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First of its kind study in the world to look at the factors that enable or hinder the giving and receiving of private social investment. Why? To address.

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Presentation on theme: "First of its kind study in the world to look at the factors that enable or hinder the giving and receiving of private social investment. Why? To address."— Presentation transcript:



3 First of its kind study in the world to look at the factors that
enable or hinder the giving and receiving of private social investment. Why? To address the trust deficit across Asia To map and benchmark the philanthropic landscape in Asia How? Looking at 4 sets of factors (regulatory, tax & fiscal policies, procurement & ecosystem) Who? Worked with partners who surveyed experts and social delivery organizations in each country (in South Korea, the Beautiful Foundation is our partner) Goal To help philanthropists, the media and government policy makers understand what levers can best increase and enhance local giving

4 What’s unique about South Korea?
Prevalence of membership driven advocacy focused NGOs Response to forty years of authoritarian rule ( ) Focusing on issues such as the environment, women’s rights and social justice Today there are 7,600 such organizations Tend to be suspicious of government and chaebols. Which means… Government and chaebols are also suspicious of SDOs.

5 Enthusiasm for social enterprises
2007 Law on the Promotion of Social Enterprises 2007 36 initially registered 2011 501 Officially registered 2017 (October) 1814 officially registered Source – KOSEA website

6 Societal support for social delivery organizations (SDOs)
Award for philanthropy Award for CSR SDOs trusted (Top 4 with Hong Kong, Philippines, and Japan) University courses on non-profit management, social enterprise and philanthropy National charity day

7 Still, the creation of social delivery organizations (SDOs) on the rise
Of the 140 SDO respondents to the DGI survey, representative of the sector more broadly.

8 Media portrayal of SDOs

9 Despite growth and interest, challenges remain including:
VERY low tax incentives for both individuals and corporates – profound impact on charitable giving. Multiple clearances, long registration wait periods and confusing laws surrounding organizations on the giving and receiving sides of philanthropy.

10 Funding is a challenge

11 Because…

12 One way to help with finances (and trust)…

13 Interesting new trends

14 Lots of upside potential
Technologically savvy citizens + Disposable income + Compassion = Opportunity to truly ramp up DOING GOOD! Thank you!

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