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Work Integrated/Related Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Work Integrated/Related Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Integrated/Related Learning
Lyn Leader-Elliott July 2009

2 What is WIL? ‘a range of approaches and strategies that integrate theory with the practice of work within a purposefully designed curriculum’ (Scoping study p v)

3 Some examples In-class teaching about work place requirements
Industry speakers in class Research projects set up in conjunction with industry Placements in all their variety

4 What are your objectives?
What do you want to achieve For your teaching area? For your research? For your students? Must be aligned with graduate qualities

5 Partnerships Successful WIL depends on building partnerships with industry/community organisations This means benefits should flow both ways

6 Community engagement Work related learning programs should be devised so they can complement community engagement and research activities

7 Workshop What do you want to achieve? How can you achieve it?
For your teaching area? For your research? For your students? How can you achieve it?

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