary Degree High School Equivalency Less than High School Graduate Some College
Entered into the WF1 Enrollment Screen
Statistical Model Elements in Individual with a disability Limited English-language proficiency Offender
Entered into the WF1 Enrollment Screen
Statistical Model Elements in Single Parent UI exhaustee UI Claimant, Non-exhaustee
Entered into the WF1 Enrollment Screen
Statistical Model Elements in TANF Recipient Other Public Assistance Recipient At least One: Yes
Entered into the WF1 Enrollment Screen
Statistical Model Elements in Low Income Veteran At least One: Yes
Entered into WF1 Activity Screens
Statistical Model Elements in Pell Grant Recipient Received pre-vocational activity services Required in Credential activities Optional in Non-credential activities
Entered into WF1 Activity Screens
Statistical Model Elements in Received Training Services (WIOA Certified) Established Individual Training Account (ITA)
Entered into WF1 Activity Screens
Statistical Model Elements in Received Intensive Services
Entered into WF1 Support Service Screen
Statistical Model Element: Received Support Services At least one using WIOA funds during enrollment period
Where do other elements come from?
Elements NOT Captured from WF1 (Besides LMI and Unemployment Rates)
Statistical Model Elements Had earnings in 2nd and 3rd preprogram quarters Had earnings in 2nd preprogram quarter Had earnings in 3rd preprogram quarter Received services financially assisted under the Wagner-Peyser Act Received needs-related payments How it is captured in Reports Wage Detail account Not provided for WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker programs in Minnesota
Since we have time… How about we talk about other important stuff
Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL)
Managed by Rachel Vilsack
66 tools/career-education-explorer/
Located here tools/career-education-explorer/
The ETPL MUST be used for
Credential and Non-credential WIOA funded Training
WIOA funded Credential Training Must be listed on the ETPL as
WIOA Certified
Non-Credential Training Must be listed on the ETPL
WIOA funded Non-Credential Training Must be listed on the ETPL
Measurable Skill Gains (MSG)
Five MSG Options Educational Functioning Level Date: New documented assessments showing an increase in abilities; Secondary Report Card Date: Documented attainment of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent;
MSG Options Post-Secondary Transcript Date: showing sufficient number of credit hours in accordance with academic standards; Training Milestone: OJT or Apprenticeship progress report from the employer or training provider;
MSG Options Skills Progression Date: Successful passage of an exam that is required for a particular occupation or progress in attaining technical or occupational skills
Where is it entered in WF1? “Reporting Collection”
Reporting Collection 2. Click here 1. Click here
Click here
1. Choose the correct one 2. Enter the attainment date 3. Click OK
Don’t forget to click “Save”!
(The most recently MSG is listed on the bottom) Don’t forget to click “Save”!
REMINDER Phase 2: Training Webinar coming February _________________________________________________________________ How to update the model with new data using MN Performs
WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker programs Performance Coordinator
Questions? Amy Carlson WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker programs Performance Coordinator
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