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Take everything else off of your desks!

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Presentation on theme: "Take everything else off of your desks!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Take everything else off of your desks!
Take out your … Notebooks LAPTOPS! START THEM UP! Writing Utensil Take everything else off of your desks!

2 Word Puzzle Ball Ball Ball Ball BEHIND BEHIND THE 8 BALL

3 Class Objectives Access Microsoft Word and print Sonnets!
Students will be able to … Access Microsoft Word and print Sonnets! Take background notes on Macbeth Take background notes on main characters

4 Language Objectives Discuss main ideas behind the play
Students will be able to … Discuss main ideas behind the play Make connections from the play to his life Elaborate on notes given

5 Agenda Print sonnets! Take Macbeth background notes
Take notes on major characters Discuss the major themes in the play Discuss how the major themes relate to the characters

6 Announcement: Monday: Macbeth books! Start READING! FINALLY!

7 Take out your notebooks!
Please … Take out your notebooks!

8 Macbeth Notes “Macbeth Notes” Title this page,
Please open your notebooks To page 90 Title this page, “Macbeth Notes”

9 Macbeth Setting: Midieval Scottland Plot: The plot is heavily
influenced by the supernatural Supernatural: Of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible universe, especially relating to spirits, ghosts, or fortune telling, etc.

10 Macbeth About: Macbeth is a story about a man who is blinded by ambition. Ambition: An eager, strong desire to achieve something Who is Macbeth? Macbeth is a Scottish General and the Thane of Glamis. *Thane: a man who is the chief of a clan and a hereditary nobleman.

11 Macbeth Power: Macbeth is told he will be king by three witches.
Blind Ambition: Macbeth is determined to make this true Who is Lady Macbeth? She is Macbeth’s wife: determined, power hungry, and she eventually becomes the victim of madness


13 Macbeth: Main Characters
Please open your notebooks To page 91 Title this page, “Macbeth Main Characters”

14 Three Weird Sisters The Witches: Open the play. Foresee that Macbeth will become king of Scotland ‘Weird’ comes from the old English term ‘wyrd’ meaning ‘fate’ The Weird Sisters (Witches) are closely tied to Fate in action as well as etymology

15 Macbeth About: Macbeth is a beloved Scottish general who bravely defends his king and country in battle. After hearing the three weird sisters' prophesy that he will one day rule Scotland, Macbeth commits murder and other tyrannous acts to secure his position as king.

16 Lady Macbeth About: Macbeth’s wife. She is worried that her husband isn’t man enough to take the throne and become king She takes matters ‘into her own hands’ Lady Macbeth pays dearly for her unabashed desire

17 Banquo About: Also a General in the Scottish Army. Banquo is very close to Macbeth and they are often compared to each other The Three Weird Sisters prophesize that his sons will be kings, but he will not be Shakespeare purposely juxtaposes Macbeth’s ruthless desire to Banquo’s curious interest

18 King Duncan About: The man who is currently king when we begin reading the play Duncan is a kindly old man who is generous with compassionate words and titles for the men who help him protect his land The audience is supposed to love Duncan

19 Malcolm Fleance Macduff
About: King Duncan’s son and next in line for the throne Fleance About: Banquo’s son (said by the witches to be a king one day) Macduff About: Thane of Fife and resolves to murder Macbeth to avenge the deaths of his family and village

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