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Career Education and career management skills

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1 Career Education and career management skills
Tristram Hooley Seminar for GIZ, Cairo, Egypt 27th November 2017

2 The parable of the three fishermen
Saving people – career crisis support Stopping them falling in – pre-emptive career support Teaching them to swim – career management learning

3 A paradigm change From ‘test and tell’ To ‘explore and learn’
A focus on career management skills shifts the focus of career guidance. From ‘test and tell’ To ‘explore and learn’ A medical model where we solve people’s problems An educational model where we teach knowledge and skills

4 So career management skills (CMS)
Are the skills that you need to navigate your way through life, learning and work. They are different to, but linked with, employability skills (what employers want you to do) and academic skills (what you need to be able to do to succeed in the education system). But, what, exactly are these skills?

5 So what skills do you need to manage your career?

6 CMS Frameworks

7 The purpose of CMS Frameworks
To articulate what career management skills are. To create a common language that can be used by all stakeholders (e.g. individuals, educators and employers). To support collaboration between stakeholders to deliver career management skills.

8 CMS in SCOTLAND Self Strengths Horizons Networks
I develop and maintain a positive self-image I maintain a balance that is right for me in my life, learning and work I adapt my behavior appropriately to fit a variety of contexts I am aware of how I change and grow throughout life I make positive career decisions Strengths I am aware of my skills, strengths and achievements I build on my strengths and achievements I am confident, resilient and able to learn when things do not go well or as expected I draw on my experiences and on formal and informal learning opportunities to inform and support my career choices Horizons I understand that there is a wide variety of learning and work opportunities that I can explore and are open to me I know how to find and evaluate information and support to help my career development I am confident in responding to and managing change within my life and work roles I am creative and enterprising in the way I approach my career development I identify how my life, my work, my community and my society interact Networks I interact confidently and effectively with others to build relationships I use information and relationships to secure, create and maintain work I develop and maintain a range of relationships that are important for my career journey

9 Opportunity awareness
DOTS Framework Decision-making Opportunity awareness Transition skills Self-awareness

10 So what can you do with CMS?
In one-to-one for client assessment and action planning Do your clients have these skills? Could they develop them? Which one’s are blocking their career development? What should they focus on? In group work and career education What do you want them to learn? Do the career management skills provide a structure for learning? Can you assess against them? In consultancy with other professionals e.g. teachers or human resource management professionals Can the CMS integrate with the learning outcomes and frameworks that they are already using?

11 KOLB’s learning cycle Concrete experience Reflection and observation
Abstraction and conceptualisation Active experimentation

12 A tool for Designing career learning
What would someone need to know and be able to do in order to agree with that statement Resources and activities I maintain a balance that is right for me in my life, learning and work Assessment Can they provide evidence that they can do this?

13 The vision Career management skills support individuals in their career development. They know what is important and focus on it as they move through life. Career management skills provide a framework for careers professionals and services to deliver coherent and consistent services. A career management skills framework allows career development to be built into all aspects of society.

14 References Australian Government, Department for Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations (2010), Australian Blueprint for Career Development, Hooley, T., Watts, A.G., Sultana, R. and Neary, S. (2013). The ‘Blueprint’ framework for career management skills: a critical exploration. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 41:2, Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Law, B. and Watts, A.G. (2015). Career education. In Hooley, T and Barham, L. Career Development in Policy and Practice: The Tony Watts Reader. Stafford: Highflyers Resources.Skills Development Scotland (SDS) (2012). Career Management Skills Framework for Scotland. Glasgow: SDS. Neary, S., Dodd, V. and Hooley, T. (2015). Understanding Career Management Skills: Findings From the First Phase of the CMS Leader Project. Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby. My blog has a lot of CMS related resources at management-skills/

15 Tristram Hooley Director of Research, The Careers & Enterprise Company/ Professor of Career Education, University of Derby/ Professor II, Inland Norway University of Applied Science @pigironjoe Blog at

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