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Welcome Back-to-School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back-to-School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back-to-School
Please sign the sheet by the door I do not want to send home the classroom packet to parents that are here tonight. My name is Brian Gumm Sr. I have been married 31 years I have three children 31, 21, and 18 This is my thirteenth year in 5th grade Fifteen years in Central Unified School District I have four grandchildren; 13, 6, and two 4 month old twins

2 My Contact Information Address You may text me during the day at if needed. Parents and students may call or text me anytime between 7:00 am and 9:00 pm. Texting is the best way to get ahold of me though. Please be sure to have your name and child’s name on the first text for my contact list.

3 Homework Core content areas include math, reading, writing, spelling, grammar, science, and social science. Students should not have a lot of homework unless they do not use time wisely in class! Weekly Greek contracts Weekly spelling and vocabulary contracts Reading nightly, including weekends, to ensure comprehension skills develop.

4 Mathematics Math is taught using multiple groups based on ability and time it takes to master concepts. Last year I had six groups, however it depends on the year’s students. SGB6, SGB5, SGB4, SGB3, SGB2, and SGB1 Critical math concepts that will contribute to mastering fifth grade standards are: Multiplication Division Place value (billions to ten-thousandths) Adding and subtracting decimals

5 Reading and Accelerated Reader
English language Arts will consist the following materials: Science expository text classroom novels Social Science expository text Poetry focusing on figurative language Short articles Accelerated Reader is critical for all students AR STAR expectations Parent GE letter will go home to be signed on the first Monday AR points are not part of a grade but are a personal goal they should meet! However, all AR comprehension tests from classroom novels will be inserted in the gradebook.

6 Writing, Spelling, and Grammar
Writing assignments Concept summaries and small assignments will occur We will have a minimum at least six major writing assignments for the year The typical length should be 5-10 paragraphs (six to eight sentences) Spelling words They will not be the words in their practice books. Words are selected based on what we are learning in class and are across the curriculum. Grammar Concepts will be required to be used in all weekly writing assignments. Homework is mostly short story or paragraphs that demonstrate proper use. Tests will consist of paragraphs and justifying proper use.

7 Science and Social Science
Science will be taught five days a week Science text book is online (see “About” in Google Classroom Students will be given a login username and password. Smarter Balanced Test will be administered in early May 30-40 projects will be done throughout the year. Once one is done, we’ll begin a new one. Science fair process will be taught in class Science fair club will be used to support the District Science Fair before school. Social science will be integrated in the reading block on a daily basis. American history is the focus

8 Teacher-Parent Communicator The Tuesday folder goes home every Monday.
Name:___________________________ Date: xx - xx xxxx Accelerated Reader: Your child needs to maintain an average of 85% or higher on all A/R tests. Currently your child has earned _____points with a point goal of______ for the first quarter. Likewise, he/she has an overall test average of _____% on first quarter A/R tests. AR t ests end on xx . Homework Assignments If this box is checked your child has been clear for the entire week. If this box is checked your child is missing the following class work or homework and has received a zero until turned in. Your child will use their recess time until work is completed. _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______ Behavior for the Week q Excellent: made great decisions and worked hard in class. Needs improvement in the following areas: o Listening in class Low A/R points Not talking to neighbors during instruction Completing assignments on time Working collabor atively in their group Treating others how they want to be treated Name has been on the board more than once Multiple Classroom Disruptions Yes or No Teacher signature ______________ ____________________ Date:_ _____________ Parent signature _________ ____________________________ ____ ______ Date _______________ Parent comments:____________________________ _____ ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Teacher-Parent Communicator The Tuesday folder goes home every Monday. Parents are to sign and return on Tuesday morning

9 Discipline and My Expectations
I expect every student to be on task at all times in class I will not allow any child to disrupt your child’s education Any disruption will be dealt with in the following steps in class. Verbal warning Name on board (lunch detention) Tally next to the name, child calls home and asks for a consequence at home, loss of lunch in class for the quarter, additional day in lunch detention, and Friday detention. Second check denotes additional lunchtime detention, teacher calls home, and Central Unified Behavior Contract will be enforced. Third check, child is sent to the office, student calls parent with administrator, and Central Unified Elementary Discipline Contract is enforced.

10 Discuss or Distribute Parent Questionnaire went home on Wednesday.
Technology at home for student Discuss parent portal and gradebook Parent-Teacher Conferences Using Please be sure to give Mrs. Patty your current to receive all links via . Classroom Behavior Expectations for Parent/ Student to be signed BTS Packet will traded for the Parent Questionnaire

11 Apps to Download on Androids or Apple iOS (phones)
Google Classroom Google Docs Google Drive Google Slides Google Sheets Google Chrome

12 Google Classroom Resources About Textbooks Field Trips Newsletters
Last Slide Link



15 Field Trips 2017-2018 Scout Island September 19th & 21st
April 24th & 25th Canoeing, Ropes Course, Zip Lines, and Weather Watch The cost per student $25.00 Four chaperones per class may go; pending on clearance

16 Field Trips 2017-2018 San Tech Museum May 2nd Engineering Lab
Earth’s Weather IMAX Video Museum exhibit activities Cost is per student is $45 and chaperones are $20 12-14 chaperones per class may go; pending of clearance

17 Healthy School Initiative
Sugar free fruit cups: applesauce, mixed fruit, peaches, and pears Vegetable snacks: celery, cucumber, carrots, broccoli, Fruits: whole apples, sliced oranges, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, grapes, raisins, bananas, and pears. Grains: triscuits, baked chips, cheese nips Sugar free jello Cheese sticks

18 Class Shirts/ Questions
Class shirts cost $9.00 and any donation will be appreciated. However, I will cover the difference. If you have any questions, please raise your hand

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