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Connected Mathematics Program

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1 Connected Mathematics Program
Grades 6-8 Math Branchburg Schools

2 What does “Standards-based” mean?
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) published Principles and Standards for School Mathematics in 2000. New Jersey Department of Education Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS) are closely aligned with the NCTM standards.

3 Rise in Math Scores corresponds with NCTM Standards New York Times Article - Nov. 14, 2003

4 New Jersey CCCS - Math Vision
Students excited by and interested in their activities. Students learning important mathematical concepts rather than simply memorizing and practicing procedures. Students posing and solving meaningful problems. Students working together to learn mathematics. Students writing and talking about math topics every day. Students using calculators and computers as important tools of learning. Students whose teachers who have high expectations for ALL of their students. Students being assessed by a variety of assessment strategies, not just traditional short-answer tests.

5 Why Do We Need a New Middle Math Program?
Third International Math & Science Study Studies by NCTM, Congress, Project 2061, NSF and NJ Weaknesses in our current programs as reflected on the NJASK NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Our Children Deserve the Best

6 Selection of Instructional Materials (Project 2061)

7 Mathematics and Science Expert Panel for the U. S
Mathematics and Science Expert Panel for the U.S. Department of Education (1999). Mathematics and Science Expert Panel Promising & Exemplary Mathematics Programs. Evaluation report prepared by the U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C.

8 Why Do many NJ Districts use the Connected Math Program?
It directly Maps to New Jersey Standards It is complete It is research based It is effective It is Rated #1

9 Connected Math in the Classroom
Launch-Explore-Summarize Problem-Centered Practice Materials

10 The Connected Math Program
Each of the 40 questions in a sample NJASK8 test have been directly linked with CMP in grades 6, 7 or 8.

11 NJASK8 Open-Ended Problem
The Packing Company wants to lower the cost of its boxes by reducing the surface area while keeping the volume the same. One of the boxes is shown here.

12 A 12 inch x 8 inch x 3 inch Box Find the volume of this box.
Show how you found your answer. Find the surface area of this box. Find the dimensions of a box that has the same volume but less surface area.Show how you found your answer.

13 CMP and NJASK8

14 CMP and NJASK8 “Find all the ways 24 cubes can
be arranged into a rectangular prism. Record length, width, height, volume, and surface area in a chart.” “Which arrangement requires the box made with the least material?” “Which requires the box made with the most material?”

15 CMP and the SAT

16 CMP and the SAT Jaime says the spread of the giant sequoia is less than 50% Of the spread of the swamp chestnut oak. Is he correct?

17 CME Algebra Goals Innovative, research-based instruction
Problem-based, student-centered curriculum Engaging lessons that focus on developing students' Habits of Mind Accessible approach to capture and engage students of all ability levels

18 CME Algebra Methodology
Developing Habits of the Mind, or ways students approach and solve mathematical challenges. Deepening mathematical understanding by moving students from applying concepts to adapting them in logical, organized ways. Advancing basic skills to evolve from concrete problems to abstractions and general theories. Meeting the dual goals of mathematical rigor and accessibility for a broad range of students.

19 Classes 6th grade Math 6 6th grade Pre-Algebra
(Connected Math 6) (CMP 6/7) 7th Grade Math th grade Pre-Algebra Algebra (Connected Math 7) (CMP 7/8) (CME-Algebra) 8th Grade 8th grade Pre-Algebra Algebra Geometry (Connected Math 8) (CME-Algebra) (Same Text)

20 What Professional Development will Teachers Need to Implement a New Program?
Observations of teachers in other districts Workshops Lead by Expert Teachers Study Groups Co-teaching lessons

21 How Will We Assess the Progress of Students Using a New Math Program?
Assessments during the year NJASK Survey of students, parents, and teachers attitudes about math

22 How Can Parents Understand the Changes in the Middle School Math Program?
Family Letters Parent Brochure Parent Workshop Web links

23 How Can Parents Help? Encourage your child to do his or her homework on a regular basis. Provide a regular place and time to do homework. Have your child show you her or his mathematics notebook and explain to you what she or he has been doing in class. Help him or her to be more organized. Look for sections in the notebook that contain class notes, vocabulary, homework, and assessment pieces. Have your child explain the words in the vocabulary list or the solution to a problem. Encourage your child by explaining that you believe that she or he can succeed through trying and working hard at the assignments.

24 How Does this Fit into the K-12 District Math Program?
Standards-based Math Programs Algebra for More Students New HS math requirements SATs

25 Websites

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