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Presentation on theme: "Jason,Allie,Nukia,Stephanie"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jason,Allie,Nukia,Stephanie

2 Did you know that Zeus is the bull because Zeus changed himself into a bull .The bull is the symbol for power and strength.Did you know that Taurus is the second sign of Zodiac.They belived that Taurs is named for Venus. All about the Taurus

3 All about Taurus In mytholgy Greek Zeuse falls in love with the Europa,the daugther of king of tyre.Thousands of years ago people worshippedThe Bull as a god Apis.

4 Taurus and man

5 Taurus in the sky

6 By Allie Taurus

7 The Taurus, is a zodiac sign that people born from April 20-May 20 are born with. In that time, you are able to see the Taurus constellation in the sky. This is a picture of the Taurus constellation. Taurus constellation

8 Horns of the taurus In this constellation picture, you see the actual Taurus. It doesn’t really look like the Taurus, but you do see the horns, which makes it like a bull.

9 So what’s the mythology(story) Taurus the bull.
By Nukia- The Mythology 9

10 Years ago in Memphis, Egypt archaeologists found the ancient tomb of the aphis-bulls. The aphis-bulls lead to the tomb there selves was a board paved avenue lined by lions carved out of stone. This is a ancient tomb.

11 Spring was when festivals honoring the aphis-bulls were held
Spring was when festivals honoring the aphis-bulls were held. Spring was also the time when the River Nile gently over flowed it’s banks and brought life – giving water to the land/, a time for planting to begin. This Is a saying.

12 Gradually the white bull wandered closer to the sea and when near the beach he ran into the water and began to swim toward the island or Crete. By this time it was to late for Europa to climb off. The climbing of Europa.

13 The constellation of the Taurus.
If you look for a Taurus in the sky don’t expect a entire bull. 10.00pm Apr. 15 The constellation of the Taurus.

14 So What’s the meaning of the zodiac sign The Bull (Taurus)?
By Stephanie- the meanings of the bull (Taurus).

15 The Zodiac sign The Bull (known as the Taurus) Is the second zodiac sign of the twelve.
Tau star in Taurus.

16 This shows the Taurus as we would see it.
You are a Taurus if your birthday is between April 20th – May 20th you’re a Taurus. The chacteristics of the Taurus is Loyal, Sensible, Possessive and Stubborn. This shows the Taurus as we would see it.

17 And last this is the Taurus constellation.
The Taurus can have a lot of friends in life. Always located by Arise and Orion. Taurus is the sign of the bull love and beauty rules this sign! And last this is the Taurus constellation.

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