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Music Year 7 learning cycles 1-4

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1 Music Year 7 learning cycles 1-4
Unit What are we learning? 1 Rhythm In groups you will create a rhythm piece using at least 4 different words You will increase awareness to the importance of pulse as a fundamental upon which music is built and performed. Develop a feeling for and awareness of a regular pulse Jikel Emaweni In the project you will recognise, perform and create African music with an understanding of musical conventions and processes You will explore different rhythmic processes used in African music – cyclic rhythms, polyrhythms, syncopation and call and response and apply these to own composition and performance activities You will learn about different African musical instruments and make connections between these sounds and timbres available within the classroom You will listen to a range of different African music, identifying characteristic musical features 2 Boogie Woogie and 12 bar blues In this project you will learn about the styles Boogie Woogie and Blues including its history You will learn how to perform a walking bass, improvisation and chords and how they are used in jazz and blues music You will also learn how to perform the 12-bar blues, the blues scale, swing rhythms and seventh chords. 3 Ukulele In this project you will learn to play the ukulele and perform chords and a melody You will work in small groups to put on a performance based on the Axis of Awesome 4 chords songs Find Your Voice In this project you will develop your vocal skills including the importance of warming up the voice before singing and singing in tune and in time with others in a variety of roles and contexts. You will Perform a wide variety of different types and styles of songs from different times and different places with awareness of parts. You will explore how the voice can be used in different ways and use ICT to create, refine and manipulate vocal sounds 4 Alabama Shakes – Band work and Ho Hey – ‘Make it your own’ In the project you will work independently in small groups to prepare a performance of two songs. You will explore different parts on keyboard/piano, guitar, bass guitar, ukulele, drum kit and voice demonstrating accurate pitch, melody, rhythm, timbre and dynamics. You will use musical notation and or/playing by ear You will perform with acceptable accuracy and sing/play in parts with clear diction, in tune and with good posture At the end of the project you will evaluate and analyse music listening to and identifying features and concepts heard

2 Music Year 8 learning cycles 1-4
Unit What are we learning? 1 Dance Macabre and Leitmotif In this project we will learn about the power of music and how it can create mood, atmosphere and tell a story. We will play and listen to music by different composers and then create a piece of PROGRAMME MUSIC using LEITMOTIFS and different composing techniques 2 GCSE Performance In this project we will work on your own or a group to prepare, rehearse and perform a piece of music of your choice which will be assessed as a GCSE performance. You may choose any instrument or voice. 3 Song Writing In this project we will learn about the different types and styles of songs from different times, places and styles How popular songs have been performed in different arrangements by different groups and artists About the importance of structure in popular songs  To create own popular song that uses structure, instrumentation , lyrics, chords, melody and other features learned about  Learn about hooks and riffs and how these have been used in popular songs   4 Film Music  In this project we will learn how music can enhance the visual images and dramatic impact of film, and can reflect the emotional and narrative messages of the drama. How film soundtrack composers use sound effects, leitmotifs, themes and instrumentation together with tools such as cuesheets and storyboard to assist your planning of a film soundtrack How film music can change the viewer’s interpretation of a scene How to create an effective musical narrative for a film scene, using appropriate techniques and structures to create an intended effect.

3 Year 9 and 10 assessments for learning cycles 1-4
Unit What are we learning? 1 Rehearsal skills The Music Department is putting on a charity concert for Christmas 2017 and your class has been asked to contribute a selection of performances. Each student must take part in 15 minutes of musical material – this can be made up of ensemble and/or solo performances.  You are to prepare 15 minutes worth of musical material for a performance. You can work in groups or individually to rehearse 5 songs. You can decide what pieces you play and who you work with, but remember that you will be assessed on your preparation and rehearsal, not on the quality of performance for this unit. You also need to identify the support you will need and ask for it when you need it. You are required to keep a diary of your progress, setting yourself targets and reviewing them on a regular basis. Evidence will be in the form of your progress diary, tutor observations and videos of milestone performances and dress rehearsals. 2 Rehearsal skills cont. This unit aims to develop the skills needed for effective rehearsal, ensuring that you are fully prepared for live performance. Throughout this project you will be expected to: Devise a rehearsal schedule and individual action plan Investigate a variety of rehearsal methods Maintain a progress diary Work effectively as a team Participate in group discussions Work with increasing independence from staff

4 Year 9 and 10 assessments for learning cycles 1-4
Unit What are we learning? Assessment Week Super Teaching Week 3+4 Controlled Assessment Mock – Live Music Performance In this project you will prepare a final 15 minute set of music which will include the following: You will plan for a live performance  1.1. describe personal aims in relation to the live performance including own image, repertoire and audience expectation 1.2. propose ideas for the performance 1.3. produce a production plan to meet the needs of an agreed brief 1.4. describe heath and safety issues in the context of a live performance You will demonstrate, in collaboration with others, the skills to perform a set in a specific live environment to a target audience 2.1. make appropriate modifications to the performance in the light of other contributions 2.2. present a performance to a target audience You will reflect on your performance and consider ways to improve future performances 3.1. review their performance in the light of feedback 3.2. suggest ways to improve future performances

5 Year 11 assessments for learning cycles 1-4
Unit What are we learning? Assessment Week Super Teaching Week 1 Rehearsal skills The Music Department is putting on a charity concert for Christmas 2017 and your class has been asked to contribute a selection of performances. Each student must take part in 15 minutes of musical material – this can be made up of ensemble and/or solo performances.  You are to prepare 15 minutes worth of musical material for a performance. You can work in groups or individually to rehearse 5 songs. You can decide what pieces you play and who you work with, but remember that you will be assessed on your preparation and rehearsal, not on the quality of performance for this unit. You also need to identify the support you will need and ask for it when you need it. You are required to keep a diary of your progress, setting yourself targets and reviewing them on a regular basis. Evidence will be in the form of your progress diary, tutor observations and videos of milestone performances and dress rehearsals. 2 Rehearsal skills cont. This unit aims to develop the skills needed for effective rehearsal, ensuring that you are fully prepared for live performance. Throughout this project you will be expected to: Devise a rehearsal schedule and individual action plan Investigate a variety of rehearsal methods Maintain a progress diary Work effectively as a team Participate in group discussions Work with increasing independence from staff

6 Year 11 assessments for learning cycles 1-4
Unit What are we learning? 3 Controlled Assessment – Live Music Performance In this project you will prepare a final 15 minute set of music which will include the following: You will plan for a live performance  1.1. describe personal aims in relation to the live performance including own image, repertoire and audience expectation 1.2. propose ideas for the performance 1.3. produce a production plan to meet the needs of an agreed brief 1.4. describe heath and safety issues in the context of a live performance You will demonstrate, in collaboration with others, the skills to perform a set in a specific live environment to a target audience 2.1. make appropriate modifications to the performance in the light of other contributions 2.2. present a performance to a target audience You will reflect on your performance and consider ways to improve future performances 3.1. review their performance in the light of feedback 3.2. suggest ways to improve future performances 4 Listening to Music In this project you will learn to appraise music by analysing its musical elements, emotional responses to it and factors that govern these. Recognise the relationship between the key elements of music and the personal responses they elicit. Identify your likes and dislikes in music Identify personal factors that govern this Identify factors in the music that govern this Identify moods and responses that music can create Identify elements of musical composition that influence these reactions and responses.

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