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Voting Patterns LG: I will identify forms of political participation, and assess the effect on voter turnout.

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Presentation on theme: "Voting Patterns LG: I will identify forms of political participation, and assess the effect on voter turnout."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voting Patterns LG: I will identify forms of political participation, and assess the effect on voter turnout

2 7.4 FIGURE 7.3: Political participation and awareness in the United States Ten years from now, which of these activities would you expect to become more prevalent, and which less so?

3 I. Ways to Participate Blogs, interest group, protests, boycotts, pickets, sit-ins, & marches Efficacy: citizens believe they can influence political events, trusting the system

4 II. Voting Voting requirements have been set by the states
Requirements set through laws & amendments Voter registration causes obstacles Motor Voter Bill: eases registration burden but didn’t increase voter turnout

5 7.4 TABLE 7.4: Women’s suffrage timeline
Our ideas about suffrage, the right to vote, have changed over time. This timeline about women’s suffrage is an example.

6 7.4 TABLE 7.5: Changes in voting eligibility standards since 1870
How have “the people” included in our government by the people changed since the founding of our country?

7 III. Turnout Highest: presidential elections Lowest: local elections
i. Attributed to the burden of registration falling on the voters

8 7.4 FIGURE 7.4: Voter turnout in presidential elections, 1789–2008
Voter turnout began to drop significantly around 1900, in part as a result of election reforms.

9 7.4 FIGURE 7.5: Voter turnout in presidential and midterm elections, 1992–2010 Midterm elections have lower voter turnouts.

10 IV. Who Votes? Education is the most important predictor

11 7.4 This poster, published by the League of Women Voters, urged women to use the vote the Nineteenth Amendment had given them.

12 V. Nonvoting Lower turnout may indicate approval of the status quo
Higher turnout may indicate desire for change

13 7.4 TABLE 7.6: Why people do not vote
What reforms could you suggest to help negate the most often cited reason for not voting?

14 VI. Voting by Party Voters vote with the party they prefer
Independent voters are increasing

15 VII. Voting by Candidate
Candidate appeal Candidate-centered politics

16 VII. Voting by Issue Issues voting is less common
“wedge issues” motivate people to vote Retrospective voting is a direct reflection of what the current leaders are doing in gov’t Prospective voting where voters vote hoping the candidate will do a good job

17 VIII. Impact of Campaigns
Effective campaigns increase voting Importance of money

18 “I don’t believe in making it easy for apathetic, lazy people to vote
“I don’t believe in making it easy for apathetic, lazy people to vote.” Same Ervin Agree or disagree, why?

19 7 Discussion Question How would you describe your own political attitudes? Liberal? Conservative? Does the American political system allow for independent ideologies? How?


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