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Regional System Analysis of Introduction of Hydrogen in Norway

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1 Regional System Analysis of Introduction of Hydrogen in Norway
International Energy Workshop Venice, June 2009 Kari Aamodt Espegren, Eva Rosenberg Institute for Energy Technology Norway

2 Outline The Norwegian energy system
Three regional energy system models (MARKAL) Basic assumptions Scenario analysis Conclusion Provide decision support for introduction of hydrogen as an energy carrier

3 Energy production vs final energy use in Norway
- 500 1 000 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 Production Energy use Bio energy Hydro- and wind power Natural gas Oil Other use Use of el. Transportation TWh/year Source: SSB

4 CO2 emissions from end use sectors
Source: SSB

5 Regional MARKAL models
Regions divided in urban and rural areas Variations in drive cycles for vehicles used in urban and rural areas Regional models with limited import/export possibilities Special focus on transport sector Divided in urban and rural areas in order to analyse different production and transport alternatives and demand variations

6 Electricity prices

7 Energy prices

8 Vehicle prices

9 Vehicle cost as function of produced vehicles
Source: HyWays

10 Investment costs of hydrogen production technologies

11 Modeling hydrogen infrastructure
Central H2 production H2 pipe Urban Gas storage El Electrolysis Gas trailer Filling station Electrolysis Bio Bio gasific. SMR NG H2 + el NG SMR Rural Gas storage NG SMR CCS Gas trailer Filling station Electrolysis H2 H2 bi-prod SMR

12 Interaction with infrastructure model
Starting point: H2 transport by pipeline 5 km, and trailer 20 km Iteration result: H2 transport by pipeline 10.7 km, and trailer 8.7 km

13 Scenarios HyWays: Basic assumptions with technology costs (H2) based on results from the HyWays project No tax: No taxes on transport energy (“revenue neutral”) CO2 reduction: Reduced CO2 emissions by 75% in 2050 Reference: Based on the assumptions of World Energy Outlook with no new transport technologies

14 Private vehicles in the HyWays scenario
Reduction in transport energy due to increased efficiency Oslo: Transition from fossils fuels via bio diesel to plug-in hybrids Rogaland and Telemark: From fossil fuels via bio diesel to HFC

15 Hydrogen production in the HyWays scenario

16 Private vehicles in the NoTax scenario
All regions: More use of fossils fuels – also natural gas Delayed introduction of hydrogen vehicles

17 Hydrogen production in the NoTax scenario

18 Private vehicles in the CO2 scenario
All regions: Faster transition from fossils fuels to HFC. Plug-in vehicles are not competitive due to the share of fossil fuels

19 Hydrogen production in the CO2 scenario

20 CO2 emissions in the Energy Region (Rogaland)

21 CO2 emissions in the City Region (Oslo)

22 CO2 emissions in the Industry Region (Telemark)

23 Main conclusions The overall efficiency is greatly improved compared with present used technologies (HFC, Plug-in) Regional differences – different solutions Higher electricity price & high hydrogen price: Plug-in hybrids No energy taxes: delayed introduction of hydrogen cars CO2 limitations: Renewable energy is used for hydrogen production (electrolysis or bio gasification) The challenge: find the right balance between bio fuels, hydrogen and electricity

24 Institute for Energy Technology
Thank you! Kari Aamodt Espegren Institute for Energy Technology

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