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Intro to the Animal Kingdom

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1 Intro to the Animal Kingdom

2 What is an Animal? Kingdom Animalia Multicellular; eukaryotic
Reproduce sexually & asexually Specialized Parts cells --> tissues --> organs --> organ systems Movement (adaptation that helps get food!) Consumers

3 Classifying Animals Invertebrates Vertebrates No backbone
Make up more than 95% of all animals Examples: insects, snails, worms, jellyfish Vertebrates Has a backbone Make up less than 5% of all animals Include: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds & mammals

4 Invertebrate Characteristics
Great diversity in this group Three basic body plans (called symmetry) Bilateral Radial Asymmetrical Nerves Guts

5 Bilateral Symmetry Two sides of the body mirror each other

6 Radial Symmetry Body is organized around the center, like spokes on a wheel

7 Asymmetrical Not Symmetrical!
You cannot draw a straight line to divide its body into 2 or more equal parts

8 Invertebrates Have no backbone Classified by their type of symmetry
Groups of Invertebrates: Sponges Cnidarians Flat Worms Round Worms Annelid Worms Mollusks Arthropods Echinoderms

9 Invertebrate Nerves All animals have nerves except sponges
The job of nerves: Sense environment Send messages around the body to control the animal’s actions

10 Invertebrate Nerve Structure
Simple Inverts have nerve cords Packs of nerves on a single path Some Inverts have ganglia Concentrated mass of nerve cells; each ganglion controls different parts of the body Ganglia are connected by nerve cords Complex Inverts have a brain to control the ganglia

11 Invertebrate Guts Gut: Coelom (see-lum) digestive tract
breaks down food which cells then absorb In some complex inverts, it’s inside the coelom Coelom (see-lum) Body cavity that surrounds the gut in complex Inverts Contains organs (heart, lungs, etc.) Keeps digestion separate from other body processes

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